


今天给大家带来的是新加坡国立大学2020年建筑系研究生的毕业设计作品,今年的毕业设计作品被分为五大主题,分别是:Atmosphere & Agency,conservation & Heritage,Performative Design,Speculative Environments ,Urban Commons & Wellness 。由于作品非常多,小编经过筛选在112个作品中挑出了26个,并且在每个主题中挑选了一个做大致介绍。对其他作品感兴趣或是想要了解更多作品细节的小伙伴可以查看nus建筑系的官网。


Atmosphere & Agency组:


Adrian Lai, Bobby Wong, Chaw Chih Wen, Erik L'Heureux, Khoo Peng Beng, Lee Kah Wee,

Lilian Chee, Ong Ker Shing, Peter Sim, Teh Joo Heng, Thomas Kong, Tsuto Sakamoto, Wu Yen Yen


Toby Fong

A Back-to-Basics Bootcamp for the Age of the Amateur

Thesis Supervisor: A/P Dr. Lilian Chee

Teaching Assistant: Wong Zihao




COVID-19大流行暴露了全球供应链的脆弱性。全球劳动力和各种资源无法正常流通,食品、药品和日常必需品等基本进口受到严重干扰。依赖进口的新加坡不得不依靠有限的储备和寻找替代食物来源从而自谋生路。设计者提出在新加坡西北部的乡村内组织一种提倡回归自然的野化训练营(Back-to-Basics Bootcamp),在接下去的50年中,训练营将会把城市人口转换为生产力高的代理人。他们将会参与到新加坡的再野化进程中(rewilding),到2070年,当西北部的实践扩散到整个城市,融入到人们的日常生活中,这个训练营将会被取消。设计者通过与大自然建立一种平等的合作关系来塑造训练营具体的学习空间,新加坡当地一种名为 Ficus Kerkhovenii 的热带榕属植物被作为了这个议题中建筑构造的原型用于研究。


The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fragility of global supply chains. The immobilisation of global workforces and restricted international borders has led to severe disruptions of essential imports such as foods, medicines and daily necessities. Import-dependent Singapore is left to fend for herself - drawing on limited stockpiles and scavenging for alternative food sources.

This thesis proposes a Back-to-Basics Bootcamp, an intermediary between the Northwest and the city. Over the course of 50 years, the Bootcamp mints an urban population into resourceful and productive agents for Singapore’s rewilding. Life post-Bootcamp compels one to apply knowledge and physical specimens within our urbanized surroundings. By the year 2070, after the gathered Northwest practices root themselves into our daily existence, the Bootcamp will be rendered obsolete. This proposal demonstrates one such partnership through the detailed development of architecture’s collaboration with the native Ficus Kerkhovenii plant. The architectural outcome is in a tectonic centred around the Ficus’ behaviour as space-maker, construction material, educational tool and timekeeper which facilitates the transfer of basic knowledge and low-technology.


Foo Qiao Ying, Kimberly

Time and Space: Physicalising Time in the Modern City

Thesis Supervisor: A/P Ong Ker Shing


Melvin Lim Chung Wei

Orchestrating the Spectrality of Nature

Thesis Supervisor: A/P Thomas Kong


Michele Tay

Ministry of Love

Thesis Tutor: Chaw Chih Wen


Wu Wen Wei

City of Autonomous Expression

Thesis Supervisor: Khoo Peng Beng


Amanda Mo Shuen Yea

Cartographic Architecture: Specific Interventions that project the Rural Revenge of Ulu Papar in 50 years

Thesis Supervisor: A/P Erik G L’Heureux

conservation & Heritage组


Ho Puay Peng, Ho Weng Hin, Johannes Widodo, Richard Ho


Joanne Tiaw Zuo Eng

The Sanctuary

Thesis Supervisor: Ho Weng Hin




Kuantan is highly regarded as one of Malaysia’s most significant biodiverse coastlines, yet it is also one of its most contaminated. Over the last decade of industrial occupation, the topography of this fragile environment has radically transformed. Kuantan Port, shipyards and water-bound infrastructure now define a highly modified and dilapidating shoreline. Despite being one of the most prominent and earliest resort towns in Malaysia, enormous scale of industrialisation has sprawled mercilessly across the coastal regions. Tapping into the established tourism platform, this thesis centres around a re-conceived rehabilitation of post-industrial ecology through the means of eco-tourism in different phases.


Jacqueline Tjen

Reconciliation | Man | Nature

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Ho Puay Peng


Siti Nor Amira

Culture of Inequality - Through the Singapore Public Housing Landscape

Thesis Supervisor: Richard Ho

Performative Design


Patrick Janssen, Rudi Stouffs, Yuan Chao,


Law Chung Yan Vanetta

Bridging the Nature Gap at ECP Waterfront:

Re-rendering a Coexisting Habitat for Human and Hawksbill Sea Turtle

Thesis Tutor: Prof. Rudi Stuoffs




Hawksbill Sea Turtle, a critically endangered species, comes to the sandy beach in Singapore every year from July to September for nesting and laying eggs. After the 7 phases of reclamation projects, East Coast Park was free of great construction in the past 20 years’ time and the beach of East Coast has become one of the nesting locations. East Coast Park might not be a perfect site for them because of the disturbances brought by human. Instead of putting sea turtle into a “safe” environment, I am interested in finding the possibility of living with them in the same habitat without overlooking any parties. In this project, I aimed at developing a communicating mechanism by physical elements and structure. In other words, the needs and desires of humanity and sea turtles can be fulfilled at the same time if we can apply human-turtle-coexisting mode at East Coast Park successfully. Human can communicate and direct Hawksbill Sea Turtle to a safer, more comfortable habitat without compromising the needs of our own.


