地表最强 | 全球最大的数据中心你想到几个?

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Finding out who owns the biggest data center is harder than you might think.

谁拥有世界上最大的数据中心? 今年早些时候,我试图为我正在撰写的一个专栏回答这个问题,本以为通过谷歌快速搜索就可以得到结果。但是,在浏览了一些简单的列表之后,很明显现实情况要复杂一些。 根据众多出版物,世界上最大的数据中心是中国电信云计算内蒙古信息园。

Who owns the world's largest data center? Earlier this year, I tried to answer this question for a feature I was working on, assuming the result would be a quick Google search away. But, after trawling through a number of simple listicles, it became clear that the reality is a little more complex. According to numerous publications, the world's largest data center is the China Telecom-Inner Mongolia Information Park.

它耗资 30 亿美元,占地 100 万平方米(10,763,910 平方英尺),六个数据机房耗电 150MW。 然而,这里有一个问题:不清楚 2013 年的项目实际上是否接近这个规模。 我们询问了中国电信(该公司最近在美国被禁止)既没有证实也没有否认它的存在。该公司在其网站上确实显示该地区有一个中国电信拥有的数据中心。通过进一步数据挖掘,发现它位于呼和浩特市和林格尔金盛路。

At a cost of $3 billion, it spans one million square meters (10,763,910 square feet) and consumes 150MW across six data halls. There's one problem, however: It's not clear the 2013 project is actually anywhere near that scale. We asked China Telecom, and the company - recently banned in the US - did not confirm nor deny its existence. On its website, the company does show that there is a China Telecom-owned data center in the region. Further digging finds that it is on Jinsheng Road in Horinger, Hohhot.

来自2017 年的官方媒体报道显示了六个数据机房的图片,我们将其与卫星影像相匹配。 卫星测量结果显示,每个大厅长 89m,宽 46m,每层楼的面积约为 4,361 平方米(我们通过测量同一影像中的汽车确认了测量的准确性)。官方媒体照片显示,每栋建筑有四层,每个数据中心的面积为 17,444 平方米。六个大厅总计面积为 104,664 平方米(是公开数字的十分之一),但尚不清楚该空间中有多少专门用于数据中心。

State media reports from 2017 show images of six halls, which we matched to satellite photography. Satellite measurements put each hall as 89m long, 46m wide, giving the buildings around 4,361 sq m per floor (we confirmed the accuracy of the measurements against cars viewable in the same images). State media photographs suggest four floors per building, making each data center span 17,444 sq m. Across the six halls, that's 104,664 sq m (1.1 million sq ft) - or a tenth of the public figure - and it’s not clear how much of that space is dedicated to data centers.

即使卫星摄影存在误差或我们看不到附属楼层,也很难理解如何将该建筑群视为世界上最大的数据中心。 我们联系了在该设施工作的数据中心技术人员,但尚未收到回复。 可见的建筑似乎是一个集中规划的城市和工业项目的开始,那里的开发要么在半途而废,要么在园区建设开始十年后仍在进行中。 空荡荡的十车道公路突然中断于干燥的草原。让我们继续讨论下一个最大的数据中心。事实证明,它也在呼和浩特——一个环境温度低、电力便宜、土地多的地区,使其具有投资吸引力。事实上,它应该就在中国电信数据中心旁边,即所谓的盛乐现代服务业集聚区。

Even with a margin for error on satellite photography or an extra floor we couldn’t see, it’s hard to understand how this cluster of buildings could be seen as the world’s largest data center. We reached out to data center technicians working at the facility, but have yet to hear back. The visible buildings appear to be the beginning of a centrally planned urban and industrial project, where development was either abandoned mid-way, or is still ongoing a decade after the campus began. Empty ten-lane highways end abruptly, giving way to dry grasslands. So let's move on to the next largest data center. It turns out that it's also in Hohhot - a region with low ambient temperatures, cheap power, and lots of land, making it an attractive investment. In fact, it’s meant to be right next to the China Telecoms data center, on what is referred to as the Shengle Modern Services Cluster.

