
Message from Presidents of Theme Forum





本次论坛得到对外经济贸易大学的支持和中国国际低碳经济研究所、中国石油安全环保技术研究院的协力,以及Petroleum Science等期刊支持,在此一并致谢!




2020 年9 月20 日

Distinguished scholars,

With the pandemic of COVID-19 and tide of anti-globalization and anti-liberalization, the global economy has been reshuffling, international rules have been reconstructed, trade frictions between China and the United States becomes persistent, a new cold war situation has emerged, and the world began to enter a period of instability, which has brought severe challenges to the critical period of China's economic and social development. How to adhere to the development path with Chinese characteristics, promote the rapid development of "energy and low-carbon economics", create a new globalization, and lead the global energy and climate governance, will be the theme of this forum.

Taking the "energy and low-carbon economics" as the core perspective, and combining with the opportunity of discussion on the 14th five-year plan for national economic and social development, this forum focuses how China coordinates its energy development and climate change policies, appropriately responds to the impacts of the pandemic of COVID-19 and the persistence of trade frictions between China and the United States on China's economic development, energy market development, and changes in the pattern of international trade, with the keyword of green energy. We will promote the green technological innovation and the national carbon market, co-bridging of a green "Belt and Road Initiative", construction of ecological civilization, and make suggestions for achieving a high-quality economic and social development in China.

The forum is supported by University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and collaborated by the China Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy and CNPC Academy of Safety and Environmental Protection Technology, and sponsored by Petroleum Science and other journals.

We thank you all for your great support!

In addition, we would also like to thank Professor Hu Wenrui, the member of Chinese Academy of Engineering for his keynote speech, which is the greatest contribution to the success of this forum.

Presidents of the Theme Forum

Xue Jinjun,Dong Xiucheng

20 September 2020



Chairman: Jiang Qingzhe, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the Organizing Committee for Beijing Humboldt Forum; Secretary of Party Committee of University of International Business and Economics (UIBE); Director of China Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy, China


Professor Jiang Qingzhe, the secretary of party committee of UIBE and the director of China Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy. He also serves as the executive vice president of China Petroleum Enterprise Association and the vice president of China Association of Poverty Alleviation & Development. Prof. Jiang has been engaged in low-carbon research for a long time. He is also the leader of industrial low-carbon economy in the subject for Energy and Low-carbon Economics in UIBE. His research interests include carbon assessment and calculation, carbon conversion and utilization, energy saving and evaluation of chemical process, etc. He has completed many scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the State Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC and so on, and submitted a number of research results of construction significance. Prof. Jiang has published more than 150 papers, of which more than 50 papers belong to SCI or EI. He also has got 6 patents and published 4 books, and got 4 science and technology achievement awards including the former State Education Commission, Ministry of education, and National Energy Administration.



Co-Chair: Xue Jinjun, Foreign Chairman of the Theme Forum; Co-Director of China Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy, China; Professor at Applied Social System Institute of Asia (ASSIA), Nagoya University, Japan; Guest Professor at Center for Future Energy, Mälardalens University, Sweden


Xue Jinjun, Professor at Applied Social System Institute of Asia (ASSIA), Nagoya University, Japan, Co-Director of China Institute of Global Low-Carbon Economy, Guest professor at Future Energy Center of Mälardalen University, Sweden. He also serves as a visiting researcher at Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Studies of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Contemporary China Studies at Tsinghua University and Energy Research Institute of National Development, and adjunct professor at International University of Business and Economics, Wuhan University, Chief Scientist of Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Carbon Emission Trading System etc. He is a guest editor of Applied Energy and The Singapore Economic Review, editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Population, Resource and Environment, Chinese Urban and Environmental Studies, etc. Professor Xue's main research field is development economics and research topics are energy economics, low-carbon economy etc. He published many papers in journals of Science, Nature Communications, Nature Food, Nature Climate Change, Applied Energy, Energy Economics etc.



Co-Chair: Dong Xiucheng, Domestic Chairman of the Theme Forum; Executive Director of China Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy; Director of the UIBE Belt & Road Energy Trade and Development Center


Professor Dong Xiucheng, the director of the UIBE Belt & Road Energy Trade and Development Center and the executive director of China International Low Carbon Economy Research Institute of the University of International Business and Economics. He also serves as vice president of China Petroleum Circulation Association, vice chairman of China Energy & Resources System Engineering Association, Member of the Consultative Committee of Price Experts of the National State Development and Reform Commission, Special Expert of China National Energy Agency, Standing Director of China Energy Association and China Market Economy Research Association, Vice-Chairman of Resources Management Committee of China Association of Geology and Mineral Economics, Special Commentators of CCTV. He also Provides long-term strategy and policy advisory services for national energy government agencies, participates in drafting and argumentation of many national energy reform and policy documents.




