科普成果 | 迎亚运杭州市民英语口语一本通①

一、在餐厅 At a Restaurant

【背景信息】Background Information

杭帮菜简介 Hangzhou Cuisine

科普成果 | 迎亚运杭州市民英语口语一本通①

Hangzhou is a culinary paradise with a large number of delicious dishes. Behind each dish, there is always a beautiful story associated with a historical figure from Hangzhou.


As a branch of Zhejiang Cuisine, one of the Eight Great Cuisines of China, Hang Bang Cai (or Hangzhou Cuisine) is characterized by freshness and sweetness. Most of the ingredients in preparing Hangzhou Cuisine are related to the West Lake, like lotus root, West Lake water shield, etc.


It features a delicately seasoned and light-tasting mix of seafood and vegetables, often served in soup or with the liberal use of sugar, and a myriad of sauces. Typical cooking methods include boiling, stewing, braising, and simmering. The result is a fresh, tender, fragrant and rich flavor, either crispy or soft, but far from greasy.


Hangzhou dishes are varied, and almost every traditional dish is associated with famous literary quotation. Early in the Song Dynasty (970-1279), the great poet Su Shi (1037-1101) praised the banquets in Hangzhou in his poems and had once gotten down from his horse just because of the inviting smell.




I. Getting a Table订餐入座

A: 晚上好,欢迎光临。

Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant.

B: 晚上好。

Good evening.

A: 请问您有预定吗?

Do you have a reservation?

B: 没有。


A: 请问您需要几人座呢?

A table for how many people?

B: 四人座,谢谢。

A table for four, please.

A: 好的,您想要什么样的位置呢?

OK, where would you prefer to sit?

B: 如果可以,我们希望有靠窗的位子。这样我们就可以尽情欣赏西湖景色了。

We’d like a table by the window if possible, so we can enjoy the view of the West Lake.

A: 好的,请这边走。

No problem. This way, please.

B: 这是菜单。您准备点菜时,请招呼一下服务员。

Here is the menu. Please wave a waiter over when you are ready to order.

II. Dish Recommendation菜肴推荐


Would you like to order now?

B: 是的。这是我第一次来杭州,所以我还没想好点什么比较好。你能给我推荐一些菜吗?

Yes. Since it is my first time visiting Hangzhou,I’ve not made up my mind on what to order. Could you recommend some dishes?

A: 当然可以,您喜欢吃河鲜吗?

Sure, do you feel like getting some river food?




A: Well, I recommend the shelled shrimp with Dragon Well Tea and West Lake Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce.West Lake Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce is delicious, but bony. Please take it slowly.


All right. I’ll have them. Do you have any soup recommendations?


I suggest you try the West Lake Water Shield Soup. The soup is prepared out of a

mixture of water shield, ham and chicken shreds, which is highly nutritious.


Sounds great.I’ll have this, too.

A: 还要别的吗?

Anything else?

B: 不用了。谢谢。

That’s enough. Thanks.


So, a Shelled Shrimps with Dragon Well Tea , a West Lake Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce and a West Lake Water Shield soup, right?


Yes. Thank you.

III. Settlement of Complaints解决投诉


Something wrong with the dish, sir?


Why does the dish taste so strange? It is sour and sweet! I can’t stand it!


I'm sorry, but Hangzhou cuisine is mostly sweet. Could you order something else instead?


Is there any other specialty which is not so sweet?


Sure! How about Beggar’s Chicken? It is a must for most banquets in Hangzhou. And it is delicious and golden-looking.

B: 好吧,我点这个菜试试。

OK, I’ll have a try.


Thank you for your understanding. We would like to offer you a free steamed pork with rice flour in lotus leaf. It’s a light traditional dish.

B: 好的,谢谢。

OK, thanks.

A: 好的,祝您用餐愉快!

OK. Enjoy your meal!



1.This way, please.:用于引导客人的服务性用语,“请往这边走”。而作为引导用语,come this way与go this way也是有区别的。若侍者在前方带路则可用 come this way,也可以使用go this way;但若侍者在客人后面或旁边,伸手指引路径,一般就会使用please go this way。

2.make up one’s mind:意为“下决心;决定”,且与decide意思相近,两者的区别在于decide “经过询问、研讨和考虑之后作出决定”,后跟宾语从句时。make up one’s mind则侧重“下定决心、拿定主意”的意思。

【常用句型】Useful Sentences

1.Do you have a reservation?


2.This way, please.


3.Where would you prefer to sit?


5.Here is the menu.


二、By the Qiantang River


【背景信息】Background Information

钱塘江简介Profile of the Qiantang River

The Qiantang River, a river in East China, originates in the border region of Anhui, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces. Its upper stretch is called the Xin'an River, and the middle stretch the Fuchun River. It is an important commercial artery, which runs for 588.73 kilometers through Zhejiang, passing through the provincial capital of Hangzhou before flowing into the East China Sea via Hangzhou Bay.

