
阿杜(Ado,1973年3月11日-),出生于新加坡,新加坡华语男歌手。 阿杜因陪朋友参加试音比赛被挖掘,并加入海蝶唱片。2002年,他发行了首张个人专辑《天黑》,一炮而红。2003年,荣获全球华语歌曲排行榜最受欢迎男歌手等五项大奖。出道十年推出了个人9张专辑。

Freddy adu

A famous Singaporean male singer and actor

Ado (born March 11, 1973) is a Singaporean Chinese singer. Adouin accompanied a friend to participate in the audition competition was dug, and joined the Sea Butterfly Records. In 2002, he released his debut solo album, Dark, which was an instant hit. In 2003, she won five awards including the most popular male singer on the global Chinese song chart. Ten years after his debut, he released nine albums.