Simon Biggs教授于今日接任詹姆斯库克大学总校长

Simon Biggs教授被任命为詹姆斯库克大学新任总校长,并于今天开始担任这一职务。

Professor Simon Biggs


Simon Biggs教授将接替在詹姆斯库克大学任职近15年并作出了杰出贡献的Sandra Harding AO 教授担任总校长。

Simon Biggs教授在任职于詹姆斯库克大学前,曾任西澳大学高级副校长。在2018年担任这一职务之前,Biggs 教授是昆士兰大学工程、建筑和信息技术学院的执行院长。

Simon Biggs教授是国际知名的胶体和粒子技术领域的研究人员。Biggs教授从2002年到2014年在利兹大学担任皇家工程院/英国核燃料有限公司粒子科学和工程主席。此前他曾在澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学工作了八年。他目前不仅是皇家工程院也是澳大利亚技术与工程学院的研究员。

詹姆斯库克大学荣誉校长 Bill Tweddell表示 Biggs教授是由大学理事会一致任命。

Tweddell先生表示“Simon Biggs曾在澳大利亚及海外的多个院校工作,具备着丰富经验。在未来大学如若面临重大机遇和挑战的时候,Biggs教授将为詹姆斯库克大学提供强而有力的领导。”






大学不仅对于新任校长的加入表示热烈欢迎,也对于在詹姆斯库克大学任职校长一职近15年并为大学作出了杰出贡献的Sandra Harding AO教授表示由衷地感谢。

Sandra Harding AO教授自2007年1月起担任詹姆斯库克大学总校长,于上个星期2022年2月11日正式卸任。


为表示对Sandra Harding AO教授多年对大学杰出贡献的认可,大学理事会一致决定授予其名誉教授 (Emeritus Professor) 的称号。


詹姆斯库克大学荣誉校长 Bill Tweddell 对 Harding教授的领导能力表示敬意。并说:“Harding教授为詹姆斯库克大学做出了巨大的奉献,并且留下了一份辉煌成就遗产。”

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Professor Simon Biggs has been appointed the next Vice Chancellor and President of James Cook University.

Professor Biggs will be succeeding Professor Sandra Harding, who is retiring after nearly 15 years of distinguished service as Vice Chancellor.

Simon Biggs is currently the Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Western Australia. Before taking on that role in 2018, Professor Biggs was the Executive Dean for the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology at the University of Queensland.

He is an internationally recognised researcher in the field of colloid and particle technology. Professor Biggs was previously the Royal Academy of Engineering/British Nuclear Fuels Limited Chair in Particle Science and Engineering at the University of Leeds from 2002 until 2014 after spending eight years at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He is a Fellow of both the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering.

In his early career, he developed his research through post-doctoral positions at the Institut Charles Sadron (Strasbourg, France) and the University of Melbourne. His undergraduate and doctoral education was undertaken in the United Kingdom at the University of Bristol from where he has a PhD in Colloid Science.

The Chancellor of JCU Bill Tweddell said Professor Biggs had been unanimously appointed by the University’s Council.

“Simon Biggs brings to JCU a very broad range of experience from working across a wide range of institutions in Australia and overseas.

“Professor Biggs will provide strong leadership for JCU during a time of great opportunity and challenge for the university sector.

“Professor Biggs is attracted to the place of JCU in the tropics and the University’s commitment to this important part of Australia and the world. He has the combination of professional skills and personal attributes to be a great leader to take JCU into the next phase of its development,” Mr Tweddell said.

Professor Biggs said he is honoured to be appointed as the next Vice Chancellor and President.

“I am genuinely thrilled to have been selected for this role by James Cook University. JCU is an internationally renowned university ranked in the top 300 of the world’s universities, and I’m really excited about the opportunities to lead the university in its next phase of development.

“The role of universities in the communities they serve is especially vital at this time and I am looking forward to building on the strong reputation JCU already has in North and Far North Queensland and well beyond as a provider of world-class education and research from this beautiful part of the world. I am also motivated by the possibilities that JCU’s presence in Singapore provides to continue to have a significant impact across the tropics.”

Professor Sandra Harding has been Vice Chancellor and President of JCU since January 2007.

In Professor Sandra Harding’s final week as Vice Chancellor, the University was able to hold farewell events in Cairns and Townsville to acknowledge publicly to business leaders and industry and community partners within the region, current and former members of Council and others, her outstanding leadership and dedication over the last 15 years.

Mr Tweddell has paid tribute to Professor Harding’s leadership. He said Professor Harding has made an enormous contribution to JCU, and will leave a remarkable legacy of achievements.

Professor Biggs will begin the role today.