台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋设计银奖

寓子设计 蔡佳颐-无黠

UZ Design Chia-I, Tsai- Profound


此设计案将原先量体打破,重新界定空间,并整合了业主的需求以及对于空间的想像,从柯比意(Le Corbusier)的新建筑五原则为出发点,将之引入室内空间手法,创造“自由立面”、“自由平面”、“水平窗带”、“屋顶花园”,另将原则内的“底层挑空”转化为对于天花板高度的延伸,定调了整体大方向的设计概念。

Reorganizing the layout, redefining the space and integrating the needs of the owner and imagination of the space, the designer takes Le Corbusier’s Five Points of Architecture as the starting point and apply them in interior design to create Free Design of the Façade, Free Design of the Ground Plan, Horizontal Windows and Roof Garden; As for the Pilotis, the designer transforms it to the extension of the ceiling height, setting the general direction of the design concept.



The designer’s primary goal is to solve daylighting problem based on her keen sensation of light and the understanding of material and color. The designer sets the study room in the middle of the space to introduce light and makes the interior sufficiently bright. Dark gray color and light natural paint are used to divide the space into upper and lower layer. Use contrast to guide residents to develop their thinking. The main color tone of the outdoor is brought to the study room, extending to the living room. Wood and rattan are used to create the sense of calmness for the low ceiling. Privacy and ventilation are taken into consideration as well, separating the study room and living room.



Materials used in the house including wood and paints are all eco-friendly materials with EEWH certification. Natural paints are used to reveal the real texture. The space is well ventilated and can be cooled naturally.



Through the understanding of the past to imagine the future, one can create the future only after he understands the past. With the new understandings of Le Corbusier’s Five Points of Architecture, extend it to interior space planning, then connect the times through the understanding of material. What design changes is not reality but thoughts, and only thoughts can change reality. Therefore, understanding the past, feeling the present and change the reality are what we can do for future generations.


寓子设计 UZ design


蔡佳颐Chia-I, Tsai/总监 Director (图说)


家 不是冰冷建筑





寓子设计在空间创作里 将每个作品注入丰富的精采故事

Home is not a cold building.

Light, color and space, endow it with the power of life.

With the concepts of nature, gentleness and warmth,

We plan a customized and personal living space with 6+3 aesthetics disciplines.

6 for decoration, 2 for furnishing, and 1 for the occupant.

Uzdesign blends wonderful stories into every proj

ect in spatial design.


2021 日本IDPA国际先锋设计奖 一银、一国际先锋设计大奖

2021 义大利 A’ Design 设计大奖 A’ Design设计奖

2021 法国 创新设计大奖Novum Design Awards 二金

2020 义大利 A’ Design 设计大奖 金奖

2020 新加坡 室内设计大奖SIDA 铜奖

2020 法国 创新设计大奖Novum Design Awards 金奖

2020 美国 星火奖Spark 铜奖

2020 德国 iF设计大奖 决选

2020 美国 缪思设计大奖MUSE 金奖

2020 英国 伦敦国际创意大赛LICC 决选

2020 中国 金堂奖 杰出作品

2019 美国缪思设计大奖MUSE 金奖

2019 中国 室内设计新势力榜 台湾区top10

2018 义大利 A’ Design 设计大奖 银奖

2018 美国 星火奖Spark 银奖

2018 中国 创新中国空间设计艺术大赛 中国建筑装饰设计百位名师

2018 英国 伦敦设计大奖 The London Design Awards 金奖