新加坡Rochester教育综合楼 / SPARK思邦

Rochester Executive Learning Complex is a world-class talent development, networking, work and lifestyle hub.


综合楼主入口 © SPARK

At the its heart is the Shared Executive Learning Centre (SELC) integrated with an upscale business hotel, A-grade offices and co-working spaces, supported by curated F&B concepts and wellness facilities.


综合楼功能分布 © SPARK

The building is a three-dimensional “micro mixed-use campus” with each component expressed legibly in a collage of connected functions to create a new paradigm for executive learning.


从街景视角看建筑 © SPARK

The proposal adds a different dimension to the typical institutional character, by enabling a permeable flow between interior and exterior and between the programmatic layers of the building.


项目概念图 © SPARK

SPARK’s design provides a platform for interaction whilst establishing an important relationship with the distinctive scale and verdant nature of the historic Rochester Park.


斯蒂芬.平博里董事手绘的设计稿 © SPARK

建筑与周边环境 © SPARK

Designed to make a positive visual impact in its relationship to the city, the building supports Zaha Hadid’s master plan for One North by creating places to socialise, to have fun, to exercise, to learn and to relax.

该建筑的设计旨在给城市带来积极的环境和社会影响,并通过创造社交、娱乐、运动、学习和放松的互动场所来支持建筑大师扎哈·哈迪德对于新加坡One North的总体规划。

CREDITS / 设计信息




设计团队:Huiwen Toh, Joei Wee, Liliani Saputri, Luca Maccarinelli 卢卡·马卡里内利, Mark Mancenido, Stephen Pimbley 斯蒂芬.平博理,Wai Wing Yun 甄伟荣