Yu Jiake

CYBERDRIFT (An Online-to-Offline Smart Mall for Independent Shop Owners

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Rudi Stuoffs

Speculative Environments组


Alan Tay, Hans Brouwer, Joseph Lim, Neo Sei Hwa, Nirmal Kishnani,

Shinya Okuda, Swinal Samant, Tiah Nan Chyuan


Anna Zhou Yue

Future Transport Reimaged 2040

Thesis Supervisor: Mr. Hans Brouwer




Our city is infested with transport problems: congested MRT lines, limited bike parking spaces, a rising cycling population, areas left out by MRT lines, and expensive MRT expansion...We will be in urgent need of a new transport network and a new set of transport hubs that caters to these changing needs. The design focus of a future transport hub will be shifted from achieving mere efficiency to creating a more holistic experience that include seamless transfer, comfortable shopping experience and enjoyable place of public activities. Moreover, it will no longer be restricted to pedestrians only, but also to welcome the disabled people and people using other forms of PMDs to enter the building and enjoy the public spaces surrounding it. How will it be like?


Aaron Tan Nam King

Creative Colosseum

Thesis supervisor: A/P Joseph Lim


Lim Yan Cheng, Harvey

Robotics Pop-Up Schools: A MOE Primary School Attachment Programme

Thesis Supervisor: A/P Dr. Joseph Lim


Khoo Hui En Vanessa

Frontlines | (Backalleyways)

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Swinal Samant


Loh Tze Yang Glenn

Totem: An Evolution of Spectatorship and Play

Thesis supervisor: A/P Joseph Lim


Phuah Lin

The Snowy Babel - Consuming Everest

Thesis supervisor: Alan Tay


Tan Xin Yuan

PLAY! a guide to architecture for resilience

Thesis Tutor: Tiah Nan Chyuan

Urban Commons & Wellness组


Cho Im Sik, Fung John Chye, Oscar Carracedo, Ruzica Bozovic Stamenovic,

Simone Chung, Tan Shee Tiong, Tomohisa Miyauchi, Zhang Ye


Justina Teng Yimin

Empowering interfaces:collaboration between civic entrepreneurs through food waste

Thesis Supervisor: A/P Dr. Zhang Ye


新加坡的城市政策被城市总体规划蓝图下的不同区域所影响着,同样地,城市不同地区之间的交界处经常被忽视,这导致了城市肌理之间的断层。此外,城市的交通系统也根据城市的整体规划所制定,城市内的主要道路以及高速公路经常与规划边界重叠,这无形中导致高速公路或是道路也成了不同区域之间的分割线,扰乱了整个城市的内部框架。 在这个大背景下,设计者希望:不同地区之间的交界处,作为多样化资源和不同社区间的连接点,能够为城市内部不同组织之间的协作和交流提供机会。



Singapore’s urban policies is effected according to the planning zones set out in the master plan. As such, the interfaces between districts are often neglected and end up segregating the urban fabric. In addition, our transportation network is drawn in accordance to the masterplan, where urban highways and major roads often overlap with the planning boundaries. As a result, urban highways become the demarcation line between districts, disrupting the networks within our society. However, interfaces between districts, at the junction of diverse resources and communities, should be explored as prime opportunities for collaboration.

Tapping on food waste as a common resource, the thesis aims to explore how food waste can be contributed along interfaces between districts to create new collaboration opportunities for civic entrepreneurs. Faced with land scarcity, the rise in food waste is identified as a threat to Singapore’s sustainability where the current rate of disposal exceeds Singapore’s capability to receive and treat waste. Hence, there is a need to push the boundary for more sustainable food waste management. This could be in the form of upcycling food waste into new resources for collaborative food production, idea prototyping and skill-sharing to empower civic entrepreneurs.


Moritz Maier

Berlin Anti-Wall

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Cho Im Sik


Liu Kang Marcus

The Carbon Collective: Decarbonising with Social Equity

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Zhang Ye


Lisa Han Fengyi

The Social Transit

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Ruzica Bozovic Stamenovic


Kam Xue Jun

A Simulacrum | The Anthropomorphic Machine: The Vessel

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Simone Shu-Yeng Chung


Janine Danielle Dela Cruz

In Clouds and Stone: A Storytelling Infrastructure

Thesis Supervisor: Tomohisa Miyauchi


Chloe Lim En

The Sharing Affair: Neighbourhood Edition

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Cho Im Sik


Chen Ting Yan, Candice

City as Ecosystems, Architecture as Scaffold

Thesis Supervisor: A/P Fung John Chye

注: 文中图纸以及英文段落均来自https://www.nusmarchgradshow.com/


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