



In short, I only appreciate two countries: China and South Korea. Strictly speaking, it is limited to appreciation rather than worship.


Both China and South Korea have achieved amazing development in just one or two generations, surpassing many countries that used to be much richer than them. They have provided us with valuable experience and lessons for Vietnam's development path. We hope and are actively trying to emulate their successful experience. We can see that China and South Korea are everywhere in our government's initiatives.


Not to mention their cultural influence in Vietnam. I like the music and drama of China and South Korea every day. Frankly speaking, China and South Korea are the two countries with the most similar culture to Vietnam in the world. Therefore, it is natural for us to consume their cultural products. In particular, the way South Korea promotes its culture is worth learning.



Vietnamese are highly nationalists. Seeing that countries similar to us in culture have successfully publicized and infiltrated their culture into the world has stimulated our sense of urgency to do something for our country.


Yes, their national self-esteem is what I admire very much.


Note that "admiration" here is not equal to "worship". China and South Korea have not done some bad things to Vietnam. We still clearly remember our history and what they have done to us, and we are also well aware of their views on us, which are not suitable to be mentioned here.


In short, Vietnamese resentment and admiration for China and South Korea have reached the extreme. Vietnamese people appreciate Chinese and Korean more and more. They make Vietnamese realize that we must work harder for our country.



My previous answer has pointed out some Vietnamese favorites, such as Japan, the United States and even China. If we only consider culture, I would say Cuba.


Some people will ask, why do Vietnamese like Cuba? After all, the two countries are far apart.


Because the two countries have no complex historical disputes, no invasion plans and no hostility to each other. The only thing Cuba has done to Vietnam is to support Vietnam in the past and now, and actively support Vietnam on international issues. Why not love it?


In the eyes of the Vietnamese, other popular countries have some really well-known shortcomings. The United States condemns racism, past despicable wars and recent "suspicious" actions, including participation in several coups and the resurgence of anti communist ideas.


France will not be missed at any time during the Vietnam War, except for those with very poor moral standards. Today, "France is still collecting colonial taxes"


In recent years, Japanese society has lost its reputation for being good at marketing, and paid some scholars to sing praises to them.


Similarly, South Korea has always been controversial in Vietnam. Although people will say that they generally like Korean current culture, it varies from person to person, and many people hate the hypocrisy of South Korean celebrities.


Germany is a good benchmark, but until recently, there was little meaningful interaction between Vietnam and Germany.


Fidel Castro is regarded as a devil by Americans, but in Vietnam, people will miss his voice and appearance and his famous saying: "Cuba is ready to sacrifice itself and shed blood for Vietnam". For the Vietnamese, this is Cuba's commitment to support Vietnam, and Vietnam is ready to do the same.


There are other beautiful places in Cuba: beautiful scenery, beautiful cigars, beautiful women and first-class medical services.



I urge Vietnamese people to seriously understand the relationship between Vietnam and Cuba. You will have a feeling that there is a friendship beyond brotherhood.



On the whole, Vietnamese admire China most. With a long ancient history, a large country, rapid development, modern cities, ancient buildings and culture, and the only Asian country that can challenge us. Note: admiration does not mean they like China. However, most people admire China's achievements.


The second place will be the United States, which is an economic power and the most powerful country in the world. Apple, Google, Microsoft and other companies are home to advanced technology and rich resources.


The third place is South Korea. The country is small and the economy is large. Rebuilt from the ruins of war, it is now very rich and one of Vietnam's largest sources of investment.


The fourth is Russia. Russia cancelled Vietnam's debt and provided a lot of help to Vietnam. It is a very generous country and is also very strong in technology and military.


Finally, Germany. Germans are known as smart and hardworking people. It is no coincidence that more and more Vietnamese companies choose to cooperate with Germany.


Honorary award: Singapore, a small country with few people, is the most modern country in Southeast Asia.



We admire many countries, but we publicly announce that Japan and the Soviet Union are the most admired. For the Soviet Union, I don't think I have to explain why, because many countries admire the Soviet Union.


Our admiration for Japan began with the Meiji Restoration. Until today, we still regard it as an incentive to improve ourselves.