“随着 5G 和中国雄心勃勃的计划,将需要建造更多的数据中心,中国希望这些数据中心位于内陆(沿海城市太拥挤),并希望它们使用更少的能源(因为它的目标是到 2060 年实现碳中和) ),”墨卡托中国研究所的 Jeroen Groenewegen-Lau 告诉 DCD。 “像内蒙古这样拥有丰富可再生能源和凉爽气候的地方将受益。” 早在 2014 年,中国移动就表示将斥资 19.2 亿美元在呼和浩特建设一个占地715,000 平方米的数据中心园区。这个项目是真实存在的——但是(再一次),数字可能不是真实的。美国绿色建筑委员会名单显示,7,400 平方米的中国移动呼和浩特数据中心办公室已通过 LEED 认证,证实了它的存在,该公司表示已在 2019 年完成了一些数据机房的开发。

"With 5G and China’s ambitious plans, a lot more data centers will need to be built and China wants these to be inland (coastal cities are too crowded), and also wants them to use less energy (as it aims for carbon neutrality by 2060)," Jeroen Groenewegen-Lau, at the Mercator Institute for China Studies, told DCD. "Places like inner Mongolia, with abundant renewable energy and a cool climate, are set to benefit." Back in 2014, China Mobile said that it would spend $1.92 billion on a 715,000 sqm (7.7 million sq ft) data center campus in Hohhot. This project is real - but, again, the figures might not be. The US Green Building Council lists show a 7,400 sq m (80,000 sq ft) China Mobile Hohhot Data Center Office which is LEED-certified, confirming its existence, and in 2019 the company said that it had completedthe development of some data halls.

当时,它有 9,000 个机架和 100,000 台服务器的空间。第二阶段的开发将增加 15,000 个机架和 150,000-200,000 台服务器,而后续发展阶段可能会增加更多空间(尽管面积计算很复杂,因为该公司还在建造一个展示中心)。这一切确实可以使它成为世界上最大的之一数据中心,但据我们所知,它还没有完成。我们再次搜索该区域的数据中心类型建筑,只发现了两个符合数据中心外形轮廓的 12,240 平方米结构。中国出版物搜狐报道称,那里建造了三个机房,包括一个备件存储中心(与我们发现的邻近建筑物相匹配)。据报道,二期建设正在进行中,但搜狐表示,截至 2020 年,新数据机房的工作尚未开始。中国联通业声称在盛乐园区有运营设施,因此尚不清楚它是否拥有任何可见的建筑物。两个公司的代表都尚未发表任何评论。

At the time, it had space for 9,000 racks, with 100,000 servers. A stage two development will add 15,000 racks and 150,000-200,000 servers, while a further stage after that could add yet more space (although square footage calculations are complicated because the company is also building an exhibition center). This all could indeed make it one of the world's largest data centers, but it's not completed as far as we can tell. We searched the area again for data center-like buildings and only found two 12,240 sq m (131,750 sq ft) structures that fit the profile of a data center. Chinese publication Sohu reports that three computer rooms were built, including a spare parts storage center (which matches a nearby building we found). A second phase was reportedly underway, but Soho said that work had yet to begin on new data halls as of 2020. China Unicom also claims to operate facilities at the Shengle campus, so it is not clear whether it owns any of the visible buildings. Representatives for both companies were not available for comment.

公司通常会根据规划许可内容或对投资者来说听起来不错的情况来报告设施可以发展到的总规模。 然后他们分期开发,预期最终能达到那个规模。

Companies often report the total size a facility could grow to, based on what planning permission allows, or what sounds good to investors. Then they grow in stages, hoping to reach that ultimate number.

