
I tell you about the “Past life and present life”of Qingming festival


In folklore, the Hanshi festival was set up by Duke Wen of Jin in memory of his loyal subject Jie Zitui. Thanked to the Loyal Minister Jie Zitui, who stayed with him and carefully protected him, Duke Wen of Jin was able to get through the difficult time when he was in exile and suffered so much. But in his later glory, Duke Wen of Jin Forgot his loyalty! When he tried to set fire to the mountain to find the reclusive Jie Zitui, he ended up killing Jie Zitui. So, in honor of Jie Zitui, Duke Wen of Jin ordered the whole country to ban smoking and eating cold food on this day, and to designate the day as “Cold food festival”and the day after as “Qingming Festival”.



But,The origin of Hanshi Festival is not to commemorate Jie Zitui oh! In fact, it follows the ancient customs of our country to change the old fire, very early in the history of it!


In ancient times, in the area of Central Plain in the north of our country, because march was the time of changing the fire (changing the fire: Because in ancient times it was necessary to drill wood to make fire, people used different wood in the four seasons, people will be banned from lighting fire and eating cold food. This is the earliest origin of the cold food festival. During the Han Dynasty, people called the Cold Food Festival “No Smoking Festival”, because people could not make their own fire for cooking. They had to wait until evening to light a candle in the palace, only after the flame has been passed on to your relatives and ministers can you continue to live this day.



“Zhou Li”also clearly recorded the situation at that time: Because of the mid-spring dry climate, easy to cause fire, people need to carry out sacrificial activities, the last year passed down the fire extinguished, is “Fire Ban”; Then the “Fire drill”(Zu n Su q something Hu) was used as a starting point for the New Year. However, according to “Houhanshu”records, the time span of the cold food festival is very long, the longest time can even last 1-3 months! The fire-ban system does not take into account the specific conditions of each locality and seriously affects the lives of the people: Because fire can not be lit, the people can only eat cold food and drink raw water, and the young people can barely survive, but the old, the weak, the women and children are seriously injured, and even die as a result! Everyone is miserable about the “Ban fire cold food”, but no one dares to challenge this custom. Fortunately, Zhou Ju, the newly appointed governor of Bingzhou, came forward -- he was the first person in history to publicly advocate the abolition of the “Cold food day and fire ban”!

《周礼》也明确记录了当时的情况:由于仲春气候干燥,易引起火灾,百姓需要进行祭祀活动,把上一年传下来的火种熄灭,是“禁火”;然后“钻燧取火”(zuān suì qǔ huǒ,原始的取火法),作为新一年生活的起点。




He personally went to the people’s homes, advised them to make a fire for cooking, and lit a fire with his own hands, and warned them that although Jie Zitui’s spirit of loyalty and Filial Piety was commendable, the people should take better care of their health in order to develop production and make their lives better. Therefore, “The public confused slightly solution, the custom quite reforms”, the measure has obtained the very good effect! Moreover, under his influence, Cao Cao, Shi Le, Emperor Xiaowen and others also took measures to break the vulgar custom of “Prohibiting fire and cold food”



He personally went to the people’s homes, advised them to make a fire for cooking, and lit a fire with his own hands, and warned them that although Jie Zitui’s spirit of loyalty and Filial Piety was commendable, the people should take better care of their health in order to develop production and make their lives better. Therefore, “The public confused slightly solution, the custom quite reforms”, the measure has obtained the very good effect! Moreover, under his influence, Cao Cao, Shi Le, Emperor Xiaowen and others also took measures to break the vulgar custom of “Prohibiting fire and cold food”

上巳节是古代举行“祓除畔浴(fú chú pàn yù)”活动中最重要的节日。在这天,人们会去水边沐浴,称为“祓禊(fú chú)”,后来又增加了祭祀宴饮、曲水流觞、郊外游春等内容,来祈福消灾。


Shangsi festival is the most important festival of the ancient “F úch úp àn y ù”. On this day, people would go to the Waterside to bathe, which was called “Fuxi chú”, and later added such contents as sacrificial banquet, flowing wine and spring outing to pray for good fortune and eliminate disasters. In the Jin Dynasty, Lu Ji wrote, “Late in the spring, when the weather was soft and pleasant, the early days of Gyirong County were sullied and the Yellow River was sullied.”, wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem like this: “Young people travel in Fuxi without having to attend both

Qingming and Shangsi”. However, up to the Song Dynasty, the Shangsi festival gradually no literature.



Although the cold food festival and the Shangsi Festival are no longer mentioned by people, but they have had a far-reaching impact on the Chinese nation, their good customs have been preserved and diversified development: “No fire cold food”, has become today’s forest fire protection; And “Cold food inserted willow”has become today’s Afforestation; “Cuju”has developed into today’s soccer, which is loved by all the people; and in the Diet, everyone has also exerted their wisdom and created a variety of delicious snacks and cold dishes, greatly enriched the Chinese nation’s eating customs。现如今,除了中国,世界上还有一些国家和地区也过清明节,比如越南、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡等。清明节,是中华民族最隆重盛大的祭祖大节,它凝聚了民族精神,抒发了人们尊祖敬宗、继志述事的道德情怀。追忆祖先,缅怀先贤,民族文化的传承也是无尽的精神宝藏!

Today, apart from China, other countries and regions in the world also celebrate the Qingming Festival, such as Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and so on. Qingming Festival, is the most solemn and grand festival of ancestor worship of the Chinese nation, it condenses the national spirit, express people’s respect for the ancestors, following the moral feelings of narrative. In memory of the ancestors, in memory of the ancestors, the inheritance of national culture is also an endless spiritual treasure .