



4 所有为普通感冒和流感配制的草药产品,包括中成药,应仅用于治疗头痛、流鼻涕或鼻塞、喉咙痛和咳嗽等症状。我们强烈建议公众不要轻信未经证实的说法或散布毫无根据的谣言,称草药产品可用于预防或治疗COVID-19

5 HSA要求任何声称可以治疗COVID-19的产品,必须有来自对照临床研究的科学证据,以证实此类产品对COVID-19是安全有效的。这样的产品必须首先提交给HSA评估科学证据,并在当地供应之前进行注册。

6 提醒经销商和卖家不要做出任何虚假或误导性的声明,称其销售的产品可以预防、预防或治疗COVID-19等疾病。在营销中作出虚假或误导性声明的经销商和卖家可被起诉,并被判处最高2年监禁和/或罚款最高5,000新币。



HSA Advisory on Lianhua Qingwen Products for Prevention or Treatment of COVID-19

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) is aware of claims circulating on social media and in Telegram chat groups that Lianhua Qingwen (连花清瘟) products can be used to prevent or treat COVID-19.

2 Some Lianhua Qingwen products are listed as Chinese proprietary medicines (CPMs) in Singapore for the relief of cold and flu symptoms. HSA approved them based on the documented uses of the ingredients present in the products. They are not approved by HSA to treat or alleviate symptoms of COVID-19, and such claims are disallowed.

3 To date, there is no scientific evidence from randomised clinical trials to show that any herbal product, including Lianhua Qingwen products, can be used to prevent or treat COVID-19.

4 All herbal products formulated for common cold and flu, including CPM, should only be used to manage symptoms such as headache, runny or blocked nose, sore throat and cough. We strongly advise members of the public not to fall prey to unsubstantiated claims or spread unfounded rumours that herbal products can be used to prevent or treat COVID-19.

5 HSA requires any product that claims to treat COVID-19, to have scientific evidence from controlled clinical studies to substantiate that such a product is safe and effective against COVID-19. Such a product must first be submitted to HSA to assess the scientific evidence and be registered before it can be supplied locally.

6 Dealers and sellers are reminded not to make any false or misleading claims that the products they are selling can prevent, protect against or treat diseases such as COVID-19. Dealers and sellers who make such false or misleading claims in their marketing can be prosecuted and imprisoned for up to 2 years and/or fined up to $5,000.