

2021年8月10日,新加坡最高法院的上诉法院(下称CoA)在Cheung Teck Cheong Richard and others v LVND Investments Pte Ltd [2021] SGCA 77(判决请见:阅读原文)一案中,认定双方不存在仲裁协议,支持上诉人请求,作出撤销中止审理的决定。一购物中心商铺的买方起诉商铺的开发商LVND Investments PteLtd,Assistant Registrar(下称AR)因认定存在仲裁协议而作出中止审理的决定,该决定被高等法院支持,买方为此上诉至上诉法院。CoA特别阐释了《新加坡仲裁法》第4条第(6)款仅针对已经存在的仲裁协议,虽无书面约定,但推定其具有正式效力;但不能用于推定本不存在的仲裁协议成立。

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  • 法院认定





审查双方是否在第20A.1条之外另行达成独立的仲裁协议,CoA先考虑双方的行动是否可以排他地推定第20A.1条是仲裁条款;如果是,再考虑是否有证据证明双方在SPAs第20A.1条的基础上增加或在此之外另行达成了仲裁协议,并由此判定双方在第20A.1条之外达成仲裁协议的意图。然而,CoA总结案件事实认为,不论在第一次还是第二次提起仲裁的尝试中,从双方的行动可以推定,他们在任何时候都以第20A.1条作为唯一的仲裁条款。尽管两次提起仲裁的行动都构成买方向开发商发出了仲裁的要约(an offer to arbitrate),但均遭到了开发商的拒绝。



“First, as a threshold requirement, s 4(6) only applies in the context of ‘any arbitral or legal proceedings’. Second, there must be an assertion of the existence of an arbitration agreement in a pleading, statement of case, or any other document in circumstances in which the assertion calls for a reply. Third, the assertion must not be denied by the other party. If these three requirements are met, then ‘there shall be deemed to be an effective arbitration agreement as between the parties to the proceedings’. We turn to address the three requirements before turning to consider the effect of s 4(6).”


“In both instances, no substantive steps were taken and the matters ended with both parties at loggerheads on whether arbitration was even validly commenced. We are unable to see how there were any ‘arbitration… proceedings’ at all in the present case.”



“The central issue concerning s 4(6) of the AA as argued before us turns on the interpretation of the last clause in s 4(6): ‘there shall be deemed to be an effective arbitration agreement as between the parties to the proceedings’. As cl 20A.1 of the SPAs was not an arbitration agreement and there was no arbitration agreement independent of cl 20A.1, s 4(6) should thus be examined on the basis that there was neither a valid arbitration clause in cl 20A.1 nor an ad hoc arbitration agreement independent of cl 20A.1. The question is whether s 4(6) can nonetheless deem an effective arbitration agreement to be in existence notwithstanding this finding.”

为此,CoA采取了Tan Cheng Bock v Attorney-General [2017] 2 SLR 850一案中确立的目的解释法,在此基础上提出了两种可能的解释。最终,在审查了立法文件后,CoA认为第4条第(6)款仅对已经存在的仲裁协议具有推定作用,不论该协议是否以书面形式作出,其具备正式效力。但对于并不存在的仲裁协议,不能据此推定仲裁协议成立;不满足该款三项条件的,也不能推定为符合AA第4条第(1)款定义的仲裁协议。

“We therefore conclude that if s 4(6) of the AA applies, it only has the effect of deeming an existing arbitration agreement to be formally valid and therefore effective despite not being in writing. It does not have the effect of deeming there to be an agreement between the parties when such an agreement does not otherwise exist, nor does it deem any such agreement to meet the definition of s 4(1) of the AA if it does not otherwise satisfy the requirements stated therein.”



“In any event, we agree with the Judge that no detrimental reliance has been proved and it is not unconscionable for the Appellants to be allowed to resile from any representation that there was a valid arbitration agreement.”


“In the absence of any arbitration agreement between the parties or an estoppel preventing the Appellants from disputing the existence of such an agreement, there is simply no basis for a stay of the Suit under s 6(1) of the AA.”

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