地点:腾讯会议:会议号(782 940 889);密码(2580)





外方致辞:吕安迪(北京洪堡论坛创始成员,德国明斯特大学应用经济研究中心 (CAWM)主任)
















l 注:每位嘉宾限时20分钟,时间结束前2分钟工作人员会提醒示意。







and Energy Economics主编)

演讲题目:“COVID-19, Energy and Climate in Germany and Europe”






演讲题目:“Policy Analysis of Green Economic Recovery after COVID-19:

A NK-DSGE Model Appraisal”(下午4:10-4:30)






演讲题目:“Can China Honour Its Climate Pledges? The Role of Coal”


l 注:每位嘉宾限时20分钟,时间结束前2分钟工作人员会提醒示意。

Openning Ceremony of the 2020 Beijing Humboldt Theme Forum

DateSunday, 20 September, 2020 1:30-1:40 pm

VenueTencent Meeting:Meeting ID (782 940 889); Password (2580)

ModeratorDong Xiucheng(Domestic Chairman of the Theme Forum; Executive Director of China Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy; Director of the UIBE Belt & Road Energy Trade and Development Center)

1:30-1:35 pm

Welcome AddressJiang Qingzhe (Secretary of Party Committee of UIBE; Director of China Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy)

1:35-1:40 pm

Welcome Address:Andreas Löschel(Founding member of Beijing Humboldt Forum; Director of the Centre of Applied Economic Research (CAWM), University of Münster, Germany)

Part I

Date: Sunday, 20 September, 2020 1:40-3:20 pm

ModeratorDong Xiucheng(Domestic Chairman of the Theme Forum; Executive Director of China Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy; Director of the UIBE Belt & Road Energy Trade and Development Center)

Speakers:(20 minutes per speaker)

Speaker:Hu Wenrui(Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Director of

Department of Engineering Management)

Title: “New Energy - The Best Choice for Energy Change1:40-2:00 pm

Speaker:Wu Enlai(Former Secretary of the Board for PetroChina Company Limited)

Title: “Consideration about Low Carbon Development Transition of Oil and Gas Company2:00-2:20 pm

Speaker:Yuan Bo(Deputy director of Institute of Policy, Regulation and Standards for

CNPC Academy of Safety and Environmental Protection Technology)

Title: “The Long-term Low-carbon Strategy of CNPC:Vision, Action and Measures2:20-2:40 pm

Speaker:Jiang Qingzhe(Secretary of Party Committee of UIBE; Director of China

Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy)

Title: “Based on Regional Integration -- Carbon Emission Reduction and Utilization in Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry2:40-3:00 pm

Speaker:Xue Jinjun(Co-Director of China Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy,

China; Professor at Applied Social System Institute of Asia

(ASSIA), Nagoya University, Japan)

Title: “Sustainable Energy System in the Post COVID-19 Pandemic3:00-3:20 pm

l Note: 20 minutes per speaker, the staff will remind you two minutes before the end.

Break Time: 3:20-3:30 pm

Part II

Date: Sunday, 20 September, 2020 3:30-5:30 pm

ModeratorXue Jinjun(Foreign Chairman of the Theme Forum; Co-Director of China Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy, China; Professor at Applied Social System Institute of Asia (ASSIA), Nagoya University, Japan)

Speakers:(20 minutes per speaker)

Speaker:Andreas Löschel(Director of the Centre of Applied Economic Research

(CAWM), University of Münster, Germany; Co-Editor of

the Journal "Resource and Energy Economics")

Title: “COVID-19, Energy and Climate in Germany and Europe3:30-3:50 pm

Speaker:Shi Dan(Director of Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS)

Title: “Key Tasks and Goals of Energy System Reform during 14th Five Year Plan

3:50-4:10 pm

Speaker:Fan Ying(Dean of School of Economics and Management in

Beihang University)

Title: “Policy Analysis of Green Economic Recovery after COVID-19: A NK-DSGE Model Appraisal4:10-4:30 pm

Speaker:Zheng Xinye(Dean of School of Applied Economics in

Renmin University of China)

Title: “Energy Policies and Strategiesduring 14th Five Year Plan4:30-4:50 pm

Speaker:Cheng Jinhua(Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Secretary of

Commission for Discipline Inspection of China University of

Geosciences (Wuhan))

Title: “Promoting the Low-carbon Development and Utilization of Energy and Mineral Resources4:50-5:10 pm

Speaker:Liao Xuanli(Director of Doctoral Studies at the School of Social Sciences,

University of Dundee)

Title: “Can China Honour Its Climate Pledges? The Role of Coal5:10-5:30 pm

l Note: 20 minutes per speaker, the staff will remind you two minutes before the end.




