
新加坡壹世界国际学校(One World International School)隶属于环球学院基金会(Global Schools Foundation),于2008年建校,在新加坡、日本东京各有校区,招收3-18岁的学生。






Chung-An C

“I love the international exposure, a strong second language curriculum and a less stressful environment compared to other international schools. The fees are reasonable too. ”



Sophie K

“Being in One World International School has provided such a positive experience for my son and our family. The OWIS family embraced us with open arms and my son immediately felt included. I remember the first thing my son told me when he started with OWIS – he said, "I feel like I have been going to this school for a long time! I love it here!" He is excited to go to school every day.”

“在新加坡壹世界国际学校学习对我儿子和我们家来说都是一种积极的经历。学校那主动、开放、热情的氛围让我儿子立刻感到自己被接纳了。我还记得他刚开始到学校上课时,对我说的第一句话——“学校就像个老朋友,我觉得自己好像早就在这儿上学了! 我好喜欢这里!每天上学他都很兴奋。”


Katrina H.

"We appreciate the regular communication from the teachers so we know what and how our children are learning. Everyone is positive, pleasant, engaging and student-centered."



William R

"All our five children have been attending OWIS Nanyang since January 2018. They have a mix of interests in the arts and sports. They're also enjoying Maths, Geography and Mandarin. Most mornings, they're so keen to go to the school that they request that we leave home early!"



Andrea N.

"OWIS has a good IB curriculum, is walking distance from where we live and has reasonable school fees. My children are always excited about what they have learned and are eager to share and sometimes show off!"



Piyush G

"Being in Singapore, which is so multi-racial and multi-cultural, we wanted our children to be exposed to an environment with racial diversity and an international outlook. OWIS has lived up to all our expectations!"



Christina O

“I like that technology plays enough of a part within my children's studies but does not dominate basic skills towards literacy with reading, writing and presentation. Putting pen to paper is still an important communicative skill to master, and I know of other schools where iPads dominate. At OWIS, there is very much a balance.”



Olga T

"My son is growing there emotionally and intellectually. I can see the strong support of the teachers. It’s our second year with OWIS and the teachers are great; academically the results are amazing。"



On-Usah C

“Chanya was six years when she enrolled in Grade 1 during the academic year in October 2016. She was previously in a Thai school and we realized that her weak grasp of English could obstruct her daily school life. As a new student, both to the school and in the language, I was so worried about her. But after starting at OWIS, my daughter had settled down very well after the first few weeks. The English as an Additional Language program (EAL) offering one-on-one support has helped her to catch up quickly with her social life and normal classes. We have been delighted being a part of the One World community.”


