每日新闻播报(March 13)


>Money can't buy you love 美'软饭男'中18亿元大奖 A New Jersey lottery winner netted a staggering $273 million jackpot last week - but his ex-wife has said that even his newly inflated bank balance won't be enough to buy back her affections. Mike Weirsky, 54, was confirmed as the Mega Millions Jackpot winner on Thursday, but his former partner Eileen Murray says she still doesn't regret ending their marriage of 15 years in October. According to Murray, 53, Weirsky had been unemployed on-and-off for several years toward the end of their union, leaving the bulk of the breadwinning down to her. Though the specific reason for their sudden split wasn't offered, Murray revealed she had to pay Weirsky a large sum of money in the divorce, and is still paying him spousal support income even now. Murray says she doesn't think her former husband will be forthcoming with cash to pay her back, but even if he does it won't be enough to buy her love, she said. "He's not appealing to me all of a sudden because he has this money," she said. 上周,新泽西州一名男子中了一笔2.73亿美元(约人民币18.3亿元)的彩票头奖,不过,他的前妻表示,即使有再多的钱,也不足以让她回到这个男人的身边。54岁的迈克•韦尔斯基7日被确认为美国超级百万彩票的头奖得主,但他的前妻、53岁的艾琳•默里丝毫不后悔在去年10月结束了这段长达15年的婚姻。默里说,在他们的婚姻结束前,韦尔斯基已经断断续续失业了好几年,把养家糊口的重任留给她一个人。虽然没有透露他们突然分手的具体原因,但默里表示,她在离婚时还给了韦尔斯基一大笔钱,而且直到现在她仍在支付"配偶赡养费"。默里表示,她不认为前夫中奖后会拿钱还她,但即使他这么做了,也不足以让她回心转意。"他对我已经没有任何吸引力了,"默里说,"即便他一夜暴富,也改变不了这一事实。"

[Photo/Ten Fold Engineering]

>Foldable house created 英工程师造可折叠房屋 British engineers have developed an incredible £100,000 flat-packed house that can be unfolded in 10 minutes. The adaptable unit can then be packed up with all its furnishings and transported on a lorry just as quickly. The creators of Ten Fold hope to revolutionize the UK property market by mass producing the stackable homes. Inventor David Martyn, 58, said its built-in folding partitions and storage space allow it to be used as a home, classrooms, business spaces, pop-up shops, hospital operating theatres and emergency shelters for refugees. Furnishing such as sofas, beds, chairs, and tables can be tucked away in storage spaces and the whole unit is folded away and relocated in a truck without any specialist tools. Martyn and his team of four engineers have spent seven years and £4m developing and patenting their designs. 英国的工程师们发明出一种售价10万英镑、超赞的组装房屋,可以在10分钟内展开。展开后的可折叠房屋可以连同室内所有的家具一起被同样迅速地打包起来、装到卡车上。Ten Fold可折叠房屋的发明者希望通过量产这种可堆叠式房屋变革英国的房产市场。58岁的发明家大卫•马丁称,这种房屋内置的折叠式隔板和储物空间使其可以被用作家庭住房、教室、营业场所、快闪店、医院手术室和难民应急避难所。沙发、床、椅子和桌子等家具都可以藏在储物空间内,整个房子无需任何专门的工具即可折叠起来放到卡车上。马丁和他团队里的四名工程师花费7年时间、耗资400万英镑来研究这一设计和为其申请专利。

Kane Tanaka receives a certificate in Fukuoka, southwestern Japan, on March 9, 2019, from Guinness World Records recognizing her as the world's oldest living person at 116.[Photo/IC]

>Woman, 116, named oldest 116岁老妪成最长寿老人 A 116-year-old Japanese woman who still enjoys studying math and playing board games has been recognized as the world's oldest person, the Guinness World Records said Saturday. Kane Tanaka was born on Jan 2, 1903, the year when the Wright brothers launched humanity's first powered flight, according to Guinness. Asked what moment she was the most happy in life, she replied: "Now." Kane normally wakes each morning at 6 am and passes the afternoons by studying mathematics and practicing calligraphy. "One of Kane's favorite pastimes is a game of Othello and she's become an expert at the classic board game, often beating rest-home staff," Guinness said. 吉尼斯世界纪录9日称,现年116岁、仍爱学习数学和玩棋盘游戏的日本女性田中加子被认定为世界上最长寿的人。吉尼斯方面称,田中生于1903年1月2日,那年莱特兄弟试飞了人类史上首架动力飞机。当被问及人生中最开心的时刻为何时,田中回答:"正是现在。"吉尼斯方面表示,田中通常每天清晨6点起床,下午学习数学、练习书法。玩经典棋类游戏奥赛罗棋是田中最爱的消遣之一,她已经是奥赛罗棋高手,经常击败养老院的人。


>US citizens need EU visa 欧盟取消60国免签待遇 US citizens visiting parts of Europe will need authorization from the European Union come 2021. Currently, US citizens can travel to Europe for up to 90 days without any sort of travel authorization. A European Travel Information and Authorization System, or ETIAS will change that. The European Parliament agreed to establish ETIAS in July. The US won't be the only country affected by the changes. From 2021, citizens from 60 countries will be required to apply for the ETIAS before entering the Schengen Area. Brazil, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Israel and Mauritius are among those countries. They can complete an application and pay a service fee of 7 euros online. The authorization is valid for three years. Dimitris Avramopoulos, the European commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship, indicated that the requirement was put in place for security reasons. 自2021年起,赴欧洲地区旅行的美国公民须获得欧盟的授权。目前美国公民无需获得任何形式的旅游授权,即可赴欧进行长达90天的旅行。"欧洲旅行信息及授权系统"将改变这一现状。欧洲议会于去年7月批准建立该系统。美国并非唯一受到这一变化影响的国家。自2021年起,巴西、加拿大、新西兰、新加坡、以色列、毛里求斯等60个国家的公民在进入申根区域前,均须向"欧洲旅行信息及授权系统"提交申请。游客可在网上完成申请并在线支付7欧元的服务费,授权有效期为3年。欧盟委员会移民、内政和公民事务委员季特斯•阿夫拉莫普洛斯指出,欧盟出于安全原因制定了这项要求。

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