

Beautiful scenic island

Saint John's Island, previously known as PulauSakijang Bendera, is one of the Southern Islands in Singapore. It is locatedapproximately 6.5 km to the south of the main island of Singapore.

Singapore Island Cruise

St John Island

The Story

john island

Saint John's Island formerly housed aquarantine station for cholera cases detected among immigrants in the late 19thcentury, and starting from 1901, victims of beri-beri were also brought to theisland. By 1930, the island gained world recognition as a quarantine centerscreening for Asian immigrants and pilgrims returning from Mecca.

The quarantine station was eventually alsoused to house victims of other diseases, such as leprosy. When mass immigrationwas closed in mid-20th century, the island was used to house a penal settlementand also a drug rehabilitation center, but all that has changed now intosomething totally different!

This island, was the site of Sir StamfordRaffles's anchorage before meeting the Malay chief of Singapore in 1819.

Departure From Marina South Pier To StJohn's Island

Monday to Friday

10am 2pm


9am 11am 1pm 3pm

Sunday & Public Holidays

9am 11am 1pm 3pm 5pm

Please note that ticketing booth closes at3pm daily. Prices for a two way trip are fixed at $18 for adults and $12 forchildren aged 1 to 12 years old

* Ferry will head to St John's Island firstbefore heading to Kusu Island. Ferry will be in a loop.

美丽的风景岛圣约翰岛(以前称为Pulau Sakijang Bendera)是新加坡南部群岛之一。它位于新加坡主岛以南约6.5公里处。新加坡岛游轮圣约翰岛故事约翰岛圣约翰岛以前曾为19世纪后期移民中发现的霍乱病例提供检疫站,从1901年开始,贝里贝里的受害者也被带到岛上。到1930年,该岛获得了世界认可,成为亚洲移民和从麦加返回的朝圣者的检疫中心。检疫站最终也用于容纳其他疾病的受害者,如麻风病。当大规模移民在20世纪中期关闭时,该岛被用来建立一个刑事处所和一个戒毒所,但现在所有这一切都变成了完全不同的东西!在1819年与新加坡马来酋长会面之前,这座岛屿是史丹福莱佛士爵士的停泊地。

从滨海南码头出发前往圣约翰岛约30分钟船程,星期一到星期五上午10点到下午2点星期六上午9点11点,下午1点,下午3点周日及公众假期上午9点11点1点,下午3点,下午5点请注意,售票亭每天下午3点关闭。双程旅行的价格固定为成人18元和1至12岁儿童12元 *前往Kusu岛之前,渡轮将首先前往圣约翰岛。渡轮将在一个循环中。

现在已经开通了直达地铁,先坐MRT红线到Marina South Pier站,然后从B出口上去Marina South Pier (FerryTeminal)。下图售票处




Kusu Island Chinese Temple

10月7日,周一早上,集合地点地铁 红线 滨海南码头站,出口B。准时到,船不等人。

Time:OCT 7th ,Monday.

Collection: marina south pier(MRT NS28).EXIT B.


a return trip costs S$18 for adults .

a trip from Marina South Pierto St John’s Island takes about 30 minutes while the travel time from St John’sIsland to Kusu Island will take about 15 minutes.

Be prepared: lunch . water. Nuts.Mosqulio protection