其他几个所谓的大型中国移动数据中心也存在类似问题。 公司经常报告设施可以发展到的总规模,或者基于规划许可,或者对投资者来说听起来不错。 然后他们分期开发,预期最终能达到那个规模。 对于中国东部的许多数据中心来说,这可能很困难。2018年,中国工业和信息化部发现北京和上海的数据中心供应缺口达20-25%,但东北地区的设施数量是需求的两倍。这些公司有可能从数十亿美元的大型计划开始,随着需求未能跟上他们的雄心壮志而缩减规模。

There are similar issues with several other purported massive China Mobile data centers. Companies often report the total size a facility could grow to, either based on what planning permission allows, or what sounds good to investors. Then they grow in stages, hoping to reach that ultimate number. This may have been difficult for many of these eastern Chinese data centers. In 2018, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology found that demand for data centers in Beijing and Shanghai outstripped supply by 20-25 percent, but that in the northeast there were twice as many facilities as required. It is possible that the companies began with large multi-billion dollar plans, and scaled back as demand failed to keep pace with their ambitions.

中国现在正试图通过大量政府补贴来鼓励东部的数据中心建设并从城市卸载资源——但对于上述项目来说,这样的努力已经太迟了。 下一个经常宣称为世界上最大的设施:润泽国际信息港,可能也有类似的雄心壮志。 据众多报道称,该工厂位于中国廊坊,与 IBM 共同建造,原本计划建造 585,000 平方米的设施。廊坊位于北京和天津之间,是数据中心的理想选址地。 时任 IBM 高管的 Steven Sams 告诉 DCD,“我们在 [大约 10 年前] 与该项目的技术和执行团队举行了一系列概念会议,讨论设计和建造高能效和可扩展的数据中心。

The nation is now trying to incentivize data center construction in the east and offload resources from cities, with major state subsidies - but such efforts will have been too late for the above projects. A similar scaling back of ambitions may have happened for the next facility that is often touted as the world's largest: The Range International Information Hub. Located in Langfang, China and co-built with IBM, this was originally meant to be585,000 sq m (6.3 million sq ft) facility, according to numerous reports. Situated between Beijing and Tianjin, it is a perfect place for a data center. Steven Sams, an IBM executive at the time, told DCD that "we had a series of conceptual meetings [about 10 years ago] with the technical and executive teams for the project to talk about designing and building highly energy-efficient and scalable data centers.

“我们的观点是,从能源和技术使用的角度来看,传统数据中心的效率非常低,而随着云计算模型出现,可扩展技术虚拟化需要不同的数据中心设计,灵活地适应不同的计算模型和技术。”我访问了这座大型建筑群综合体、由中国项目负责人定义的数据中心站点, 2011 年 1 月,恰逢胡锦涛主席对华盛顿进行国事访问,我和董事长在芝加哥签署了一份广泛的协议,IBM 担任设计负责人。”他补充说:“过去十年来,这项工作显然取得了长足的进步,但我没有参与其中。”

"Our view was that traditional data centers were very inefficient from both an energy and technology use perspective and that scalable technology virtualization which was emerging through cloud computing models required different data center designs flexible for different computing models and technologies. "I had visited the site that had been defined for the massive multi-building complex and the Chairman of the project in China. In January 2011 coinciding with a state visit to Washington by President Hu Jintao, the chairman and I signed an extensive agreement in Chicago in which IBM was the design principal."He added: "The work has obviously proceeded significantly over the last ten years, but without my involvement."

但对我们的搜索至关重要的问题是已经进行了多少工作,以及重点是在数据中心还是其他空间。 虽然许多报告称润泽是一个与五角大楼一样大的大型数据中心,但最初的文件称它还将包括办公室、公寓和酒店——因此其中很多空间与数据中心无关。“润泽技术”网站仍将数据中心视为未来项目,称其“规划的专业数据中心机房面积100万平方米”,实际上比最初的定位还要高。根据计划,这个尺度将分布在 22 座数据中心。

But the question that is critical to our search is just how much work has proceeded, and whether the focus is on data centers or other space. While many reports claim Range is a giant data center that is as large as the Pentagon, initial documents state that it will also include offices, apartments, and a hotel - so a lot of that space is not data center-related. The Range Technology website still talks about the data center as a future project,saying that it has a "planned professional data center room area of one million square meters," which is actually more than the initial pitch. According to the plan, that size will be spread across 22 data centers.

