
一位德国历史学家曾说:“韩国和印度的自大,根本原因就是历史上的弱小,从未强大过的事实,承认会削弱人民的斗志,否认又确实“得国不正”,这让他们在现代民族之林中有一种极为不舒服的感受。” 在美版知乎Quora上,印度网友提问道:印度和韩国哪个国家更发达?这个问题引起了各国网友的热议,却也受到了韩国网友的群嘲。


韩国网友Kevin Shin的回答

• infrastructure and technology accumulation: South Korea won with great advantages. India has never heard of India's high technology;


• urban planning: South Korea has obviously also defeated India. South Korea has excellent urban planning and has reached the first-class level in terms of roads, transportation, water supply and safety;



• company business: Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, LG and other Korean companies have a good reputation in India, but in Korea, no Indian company has a mature operation model;


• professional ethics: influenced by Confucian culture, Koreans always work very hard, and most of the Korean population has made contributions to the Korean economy. This situation will not happen in India, which has something to do with national character;


• living standards: South Korea won. I suggest watching movies such as Slumdog Millionaire and parasite. You will understand that there are poor people in India and South Korea, but their numbers are very different and their living standards are also different;


• health index: most Koreans have good health awareness and try to make themselves look more beautiful. Plastic surgery can be found everywhere in South Korea, but they are very rare in India, which also shows the great difference in the economic level of the two peoples;


• culture: speaking of culture, Indians have not been completely westernized! It's too backward, but Koreans have carried out Westernization transformation on the basis of retaining traditional culture;


• English: most Koreans don't understand English, but Indians speak English very well, but different languages in different states of India make it very difficult for them to communicate with each other;


• diversity: India is a huge country. Like South Korea, it is also a very diverse country. So you can see different types of climate, people, culture and language in India;


• transportation: South Korea's aviation industry is very developed, and Koreans prefer to fly between cities, such as Busan and Seoul;


• I recently visited New Delhi, the capital of India. Over the years, I have observed many positive changes. Delhi's infrastructure must be improving. The road condition has improved, but the city still lacks the beauty of green vegetation coverage. I hope the Indian government will plant more and more trees in Delhi like Seoul;


• if you hang out in Delhi (or any other big city in India), you must take a bath when you get home. Because of the dust and smoke on you. However, if you walk in Korean cities, it will be much easier;


• compared with Indian drivers, Korean drivers are much more polite, and women don't have to worry about travel safety.


South Korea is at least 50-80 years ahead of India in almost all technical fields (except possibly military nuclear technology or space technology). Whether you visit Seoul, Jeju, Busan or any other province in the country, you will find that they have little "development" because they are already very developed.


Developed countries have many different meanings for different countries. For India, development still means housing, health care, education, electricity, water, food and employment, while for Koreans, development means more automation, nanotechnology, information and nature conservation.


The Korean Peninsula suffered a devastating blow after the 1953 war. However, South Korea adopted the Japanese model and gradually formed its own industrial strength. Today, if you see, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hongkong SAR and Chinese mainland have adopted the same economic development mode.



The answer is: South Korea. In terms of economy, although India is the sixth largest economy in the world, its per capita income is less than US $2000, while South Korea, which has the twelfth largest economy in the world and the fourth largest economy in Asia, has a per capita income of US $29000, which will soon reach US $30000.


This will make South Korea the first middle-income country to become a high-income country. Since the per capita income is less than $2000, you can classify India as a low-income country.


But it is clear that India does surpass South Korea in space research (the first Asian country to launch an orbiter to Mars) or the birth of great figures such as sandar pikay and Satya NADELLA. The main problem of India is bureaucracy, and population is also a problem, but it can be used in effective ways such as manufacturing.



It must be South Korea.


Due to the simplicity and minimalism of Koreans, it is easier to develop as a whole, so the whole country is more advanced. India has the second largest population (about to become the first), its political and economic system is corrupt, and its development speed is far slower than that of South Korea.


We can start by comparing some statistics to get a good measure.


South Korea's literacy rate is controversial and not measured by UNESCO, but some reports do say it should be more than 96%. This is still questioned by many politicians and professionals in India. Many people say that India's literacy test is too low compared with international standards, and some may think that India's illiteracy rate may be higher than 50%.