At the beginning of the 20th century, we even launched ĒĒĒ The Du movement called intellectuals and students to study in Japan and bring their knowledge to Vietnam. During the two world wars, although their aggression led to the deadly famine in Vietnam, we still don't hate them. We are shocked by the absolute bravery and suicidal hospice care of their soldiers in battle.


Vietnam was deeply impressed by the way Japan recovered from the war and prospered again after World War II. With Japan's help and investment in Vietnam and the export of their adult culture, Vietnamese people love this country more and more.



To put it bluntly: at present, only a few countries make Vietnamese feel the closest ties. History shows that things may change over time, and each Vietnamese may have different preferences. It may also depend on where the Vietnamese live. (for example, Vietnamese in the United States may feel closest to the United States). Here are my views:


The first is Japan. In terms of culture, China, South Korea and Japan may be the countries closest to Vietnam. There is no doubt that after 1000 years of rule, Vietnamese culture is deeply influenced by the Chinese people. However, due to the bloody history between Vietnam and ancient Chinese dynasties, the Sino Vietnamese war in 1979 and the recent South China Sea dispute, many Vietnamese remain vigilant against China.


For South Korea, Vietnamese still remember the atrocities of the South Korean army during the Vietnam War and a long series of massacres and rapes. How Vietnamese workers are abused by Korean bosses and how Vietnamese women are abused by Korean husbands are not uncommon in the news. South Korea may be the largest foreign investor in Vietnam, but the economy alone is not enough to make up for these facts.


On the contrary, although Japan briefly occupied Vietnam during World War II and caused Vietnam famine in 1945, great changes have taken place in Japan after the war, and now it seems to pose no threat to Vietnam. In fact, Vietnamese admire Japanese achievements, technology and culture.


To be honest, we usually find that there are many common values between the two cultures. In the media, the news about Vietnam and Japan is quite positive, mainly about the relations between the two countries, the amount of Japanese investment and assistance in Vietnam and so on.


Second, the Soviet Union or Russia. There is no doubt that we were like-minded socialist brothers. During the war, the Soviet Union and China were clearly Vietnam's best supporters. From 1954 to now, Vietnam still receives support and assistance from Russia (the former Soviet Union).


Military equipment and consultants, infrastructure, food, medicine, everything. For Vietnamese, Russia is still a country we can trust, but when Russia continues to provoke western countries and bully little Ukraine, we are also full of uncertainty about the future relationship between the two countries.


After decades of close relations with Cuba, the situation with Vietnam may have changed a lot. The two countries are too far apart to adopt different foreign policies at present.


Third, it may be Laos. In terms of geographical location, Laos and Cambodia should occupy two places on the list. However, history has proved that Laos is the only country we can trust in these two countries.


In fact, the Vietnamese people usually regard Laos as our brother and have respect for the country that fought side by side with us during the war. By contrast, what the rogue Khmer did to Vietnam in 1979 and the fact that Cambodia is a close ally of China (past and present) have kept them away from Vietnam.


Just look at quora and you can easily see that Cambodians have raised a lot of hostile questions about Vietnam, but the Lao people have not.



1. Most Vietnamese admire the diligence and high sense of responsibility of the Japanese. Hard work and loyalty to the company are also characteristics that underdeveloped countries need to learn and follow. It is obvious that the products made in Japan are also very high-quality.


But maybe it's the impression left over by history that the Japanese always give me a feeling of yin and Ji. Maybe it's like what the Chinese say to the Japanese: there are small rites but no great righteousness.


2. The Vietnamese people admire the ancient civilization of the Chinese people. After all, Vietnamese culture is deeply influenced by Chinese civilization. Many inventions in the world also come from China. They are good businessmen.


3. Vietnamese have a deep love for Korean films and K-pop. They like popular products such as Samsung mobile phones, cosmetics, Hyundai and Kia's automobile manufacturing technology. Recently, with coach Park Heng soo's great contribution to the Vietnamese national football team, the Vietnamese people admire the Korean people more and more.



4. Vietnamese admire the freedom of Americans and their superiority in the production of national defense equipment.