该网站称,目前已经建成六座,还有两座正在建设中(尽管该网站将 2020 年称为未来日期,这个数字可能已经过时了)。 “预计到2020年,园区机房环境将达到55万平方米。” 该公司在 2021 年 11 月 19 日的一篇帖子中表示,主体结构刚完成封顶——这表明在项目完成之前还有一段路要走。整个综合体最初计划于 2016 年完工。IBM 拒绝透露是否仍参与合作,暗示其分拆出来的 Kyndryl 业务可能会有答案。Kyndryl 没有回应置评请求。

The website says that currently six have been built and that two more are in construction (although as the site refers to 2020 as a future date, this figure may be out of date). "It is estimated that by 2020, the park will have a computer room environment of 550,000 square meters." In a post from November 19, 2021, the company said that the top of the main structure was just completed – suggesting some way was yet to go before the project is completed. The whole complex was initially planned for 2016 completion. IBM declined to say if it was still involved in the partnership, suggesting that its spun out Kyndryl business might have an answer. Kyndryl did not respond to requests for comment.

继续往下看。多份报告称第二大数据中心是 AT TOKYO 的 Chuo Data 中心,总建筑面积14万平方米。该站点是真实存在的,而且确实很大——它简直是东京市中心的一个巨大的立方体。该托管设施是全日本最大的数据中心单体建筑。但它是世界上最大的吗?

Moving on. Multiple reports say the next largest data center is AT TOKYO's Chuo Data Center, with a total floor area of 140,000 square meters (1.5 million sq ft). The site is real, and indeed it is huge - it’s simply a hefty cube in the middle of Tokyo. The colocation facility is the largest single data center building in all of Japan. But is it the biggest in the world?

是时候摆脱研究不足的清单,看看我们在过去二十年中写过的数千个设施。大多数公司并没有建立那么大的规模经济,而且云提供商和托管客户通常更看重地理冗余而非大型项目。 但仍有一些人喜欢做大。 大规模数据存储库的最大支持者之一可能是美国国家安全局。美国国家安全局试图对其犹他州大型数据中心的大部分保密,但作为犹他州的一座大型建筑,要做到保密并不完全成功。跨越两座大型数据中心结构,每座都有两个大厅,以及周围的基础设施,数据中心 据信约为 139,000 平方米,其中只有 9,300 平方米是数据中心空间,超过 84,000 平方米是技术支持和行政管理区。它很大,但与我们在东京的发现相比略逊一筹。

It's time to break away from poorly researched listicles and look ourselves at the thousands of facilities we have written about over the past two decades. Most companies don't build that large -economies of scale only go so far, and cloud providers and colo customers often value geographic redundancy over mega projects. But there are still those that like to go big. Perhaps one of the largest proponents of massive data repositories is the National Security Agency. The NSA tried to keep most of its giant Utah data center a secret, but being a giant building in Utah, that's not been entirely successful.Spanning two large data center structures, each with two halls, as well as surrounding infrastructure, the data center is believed to be around 139,000 sq m (1.5 million sq ft), of which only 9,300 sq m (100,000 sq ft) is data center space and more than 84,000 sq m (900,000 sq ft) is technical support and administrative space. That's large, but just shy of what's found in Tokyo.

另一个慷慨的粉丝是 Digital Realty,它是目前最大的数据中心公司之一。 它拥有湖滨技术中心(350 East Cermak),位于芝加哥的大型托管数据中心。该建筑的客户包括70 多个租户和为芝加哥大宗商品市场提供服务的金融公司,占地 102,200 平方米。有一些警告:我们是否将包含多个数据中心公司的建筑视为一个站点 ? 此外,Digital Realty 运营着另一座大型建筑,其中有 7 个数据中心,距离前者仅 2.5 公里——我们应该把它包括在内吗?

Another fan of largess is Digital Realty, one of the biggest data center companies out there. It owns the Lakeside Technology Center (350 East Cermak), a huge carrier hotel in Chicago. With more than 70 tenants and a robust business from financial firms serving Chicago’s commodity markets, the building spans 102,200 sq m (1.1 million sq ft).There are some caveats: Do we count a building that contains multiple data center companies as a single site? Plus, Digital Realty operates another giant building with seven data centers within it just 2.5km away- should we include that?