In 2019, South Korea's GDP was 1.4 trillion and its population exceeded 50 million. India's GDP is only slightly higher, at 2.2 trillion, with a population of nearly 1.4 billion. The per capita GDP of South Korea is nearly 30000 US dollars and that of India is 1709 US dollars.


South Korea's life expectancy is 82 years, far ahead in the world, while India's life expectancy is 68 years, much lower.


Military power? At present, South Korea is much more advanced in military affairs. In addition to nuclear weapons, India's weapons are simply made in thousands of countries. For the most obvious example, India does not even have a new generation of tanks, but South Korea already has two types of fourth generation tanks.


If India wants to be as developed as South Korea, it still needs to improve in many areas.


韩国网友Jay Kim的回答

Hahaha, you compare South Korea with India in terms of development, but you forget that South Korea is at least 200 years ahead of India in terms of development. Even South Korea's per capita GDP income is higher than India's per capita GDP. The quality of life of South Korean people is better than that of Indian people, and South Korea is more innovative than India.


South Korea's technology, infrastructure, urban planning, education system, human rights, health care system, transportation system and manufacturing sectors are blooming everywhere in India. Even the leaders of many South Korean companies such as Samsung have a higher status than local officials in India. LG and Hyundai have established their own companies in India, but there are no Indian companies in South Korea's top five export countries, such as Hong Kong An economy like Singapore has a population of less than 10 million, and its exports to South Korea even exceed India.


Even if India's per capita GDP is low and underdeveloped, it is more than enough compared with many Southeast Asian countries and African countries, but it is a little laughable compared with first world countries such as South Korea.



In many ways, I think this is an unfair comparison. After all, there are too many differences in area and population between the two countries.


India is a developing country, while South Korea is a developed country. However, when comparing countries and deciding which country is more developed or less developed, we usually don't pay attention to the fact that there are great differences in size, population, culture and culture between one country and another. I admit that South Korea is now famous in major industries such as automobile, for example, Hyundai Automobile is popular in the Chinese market. But even India is a famous country in foreign markets. Many Indian companies have made huge profits under its supervision... It is one of the powerful and influential countries in the world.


However, the distribution of India's huge economy among its states and citizens is unequal. India's major metropolises, such as Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai, are highly developed cities, while cities such as Drayton and janssey have just developed.


South Korea is a small country compared with India, so the inequality of capital distribution between its cities is much smaller.


Since I have never been to Korea, many of you may say that the major cities in Korea are much more developed than those in India.


Many large cities in India are larger than those in Korea, so they (Korean cities) need a given amount of money for smaller areas. Although relatively large areas in Indian cities need to spend a certain amount of money, therefore, although some parts of Mumbai are very developed, you may encounter some relatively underdeveloped areas in the same city.


Yes, the funds available in Seoul and Mumbai will be roughly the same, and even Seoul's budget may exceed Mumbai's.



Let me tell you my friend that South Korea is a developed country and India is developing. The final date for India to become a developed country has not been set, because it will take 10 or 20 years, and no one knows.


On the other hand, South Korea developed decades ago. The success of this country is inseparable from many characteristics. Although after secession from North Korea, under the condition of limited natural resources, South Korea has encountered many obstacles on the road to success.


Corruption is one of the major incurable diseases in countries like India, but you can't find the highest level of corruption in the whole Korean system. From the manufacture of nails, screws and pins to large ships, Marines, aircraft or anything else.


South Koreans produce many products, whether bikini or high-end market products, which has a lot of labor demand. These people can find jobs in South Korea and settle down there. They have created better conditions for their families and South Korea.


All this means that they are job providers rather than job seekers. In any medium-sized company, the normal salary of receptionists is close to $2000 a month.


Now, the purchasing power of any Korean is much higher than that of any Indian. More than 30% of the population in South Korea are business owners. As a developed country, this model is not complicated, but the system of corrupt countries such as India is never allowed to follow the model of developed countries.


India will never reach the development level of South Korea. With all due respect, but this is a fact. As a patriotic Indian, I hope India can reach this level one day. I hope that in this real world, this day will come soon, but it is really difficult.