钱塘江是一条中国东部河流,源于浙皖赣边境。 其上游称为新安江,中游为富春江。 它是一条重要的商用河流,浙江境内长约588.73公里,流经省会杭州,经杭州湾汇入东海。

The river is the southern terminus of the ancient Grand Canal that links five major rivers in China from north to south, enabling water traffic to travel inland northward from Hangzhou to its northest destination of Beijing.


The Qiantang River tide, known as the “No. one tide in the world”, is a natural wonder of the world. The extra tidal wave is caused by the centrifugal effect of celestial gravity and the rotation of the earth together with the special terrain of the Hangzhou Bay bell mouth.




I. By Qiantang River在钱塘江畔

A:What are the famous attractions here?


B:The world-famous Qiantang River tide, of course.


A:What does it look like when the tide is coming?


B:Every time when the tide comes, one will first see a long, white streak across the horizon, called “a streak of tidal water”. Meantime, one seems be able to hear muffled thunders coming from the distance.


A:Wow, sounds good. When can I see it?


B:Every year on the August 15th of the lunar calendar. Many people will come to the Qiantang River to watch the wonder of the tide before or after the Mid-Autumn Festival. It has become a local custom for many years.


II. Beside the Qiantang River Bridge在钱塘江大桥边

A:Wow! This bridge is so magnificent! What is the name of the bridge?


B:The Qiantang River Bridge. You can watch the tide of the Qiantang River here. By the way, there is also a bronze statue of Dr. Mao Yisheng.


A:Why is there a bronze statue of Dr. Mao Yisheng?


B:Because Dr. Mao Yisheng is the designer of the Qiantang River Bridge. His plan was feasible and less costly than others.


A:When was the bridge built?


B:The construction of the bridge began on August 8, 1934 and it was completed on September 26, 1937.


III.In Qianjiang New City在钱江新城

A:What are the landmarks of the Central Business District of Qianjiang New City?


B:Look, there are landmarks, the Hangzhou Grand Theater, the Hangzhou International Convention Center,the Underground Ginza of Hangzhou and etc.


A:Quite impressive.


B:You know the Qianjiang New City has been constructed in accordance with the most competitive financial business district construction standards in the world.


A: What are the special attractions here?


B:The light show. It consists of 700,000 LED lights, which are installed on the

facades of 30 high-rise buildings along the Qiantang River.



1. in accordance with:根据,依照;与…一致。“In accordance with…”用于更为正式的情景,引入依据内容。

2.consist of:常用整体作主语,表示“整体由部分组成”,引申为“包含有”,不能用于被动语态。

【常用句型】Useful Sentences

1.Watching the Qiantang River Tide has become a local custom for many years.


2. There are the Hangzhou Grand Theater, the Hangzhou International Convention

Center,the Underground Ginza of Hangzhou and etc.


3. Dr. Mao Yisheng is the designer of the Qiantang River Bridge.


三、在游客咨询中心At the Tourist Information Center

【背景信息】Background Information

杭州简介Profile of Hangzhou

杭州是浙江省省会、也是经济、文化、科教中心,长三角中心城市,重要的风景旅游城市,首批国家历史文化名城。杭州素有“人间天堂”、“文化之邦”、“丝绸之府”、“茶叶之都”、“鱼米之乡”的美称。杭州是华夏文明的发祥地、中国著名的七大古都之一, 以“东南名郡”著称于世。跨湖桥遗址的发掘显示,早在8000多年前,就有人类在此繁衍生息。杭州市辖上城、下城、江干、拱墅、西湖、滨江、萧山、余杭、富阳、临安10个区,建德1个县级市,桐庐、淳安2个县。全市总面积16596平方千米,其中市区面积8000平方千米。

As the capital city of Zhejiang province and its economic, cultural, science and educational center, Hangzhou is one of the central cities in the Yangtze River Delta. It also ranks among the first batch of National Historical and Cultural Cities as a popular city of tourism. It is renowned as “paradise on earth”, “area of rich cultural heritage”,“home of silk and tea”, and“land of fish and rice”. As one of the birthplaces of Chinese Civilization and ranking among the seven ancient capitals in China, Hangzhou stands out as the“Famous Town of the Southeast". The excavation of the Kuahuqiao Site indicates that as early as 8,000 years ago, the place already saw thriving human activities. Under the jurisdiction of the city of Hangzhou are 10 urban districts, namely Shangchen, Xiacheng, Jianggan, Gongshu, Xihu (West Lake), Binjiang, Xiaoshan, Yuhang, Fuyang and Lin’an, one county-level city of Jiande and two counties of Tonglu and Chun’an. The city covers a total area of 16, 596 square kilometers, of which the urban part takes up 8,000 square kilometers.