Before we get too deep into theweeds, let's keep looking

在中国武汉的中金数据中心,可以找到另一个潜在的超大规模数据中心。中金数据公司最近与 SpaceDC 合作,宣布它在该市的临空港经济技术开发区占地约 207,000 平方米。然而,该设施还没有完工——它仍处于一期建设阶段,总共 70MW 的 IT 负载,并预期增长到 225MW。工作似乎正在进行中,该公司即将建成的数据机房最近获得了Uptime Tier IV 设计认证。目前,该设施还远远算不上最大数据中心。

Another potential mega data center can be found in China - Centrin’s data center in Wuhan. The company, which recently partnered with SpaceDC, claims it spans around 207,000 sqm (2.2 million sq ft) in the city’s Lingkonggang Economic and Technological Development Zone. However, the facility is not finished - it is still in the first phase, totaling 70MW of IT load, and hopes to grow to 225MW. Work appears to be ongoing, with the company recently being awarded an Uptime Tier IV design work for upcoming data halls at the site. For now, the facility is too small.


"The really critical question here is just how much power can be delivered to the facility, and what is the density? Just because the size is large doesn't mean you can fit as much as a smaller data center"

另一个可能的大型园区来自中国西南贵州省贵安新区的华为。 该公司经常以近乎童话般的欧洲建筑、有着布拉格风格外立面的风格设计其园区。这是一个外观奇特的园区,更像是迪士尼主题公园或电影场景,但该公司声称它将拥有一百万台服务器。作为华为最大的数据中心园区,该站点目前占地 48 万平方米(如果当地媒体可信的话)。此外,还包括可容纳 3000 人的 98 间培训教室、研发实验室、IT 维护工程师基地,以及 “华为大学”。 预计每年将有 10,000 人访问该园区——远远超过参观标准数据中心的人数。

A different possible huge campus is one from Huawei, in the Gui'an New Area of southwest China's Guizhou Province. The company often styles its campuses in an almost fairytale-like rendition of European architecture, with this one based on Prague facades. It's a peculiar-looking campus, more akin to a Disney theme park or a movie set, and yet the company claims it will be home to one million servers. As Huawei's largest data center campus, the site currently spans 480,000 square meters (5 million sq ft), if local media can be believed. However, that also includes 98 training rooms capable of holding 3,000 people, R&D labs, an IT Maintenance Engineer Base, and what appears to be a 'Huawei University.' 10,000 people are expected to visit the campus a year - much more than would come to see a standard data center.

官方媒体的采访似乎表明,在照片中可见的数十座建筑物中,只有九座拥有数据中心服务器。 “每个数据中心机房共有三层,每层有两个模块,”华为的William Dong告诉他们。 “在这些模块中,我们部署了服务器、存储和网络设备。” 最终,该站点上可能有 14 个数据中心。无论该站点的真实规模如何——我们已经询问过华为——它似乎还没有完全建成。 园区于2021年12月20日正式开园,而主体结构预计于今年8月完工。今年早些时候官方媒体访问的图片显示,人工河流和湖泊目前尚未注水。目前,将这个设施冠以世界上最大的称号还为时过早——尽管它作为最奇特的设施之一而获得了加分。

Of the dozens of buildings visible in photographs, only nine hold data center servers, a state media visit appears to suggest. "Each data center equipment room has three floors, and each floor has two modules," Hua wei's William Dong told them. "In these modules we deploy servers, storage, and network devices." Eventually, there may be 14 data centers on the site. Whatever the true size of the site – we have asked Huawei - it does not appear to be fully finished. The campus officially opened on December 20, 2021, but the main structure is expected to be completed this August. Images from a state media visit earlier this year show that the artificial river and lake are currently dry. For now, it is too early to crown this facility as the world’s largest - although it gets points for being one of the strangest to look at.


