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据国际糖尿病基金会(International Diabetes Foundation)的数据显示,2017年,每7个新加坡成年人中就有一名糖尿病患者,且新加坡的肥胖率自上世纪90年代以来,一直在增长。


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The ban, which will apply to "the least healthy" sugar-sweetened beverages, will cover all media platforms including print, broadcast and online, said Edwin Tong, Senior Minister of State for the city-state's Ministry of Health.


Soft drinks, juices, yogurt drinks and instant coffee would all be affected by the new regulation, the ministry said in a press release.


The ministry also says it will continue to gather consumer and industry feedback in the next few months, before announcing further details on its implementation next year.


Singapore to become first country banning ads on sugary drinks (via CNN)

图 via CNN


Such drinks as well as medium-to-high sugar content drinks must also carry a label on the front of the pack to signal that it is unhealthy.


Drinks affected include those in bottles, cans and packs. It covers two- or three-in-one instant drinks, soft drinks, juices and cultured milk and yoghurt drinks.


Announcing this on Thursday (Oct 10), Senior Minister of State for Health Edwin Tong said these changes are designed to encourage people to make more informed choices and to get manufacturers to reduce the sugar content in packaged sugar-sweetened beverages.


The front-of-pack label will be colour-coded and show a grade to indicate if the drink is healthy, neutral or unhealthy.


War on diabetes: Unhealthy label for high-sugar drinks, total ban on ads to be introduced in Singapore (via The Straits Times)

图 via The Straits Times


Two other proposals, including the possibility of introducing an excise duty or even an outright ban on high-sugar drinks, are still "on the agenda."


"We intend to study them more carefully," he added. "We want to find measures that are sustainable in the long-term, that shape not just market consumption behavior but also on the supply side to drive reformulation."


Singapore to become first country banning ads on sugary drinks (via CNN)



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整合:Du Qiongfang

资料:CNN, The Straits Times

图/题图:Getty Images, CNN, The Straits Times