情景对话】 Conversations

I.在游客咨询中心 At the Tourist Information Center

A: Excuse me, can I have a map of the tourist attractionsof Hangzhou, please?


B: Sure. Anything else I can help you with?


A: This is my first time in Hangzhou and I’ve heard that Hangzhou is a beautiful city. I just don't know any of the famous scenic spots around here. Could you help me?


B: You are on the south bank of the West Lake, where the scenic spots are relatively close to each other. You can go all the way to the south from the Lakeside Park, pass through Orioles Singing in the Willows,Viewing the Fish at Flowery Pond, the Leifeng Pagoda, and finally you'll arrive at Taiziwan Park.


A: Thank you very much for your detailed information and recommendations.


B: My pleasure. Have a nice trip !


II.在雷峰塔 At the Leifeng Pagoda

A: Excuse me, do I need to buy tickets for the Leifeng Pagoda?


B: Yes, you do.


A: How much is the admission fee? Do I need to make a reservation in advance?


B: It is 40 Yuan per person. You can buy ticket at the ticket office on the day of your visit.


A: OK. What's special about the Leifeng Pagoda?


B: The Pagoda is one of the Top 10 scenic spots of the West Lake. It is associated with the story of White Snake Lady. The pagoda is the best location to see the beauty of the West Lake.


A: That sounds good. I can't wait to ascend to the top and have a bird view of the lake.

By the way, when does it open?


B: From 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. I suggest you climb the tower in late afternoon when the sun goes down so you can enjoy the view of the beautiful scenery.


III.花港观鱼附近 Near Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor(Huagang Guanyu)

A: Hello, we are here for sightseeing. Can you introduce this scenic spot to us?


B: This scenic spot is called Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor. Let me show you around.


A: Thank you very much! Why is it called Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor? What's the origin of the name?


B: In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi visited Hangzhou and inscribed the name Huagang Guanyu(literally Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor) for this scenic spot. The local governor then carved it into a stone tablet by the fish pond. Later Emperor Qianlong inscribed a poem on this stone. Nowadays, people can watch golden carps swimming in the pond while the flowers are blossoming here.

清朝康熙皇帝驾临西湖,题书 “花港观鱼”。随后地方官员将题字刻石碑,置于鱼池畔。后来乾隆皇帝又有诗作题刻在这个碑上。如今人们可在此欣赏,池中金色鲤鱼闲游,岸上鲜花盛开。

A: I see. What a beautiful view! This park is picturesque. Hangzhou is really an interesting place. I'll come again when I'm free.Thank you.


B: It's my pleasure.



1.can't wait to do sth 解释为迫不及待做某事,重点在“to do”上。

例如:I can't wait to see you 我迫不及待想见你。

2.scenic spot:英语中表达现在人们所说的“景点”的词有很多,常用“tourist attractions ”、“scenic spots ”等表达方式。

3.go down:下沉。在表达“夕阳西下时”,可以借助“go down ”这个词组,它有“下降,沉下”的意思,可用“When the sun goes down”。

【常用句型】Useful Sentences

1. This park is picturesque.


2. I’m sure you will enjoy the beautiful scenery.


3. Although we have tried our best to serve you, something needs to be improved.


4. I’m more than willing to help you.


5. I believe that all of you will have a good time tonight.


四、在萧山机场 At Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport

【背景信息】Background Information

萧山机场简介Airport Profile

Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, known as Hangzhou’s air portal, is situated in the east of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, about 27 kilometers from the downtown city. The airport is an important air link in China, an airport for international scheduled flights and class 1 air portal. By the end of 2017, a total of 60 domestic and foreign airlines had started operations at Hangzhou Airport and the flights from the airport reach 162 destinations, including 113 domestic ones and 43 overseas cities. Thanks to the rapid economic and social development of Zhejiang Province, the airport has grown into one of China’s top 10 airports and among the world’s top 100 airports.




I. 抵达大厅At the Arrival Hall

A:Excuse me, sir. Are you Adam from Singapore?


B:Yes. I am Adam, team leader of the delegation from Singapore.


A:Welcome to Hangzhou, I’m Lily, a volunteer representing HAGOC.


B:Great! Nice to see you.


A:Glad to meet you too.


II.前往注册中心Heading to the Accreditation Center

A:I will guide you and the athletes to the Asian Games Village and help you settle down. So, is everybody here?


B:Yes, athletes, coaches and staff members are all here. By the way, will all of us stay in the same building in the Asian Games Village?


A:I believe so. Everything will follow the original plan designed by HAGOC, and I think it will be much easier if you all live in the same building. Of course, if you have any special requirements, we’d like to help you out and see what we can do.


B:OK, sounds perfect.


A:Great! Now, could everyone bring your luggage and follow me? Let’s head to the accreditation center first.



