11月17日"说英语”周日白徒 "Speak English" Sunday Morning Hike


17 November "Speak English" Sunday Morning Hike


For friends who love hiking & beautiful scenery, join us to walk around Marina Bay area.

活动策划: 新加坡徒步平台

Event Planner: Singapore Hiking

领队: CSP

Leader of the team: CSP


Protectors of the team at the back: Bunny/Fred Yap/Michelle


Set out time: 8.30am on 17 November, no waiting for late comers

出发地点:莱佛士坊地铁站(EW14/NS26) G出口

Starting point: Raffles Place MRT (EW14/NS26) Exit G


Ending point: Bayfront MRT (CE1/DT16)


我们将从莱佛士坊地铁站出发,走向亚洲文明博物馆,然后在维多利亚剧院前合影。 接下来,我们将到达鱼尾狮公园,穿过螺旋桥到达艺术科学博物馆。 最后,我们将步行至滨海堤坝,在那里合影,然后在海湾舫地铁站结束。

Event route:

Starting from Raffles Place MRT, we will walk towards Asian Civilization Museum, and then take a group photo before Victoria Theatre. Next we will walk to Merlion Park, through Helix Bridge, to reach the ArtScience Museum. Finally we will walk to Marina Barrage for another group photo, before finishing at Bayfront MRT Station.

距离: 6.6公里 Distance: 6.6km

徒步时间:2个小时半 Walking Time: 2.5 hours

难度: 轻松 Difficulty Level: Easy

适合人群:6-60岁 Suitable for people aged 6 to 60



Leader's message:

This is a Speak English hike event, and we are going to the most scenic parts of Singapore. We will all be tourists for one morning, and take crazy photos at various photo spots, to win prizes in some fun games.


1. 自备所需的饮用水,干粮,雨具,照明及防蚊喷雾剂等。

2. 行进途中请注意安全,紧跟队伍不要擅自离队;请听从领队和护尾的指挥,以免发生意外;队友之间请团结友爱,互相照应。

3. 已有夜徒灯的朋友请务必携带.

4. 到达徒步现场必须主动找领队签到,否则领队没有点到名,将视为缺席此次活动。

5. 替别人或给多人报名者,也需要按照报名表格要求写清楚所有参加者的信息,以方便后台统计。


Gentle reminders:

1. Bring along drinking water, snacks, an umbrella or a raincoat, and mosquito repellent if necessary.

2. If you have the night walking light issued by Singapore Hiking, bring that along too, for an evening hike.

3. Upon arrival, report to the leader / his assistant to mark attendance.

4. During the hike, listen to the leader's instructions, stay safe, walk with the team, and keep a lookout for each other.

5. When signing up for a hike, please fill in all the basic info required in the registration form. This is to allow the admin to compile data in the future.

6. Participants who have filled in all the basic info required when signing up for a hike will be insured for accident during the hike. The insurance coverage is purchased by a partner organisation. You can join the hike with peace of mind! Once again, please fill in all the info required. Thank you!




如何入微信群 How to join Wechat Group:

扫描下面的二维码,添加好友,备注“徒步” Scan QR code below, add friend, send greeting "Hiking"



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