Let’s head back to the US

Facebook 喜欢做大,在遍布世界各地的园区建立多个 41,800 平方米的数据中心其中最大的是在普林维尔。包括九个建筑物、占地 344,000 平方米,这是一个天文数字般的大型站点,而且越来越大。到 2023 年,公司计划再开设两个 41,800 平方米的机房,这次的机房将是两层建筑。 这意味着其总面积为 427,000 平方米。

Facebook loves to go big, building multiple 41,800 sq m (450,000 sq ft) data centers on sprawling campuses around the world. The largest of those is in Prineville. Across nine buildings and 344,000 sq m (3.7 million sq ft), it is an astronomically large site - and it's getting bigger. By 2023, the company plans to open two more 41,800 sq m halls, and this time they will be two stories each. That means a total of 427,000 sq m (4.6 million sq m).


Can we beat that?

是时候看看 Switch,它在美国有五个大型园区,它称为“Switch Primes”。 该公司从不羞于对规模的热衷,其 Switch Citadel 园区将成为其最大的 Prime 站点。 全面建成后,650MW+ 园区将包括 12 个数据中心 、拥有“高达”761,800 平方米的数据中心空间。毫无疑问,这将使其成为世界上最大的数据中心综合体。

It’s time to look at Switch, which has five large campuses dotted around America that it calls "Switch Primes." The company has never been shy about its love of embracingscale, and its Switch Citadel campus is set to be its largest Prime site. At full build, the 650MW+ campus will include 'up to' 761,800 sq m (8.2 million sq ft) of data center space across 12 data centers. That would make it, without any doubt, the largest data center complex in the world.

但它还没有完全建成,并且“最多”包括很多备用空间。Switch 告诉我们,园区目前拥有 120,800 平方米(130 万平方英尺)的运营数据中心,另外两座111,500 平方米建筑物正在建设中,这意味着它是一个大型站点,但不是最大的。目前,它甚至还不是 Switch 最大的:该奖项属于其拉斯维加斯核心站点,该站点占地 250,800 平方米,另外还有 15、16、17 和 18 号建筑“目前处于不同的建设阶段” 总面积为 390,200 平方米,”Switch 告诉 DCD。

But it is not at full build, and 'up to' includes a lot of wiggle room. Switch told us that campus currently features 120,800 sq m (1.3 million sq ft) of operational data centers, with two additional buildings under construction for another 111,500 sq m (1.2 million sq ft). That means it’s a huge site, but not the largest. At the moment, it is not even Switch’s biggest: That prize goes to its Las Vegas Core site, with 250,800 sq m (2.7 million sq ft) with additional buildings 15,16,17 and 18 “currently under various stages of construction for a total square footage of 390,200 sq m (4.2 million sq ft),” Switch told DCD.

这两个网站都不及 Facebook 目前的 344,000 平方米大,但核心站点可以短暂地超过它,直到 Facebook 增长到 427,000 平方米。如果 Citadel 完全按时间表进行扩建,那么它将轻松超过 Facebook(Switch 拒绝透露“10年”以外的信息)。 虽然这主要是一个思想实验,但 Switch 的技术解决方案执行副总裁 Bill Kleyman 指出,“规模当然很重要,因为您可以有更多设施做更多事情并服务于更多的客户。” 然而,他告诉 DCD,“这里的另一个真正重要的关键问题是可以向设施输送多少电力,以及密度是多少?仅仅因为尺寸大并不最终意味着你可以匹敌较小的数据中心。”谈及其他大型数据中心,Kleyman 表示,“如果你有 1000 万平方英尺,但你的密度就像一个5Kw机架,那么你就浪费了很多空间。你一定是做错了什么。”

Neither site is bigger than Facebook’s current 344,000 sq m, but Core could briefly overtake it until Facebook grows to 427,000 sq m. Should Citadel fully build out - to a timeline Switch declined to disclose otherthan “within 10 years” - it would then comfortably overtake Facebook. While this was mostly a thought experiment, Switch’s EVP of technical solutions, Bill Kleyman, noted that "size is certainly important because you're able to do more and facilitate more customers." However, he told DCD, "the other really important critical question here is just how much power can be delivered to the facility, and what is the density? Just because the size is large doesn't ultimately mean you can fit as much as some smaller data center."Talking about other large data centers, Kleyman said that “if you have 10 million square feet, but your density is like 5Kw a rack, then you're wasting a lot of space. You're doing something wrong.”