1. Arrival Hall:国际上通常将机场/火车站的到达大厅或到达层称为Arrival Hall,机场/火车站的出发厅/层则被称为Departure Hall。

2. help out:帮助某人解决困难。help out和help的区别在于,help out的对象是人,而help则可用于人或事。此外,help后可跟动词原形,但help out不行。比如:He helped us mend the car。因此,在使用help out的语境中往往可以用help来替换,而反之则不一定行得通。

3. go through the accreditation:通过注册程序。类似于奥运会,在亚运会前,每一名亚运会的与会者(运动员、教练、亚运会官员和工作人员)都必须申请注册资格。在抵达亚运会办城市后,必须激活自己的注册资格才能按规定出入比赛场所和亚运村。

【常用句型】Useful Sentences

1. I’m a volunteer sent by HAGOC.


2. I will guide you and the athletes to the Asian Games Village and help you settle down.


3. Everything will follow the original plan designed by HAGOC.


4. If you have any special requirements, we’d like to help you out and see what we can do.


5. Let’s head to the accreditation center first.


五、在河坊街On Hefang Street

【背景信息】Background Information

杭州河坊街简介Profile of Hefang Street in Hangzhou

Hefang Street is a well-designed old pedestrian street. The original street has been ruined and it takes on a completely new look after large-scale of restoration. Shops selling art crafts, souvenirs, silk, tea houses, and restaurants align on both sides of the street. Many famous century-old shops including Hu Qingyu Tang pharmacy, Wang Xingji Fans can be found along the street. Hefang Street is also known as the Snack Street for the diverse food it serves.




I. At Hu Qingyu Tang Pharmacy在胡庆余堂


Excuse me? Is this Hu Qingyu Tang Pharmacy?




Great! I heard that you are called “Jiangnan Medicine King”.


Yes, our company was founded in 1874 by the famous businessman Mr. Hu Xueyan in the Qing Dynasty.


That’s more than a hundred years. How many kinds of medicine do you have?

B: 我们现在有国家批准生产的药品184只,保健食品9只。

We have 184 drugs approved by the state and 9 kinds of health food now .

A: 哇!真是太厉害了!

Wow, that’s amazing.

II. At Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors 张小泉剪刀店

A: 欢迎来到张小泉剪刀店!

Welcome to Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors.


Someone told me that Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors are well-known traditional handicrafts in Hangzhou. I want to buy a pair of scissors as a souvenir. Could you please show me your scissors?


Of course. We are a traditional brand of Chinese handicraft industry with a history of more than 300 years. As for the size of our scissors, the biggest are as long as 1.2 meters ( 4 feet ) , the smallest a mere 3.1 centimeters (1.22 inches ) weighing 10 grams.

B: 有意思。请问你们的产品有什么特色呢?

Sounds interesting. What are the characteristics of your products?


They are beautiful in shape and good for use with sharp blades.


Can you recommend one that is suitable as a souvenir?

A: 这种便携的吧。

This portable one will be good.

B.好的, 我就买这把!

Good, I’ll take it!

III. At a Silk Shop 绸庄


Welcome to our silk shop!

B: 我想给我妈妈买一件丝绸制的衣服,能帮我看看吗?

I want to buy a silk dress for my mother. Can you help me?


Sure. Hangzhou boasts more than several thousand kinds of silks of different patterns, designs and colors. Hangzhou silks are praised by foreign visitors as the “flowers of Oriental art”.There must be one suitable for your mother.


Great!Why do Chinese people love silk clothes?


They are soft, shiny and tend to absorb moisture. Above all, they breathe well--that is why they are superior to synthetic fibres.

B: 给我妈妈穿的话,您有什么推荐吗?

Do you have any recommendations for my mother?


How about this green silk dress? It is fashionable and comfortable.


It looks nice. I will take this one!


1. century-old shop:百年老店。例:The century-old shop has enjoyed a long-standing reputation. 百年老店,服务优良,信誉卓著,欢迎光临。

2. be approved by : 由…批准,by后面常跟权威部门。例如:The payment shall be approved by a special resolution of the company. (付款需经过公司特别决议批准)。

【常用句型】Useful Sentences


Our company/shop was founded in 1874 by a the famous businessman.


Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors are well-known traditional handicrafts in Hangzhou.


It is very fashionable and comfortable.

注: 文本图片大多来自网络。


[1] 陈刚. 大杭州旅游指南 [M]. 杭州:浙江摄影出版社.2006.10

[2]郭磊. 英汉口译导论[M]. 兰州:甘肃人民出版社, 2014.4

[3]刘会,张海让. 导游英语[M]. 天津:天津科技翻译出版社公司2006.9


课题名称: 迎亚运杭州市民英语口语一本通

课题编号: 19YB52

负责人: 朱慧芬

单位: 浙江金融职业学院