


马凯硕(Kishore Mahbubani)








解读中国工作室推出的系列短片《见证中国变革时代》,今天推出第11集《世界向中国学习什么?》。请点击→ 马凯硕:世界向中国学习什么?









I think there is no doubt that the record of China’s economic and social development is probably the most successful record of any country since the beginning of time. I think no country has succeeded in improving the extend of living standard of its people, no country has succeeded in removing poverty as quickly and as effectively as China has done so over the past forty years. It’s a kind of remarkable story.



The success story of China has been very important for the world in many ways.


Firstly, China provides almost one-fifth of the world’s population, 1.4 billion people out of over 7 billion people, so 1.4 billion people as a large part of humanity. China is doing very well.


Secondly, I think China’s success has also been good for the rest of the world because of the spill-over effects of China’s development. China’s growth has also led to other countries’ benefiting from China’s growth, ASEAN, for example, has benefited significantly from China’s growth, but equally importantly, China’s success inspired other countries and made them feel that if China can eradicate so much poverty, why can’t we do the same? And the fact that many countries say from African and Asian coming to learn from China, that is a very good thing because it is good for the world to have a spectacular success story to inspire the rest of the world.



I wrote a book some years ago called The Great Convergence, and I said the world actually has been converging and becoming smaller and smaller. I used a very simple bold metaphor that explains how the world has changed. I say in the past, when 7 billion people lived in 197 separate countries, even as though they are living in 197 separate boats with captains and crews taking care of each boat and rules to make sure that the boat didn’t collapse, that is our world.


As a result of the great convergence of globalization of the world shrinking and becoming more interdependent, the 7 billion people of the world are longer live in 197 separate boats, the 7 billion people of the world live in 197 separate cabins on the same boat. So, the problem of our global boat is that we have captains and crews taking care of each cabin and no captain or crew taking care of the global boat as a whole, and that’s why we’re having problems, likes you know, of global warming, global financial crisis, global terrorism, global pandemics.


By talking about the Community of Shared Future for Mankind, President Xi is reminding us that all 7 billion of us are now on a same boat, so we shouldn’t just be taking care of our cabin, we should be taking care of the boat as a whole, so because if the boat sinks, we have a shared future, we all sink. That’s why I like very much this phrase of ‘Community of Shared Future for Mankind’.


I’m very glad that President Xi has declared that even while China is still a developing country, it is actually going out and trying to launch the initiatives to have other countries grow development.



Actually, I’m a strong believer in the Belt and Road Initiative because we are becoming a smaller and smaller interdependent world, and as a result of that, we have to find ways and means of working with each other more and more. I think that the Belt and Road Initiative is clearly doing that, clearly designed to bring people together.


I think it’s very important for China to show that unlike the United States, which is behaving unfortunately now more and more unilaterally. You can actually tell the world that as the United States becomes progressively more and more unilateral, China will become progressively more and more multilateral, and the world will welcome what China works for that.