他补充说:“当人们告诉您该设施有多少电力可用时,他们是在说变电站有多少电力可用,或者有多少电力实际进入设施?对于 Citadel站点,它有容量为900MVA 建筑和容量为1.5 GW 变电站。” 不过,这还有很长的路要走。 如果我们着眼于数据中心的未来前景,那么我们还应该考虑 Quantum Loophole。 该公司在马里兰州弗雷德里克县购买了一块 2,100 英亩的土地,希望在那里开发一个 1GW 的园区,其中包括出售给其他公司的 30-120MW 数据中心模块。 这是 Switch 为 Citadel 站点拥有的土地的两倍——但同样,人们可能会争论 Quantum 计划中的数据中心社区是否可以算作一个单一的数据中心园区,或者更确切地说是一个园区群。

He added: "And when people tell you how much power is available at the facility, are they're saying how much power is available at the substation, or how much power is actually going into the facility? With Citadel, it's 900MVA that's in the building, and 1.5 gigawatts at the substation." Still, that is a ways off. If we look at future promises of data centers, then we should also consider Quantum Loophole. The company has bought a 2,100-acre property in Frederick County, Maryland, where it hopes to develop a 1GW campus consisting of 30-120MW data center modules it sells to other companies. That's twice as much land as Switch has for its Citadel - but again, one could debate whether Quantum's planned community of data centers can be counted as a singular data center campus, or rather a collection.

其他潜在的大型数据中心项目包括位于印第安纳州占地57,935 平方米的 Digital Crossroad 园区、位于北弗吉尼亚州Corscale 规划占地213,700 平方米的园区,以及 AWS计划的 162,600 平方米的劳登县数据中心。但是,就目前而言,据我们所知:单体拥有的最大数据中心集群是 Meta/Facebook 的俄勒冈州普莱恩维尔数据中心园区。 最大的数据中心单体建筑怎么样? 它实际上不是位于东京的中央数据中心数据中心,而是可能是另一个 Facebook 设施——170,000 平方米的 11 层新加坡数据中心(尽管它仍处于一期阶段)。 在那里,用地限制意味着将大量服务器集中在一个结构中是有必要的,这是其他公司通常极力避免的。

Other large potential data center projects include the 57,935 sq m (1.7 million sq ft) Digital Crossroad campus in Indiana, Corscale’s planned 213,700 sq m (2.3 million sq ft) campus in Northern Virginia, and Amazon Web Services’ planned 162,600 sq m (1.75 million sq ft) data center in Loudoun County.But, as it stands, and as far as we can tell: The largest data center cluster owned by a single entity is Meta/Facebook’s Prineville data center campus. How about the largest single data center building? It is not actually AT TOKYO's Chuo Data Center data center, but may instead be another Facebook facility - the 170,000 sq m (1.8m sq ft), 11-story Singapore data center (although it is still in its first phase). There, land constraints meant that it made sense to concentrate a lot of servers in a single structure, something that companies usually avoid.

至于最大的潜在数据中心项目,要么是 Switch 的 Citadel、润泽,要么是华为的云园区,看你相信谁的宣传。 然而,我们不得不承认:我们可能错了。 许多项目都处于保密状态,或者受故意的营销操纵。在我们尚未探索的中国省份,可能还有一个更大的数据中心,静静地嗡嗡作响。

As for the largest potential data center project, it is either Switch’s Citadel, Range, or Huawei’s cloud campus, depending on whose publicity you believe. However, we have to admit: We may be wrong. Many of the projects are shrouded in secrecy, or intentional marketing manipulation. There may still be a larger data center out there, quietly humming away in a Chinese province we have yet to scour.

到 2023 年,Facebook 计划再开设两个 41,800 平方米的包括两层建筑的数据机房, 这意味着普林维尔共有 427,000 平方米的数据中心。

By 2023, Facebook plans to open two more 41,800 sq m halls, this time two stories each. That means a total of 427,000 sq m (4.6 million sq m) of data centers in Prineville.




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