每日新闻播报(September 6)

A tiny yellow vase made for the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. [Photo/VCG]

>Chinese vase sold for £1


A Chinese emperor's vase sold for just £1 in the UK was later found to be worth £80,000, triggering heated debate among Chinese netizens.


A man, whose name was not revealed, bought the vase at a charity shop for £1 and put it on sale at a low starting price on eBay, an online auction and shopping platform, before being flooded with offers.


Realizing it may be valuable, the buyer took the vase to an antiques auction house for authentication and valuation, and shockingly found it originally belonged to the 18th-century Chinese Emperor Qianlong. 买家意识到此花瓶可能价值不菲,于是带去一家古董拍卖行进行鉴定和估价,最后惊喜得知该花瓶是18世纪中国皇帝乾隆的御制物。

The pear-shaped vase has yellow background, a color used solely for the royal family, with yangcai (foreign colors) enamel.这只梨形花瓶使用的是黄底洋彩珐琅,这是一种仅供皇家使用的颜色。

On its eight-inch-tall body, there is a poem written by Emperor Qianlong and two red seals, with one reading "Emperor Qianlong's own mark" and the other "elaborately made with undivided heart."其高8英寸的瓶身上刻有乾隆皇帝的御题诗一首和两枚红色印章,分别写着"乾隆宸翰"和"惟精惟一"。

The Sworders Fine Art Auctioneers said it was court commissioned and probably displayed in one of the emperor's palaces, so it is rare and highly valued.斯沃德艺术品拍卖行表示,该花瓶是官窑制品,很可能被放置于皇帝的某座宫殿,所以它珍稀名贵。

Listed at 80,000 pounds currently, it will be auctioned on Nov 8. 该花瓶将于11月8日拍卖,目前标价为8万英镑(约合人民币69万元)。

New students arrive at Zhejiang University on Aug 16, accompanied by their parents. [Photo/China Daily]

>Living costs spark debate


A recent online post about a female college student asking for 4,500 yuan for monthly living expenses has ignited public debate on how much a student really needs for college life, and most believed that demand is too much.


According to the post, the new college student said her school is in a new top-tier city and complained her mother gave her too little, 2,000 yuan.帖子中,这名大一新生说她的学校位于新一线城市,妈妈给的2000元生活费太少。

"Is 2,000 yuan a month enough for a student's life in college?" soon became a hot topic on the list of top trending searches."大学生一月2000元生活费够吗?"很快跻身热搜话题榜前列。

Some internet users shared their living expenses in colleges, and most ranged from 1,000 to 2,000 yuan a month. Some questioned whether the female student could even earn 4,500 yuan after graduation.一些网友分享了他们在大学的生活费,多数人的花销为每月1000-2000元,还有人对这个女生毕业后是否能赚到4500元的月薪表示怀疑。

Data from Wacai, an app focusing on financial advice, showed that students in 15 cities spent over 1,500 yuan a month on average, topped by Beijing at 2,400 yuan, Shanghai at 2,300 yuan, and Hangzhou at 2,250 yuan.来自专门提供理财建议的应用挖财记账的数据显示,15个城市的大学生月均生活费在1500元以上,最高的城市为北京,生活费为每月2400元,其次是上海(2300元)和杭州(2250元)。

People walk through the Helden Tor (Hero's Gate) near the Homburg Palace in Vienna, Austria on Tuesday. [Photo/AFP]

>World's most livable cities


It's long been known for its grandiose architecture, lashings of green spaces and traditional coffee shops - and now Vienna is building itself a reputation for something even more covetable.


The Austrian capital has been ranked the world's most livable city for the second year running, topping the table with almost perfect scores for stability, culture and environment, education and infrastructure, and health care.凭借在稳定程度、文化环境、教育和基础设施,卫生保健这些方面几乎完美的得分,维也纳连续第二年被评为世界最宜居城市。

It was followed by Melbourne - which Vienna toppled from pole position last year after seven years at the top.排在第二的是墨尔本。去年,维也纳超越了曾连续7年蝉联最宜居城市的墨尔本。

Sydney, Osaka and Calgary make up the top five on the annual Global Liveability Index of 140 cities around the world, compiled by The Economist Intelligence Unit.进入榜单前五的还有悉尼、大阪和卡尔加里。这份有关全球140个城市的年度"全球宜居城市指数"报告由经济学人智库编纂。

The 40-meter-high Rain Vortex, which is the world's tallest indoor waterfall, is seen from inside Jewel Changi Airport in Singapore, April 11, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>Man arrested for overstaying


The Singapore Police Force has issued a warning to residents not to "misuse" their boarding passes after a man was arrested for buying a ticket to walk his wife to the gate.


The misuse of boarding passes is an offense in Singapore, where transit areas are considered "protected places."在新加坡,滥用登机牌是一种犯罪行为,过境区被认为是"受保护区域"。

If the idea that anyone would actively want to spend time in an airport sounds odd, you haven't flown through Singapore.如果你认为有人想在机场消磨时间的想法听起来很奇怪,那你一定没有去过新加坡机场。

When Changi's new Jewel terminal opened in April, it made headlines around the globe for its 40-meter waterfall (the world's largest indoor one), a 14,000-square-meter Canopy Park, complete with a suspension bridge, topiary and mazes, and one of Asia's largest indoor gardens with 3,000 trees and 60,000 shrubs.今年四月,樟宜机场新建成的宝石航站楼刚刚开放,就因40米高的瀑布(世界最大的室内瀑布)和1.4万平方米的星空花园而登上全球媒体头条。此外,这里还有吊桥、修剪成形的灌木和迷宫,以及有三千棵树和六万棵灌木的亚洲最大室内花园。

Overstaying your welcome in the terminal is a thing, here.在这个机场长时间逗留已经成为一个现象。

Anyone accessing the gate-side areas at Changi without intending to fly can be prosecuted under Singapore's Infrastructure Protection Act and fined up to S$20,000 or imprisoned for up to two years.根据新加坡《基础设施保护法》,任何无意登机而进入樟宜机场登机口区域的人都可能被起诉,并被处以最高2万新元(约合人民币10.3万元)罚款,或最长两年监禁。

Thirty-three people have been arrested under the legislation in the first eight months of 2019.2019年前八个月已有33人因此被捕。

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