5.2 句解 | 人口密集的新加坡只能满足国内10%的​粮食需求

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Restrictions on population movements around the world have weakened supply chains and raised concerns about worsening shortages and price increases. Currently, densely populated Singapore produces only about 10% of its own food needs.


1. Restrictions on population movements around the world have weakened supply chains and raised concerns about worsening shortages and price increases.

(1) 语言点:

restriction: n. 约束,限制

movement: n. 运动;乐章;活动;运转

population movement: 人口流动

supply chain: 供应链

concern: v. 使担忧;使挂念;使焦虑 n. 牵挂;担忧

e.g. What were the major concerns of the writers from this period? 这一时期作家们主要关注的是什么?

raise concern: 引发关注

shortage: n. 缺乏,缺少

e.g.The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages. 这个夏天漫长而炎热,导致严重缺水

(2) 成分分析:

本句话的主干是Restrictions have weakend supply chains and raised concerns about worsening shortages and price increases。主语是restrctions,它对应的谓语动词有两个,一是weaken,二是raise,on population movements around the world是介词短语对主语restrictions进行补充说明。



2.Currently, densely populated Singapore produces only about 10% of its own food needs.

(1) 语言点

currently: adv. 当前,最近

densely: adv. 密集地


本句话的主干是Singapore produces...。副词currently作状语来说明时间,过去分词短语densely populated修饰限定Singapore。




请用raise concern进行造句

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