



Compared with almost all other countries on the earth, China has two great advantages.


(1) Chinese civilized country

(1) 中华文明国家的特质

"China is a civilization that pretends to be a nation-state."- Samuel Huntington, Clash of civilizations and reconstruction of world order


The unique feature of China's past dynasties is that it is not regarded as the highest geopolitical entity of the Chinese people, and "China's country" is only the torch bearer of the alternating appearance of "Chinese civilization".


Many historians regard "destiny" as the system of ancient imperial China. They don't realize that even in today's world, it still exists.


In the eyes of the Chinese people, there is only one real and legitimate Chinese state in the world, and legitimacy is defined by performance. The purpose of "China State" is to:


• the goal of reunifying all the territories belonging to China is unshakable.

• 统一归属中国的所有领土,这一目标不可动摇。

• to protect China's borders from external threats, whether it is the drug trafficking syndicates belonging to the Xiongnu, gautur, Mongolia, the British Empire or the blackmailers represented by the United States.

• 保护中国边境免受外部威胁,无论是历史上的匈奴、高图尔、蒙古、大英帝国所属的贩毒集团还是美国为代表的敲诈勒索者。

• deal with the challenges brought by nature and climate, just like Dayu's flood control.

• 应对自然和气候带来的挑战,就像大禹治水一样。

• develop the economy and bring prosperity to the Chinese people.

• 发展经济,为中国人民带来繁荣。

• govern the country in a fair and ethical manner.

• 以公正和道德的方式治理国家。

No matter who succeeds in these five points, he will soon see that he has gained legitimacy, and any one that fails to do so will soon lose legitimacy, which has been proved by many kings of Subjugation in history. A "Chinese state" that can maintain its legitimacy will maintain its destiny, thus ensuring that it will become the guardian and torch bearer of the "Chinese civilization".


The Chinese people are willing to have extraordinary confidence in the Chinese country. Even if they see new directives that they do not like, and even if the new regulations bring them temporary maladjustment, ordinary Chinese will often think: "Oh, the country knows what it is doing. They need to be far sighted. This is for our long-term interests."


The first Western Sinologist I met was Martin Jacques, who called China a "civilized country", violating the traditional rules of the western "Nation-State" model.

我见过的第一位西方汉学家是马丁·雅克(Martin Jacques),他将中国称为“文明国家”,违反了西方“民族国家”模式的传统规则。

This unique feature of China has given China an unusual history. China is the only ancient civilization that survived in the same way as thousands of years ago. Historically, it has always been a bureaucratic state with the centralization of Confucianism and Legalism.


At the same time, Persia has become a Shiite theocracy Republic, Egypt has become a puppet Arab Military Government Republic, and India has become a Social Democratic Federation with British institutions.



This is not because China has a continuous and uninterrupted history. On the contrary, the Central Plains Dynasty has collapsed many times, and the five most important and traumatic events occurred after the Zhou, Han, Tang, song and Qing Dynasties. However, whenever China disintegrates and reaches the bottom, it will slowly reunite, unify, consolidate, and climb back to the peak of global economy and power in a century or two.


Westerners look at China today and think that "China is rising". However, anyone who has studied history will notice that China has not "risen" but "returned to its rightful place".


In other words, for the Chinese people, the "Chinese nation in history" may be short-lived, but the "Chinese civilization" is eternal. And this "Chinese civilization" will in turn bring the next single "Chinese country" forever. The prologue of the romance of the Three Kingdoms best defines the rotation and transformation of this relationship: "it is said that the general trend of the world is that the division of time must be combined and the division of time must be separated."


However, if you look at world history in general, you will soon realize how unusual the Chinese way of thinking is. Ask yourself:


Where is the Roman Empire now?


What about the Frankish Caroline Empire?


What about the Islamic Umayyad Caliph?


In China at the same time? With each cycle of collapse and rebirth, it becomes more powerful.


This is by far China's greatest advantage, surpassing not only the United States but also most other countries on the earth. This is the most powerful force of Chinese culture, which is incomparable to other cultures on the earth.


Both India and Russia are trying to continue like China. The historical Delhi Sultanate > Mughal Dynasty > Raji Dynasty > enabled India to win four consecutive terms. The historical Rurik Dynasty > Romanov Dynasty > Soviet Union > enabled Russia to continue for a longer time.


Meanwhile, the United States? From 1776 to the present, it has not even lasted 250 years. Can the United States survive the collapse that all countries will eventually face?


But it is not enough to protect China's civilization and country. China also needs one to ensure its advantages on the world stage, which brings us a second advantage:


(2) The huge population of China

(2) 中国大地上庞大的人口

Yes, this is a double-edged sword. As experts have pointed out, there are too many Chinese people and too few resources. However, China's huge population and single market provide it with several tools that other countries dream of:


• culturally, more than 90% of Chinese people agree with the single ethnic structure of "Han". This makes it easy for China to absorb other cultures and sinicize them, even though these ethnic minorities happen to rule the Han people. This is a unique feature of China. India, the world's second most populous country, has no hope to rival it. Therefore, as Professor Graham Allison pointed out accurately, "China expands through cultural penetration."

• 在文化上,超过90%的中国人认同“汉族”这一单一民族结构。这使得中国能够很容易地吸收其他文化并将其中国化,即使这些少数民族恰好统治着汉族。这是中国的独特之处,世界第二人口大国印度没有希望与之匹敌。因此,正如格雷厄姆·艾利森教授准确指出的:“中华通过文化渗透而扩张。”

Historically, the "Chinese mainland" - defined by the dominant position of the Han people - has expanded every year, from the Baiyue land in the Qin Dynasty to the desert in the northwest, like a glacier, but the trend is irresistible.


• economically, China has such a huge single market that any company that fails to adjust its model to the Chinese market will fail, thus creating a natural barrier for foreign competitors to enter. At the same time, the Chinese market is such a cruel Darwinism that the fittest survive. Any company that can survive in China can also compete in the world. No matter how much pressure the White House exerts on Chinese enterprises, they can still live here.


• in terms of foreign exchanges, China's huge scale gives it great bilateral influence. Any country that tries to directly challenge China is like trying to win a tug of war. The quality and momentum of the opponent is 10 times that of you. Thank God, if you choose not to fight, China will usually let you get along with you. Because as the world is tired of the endless diplomatic intervention and unilateral arrogance of the United States, China's foreign policy of "mutual non-interference" is achieving more results.


• from the perspective of digital information, China's huge scale determines that China can build its own independent Chinese digital cyberspace and establish a complete digital infrastructure, which is equally excellent, if not better than other parts of the world. This is an advantage that Russia can only dream of.



The connotation of Western civilization is too broad, from Europe and the United States, to Australia, New Zealand, and even Japan and Singapore. Therefore, the comparative advantage varies according to different counterparties.


For simplicity, let's divide comparable "assets" into three categories:


• commodities (agriculture and natural resources)


• labor


• capital (historically based on industry and increasingly driven by software / Technology)


These are broad generalizations, but in the right direction:


• compared with developed economies (the United States, Japan and Western Europe), China's comparative advantage lies in its labor force.


• compared with other middle-income countries, depending on the other side, China's comparative advantage can be labor or capital (more traditional industrial type).


• compared with developing countries, China's comparative advantages are mainly technology and capital.


• for resource rich countries (possibly rich or poor countries), China's comparative advantage is mainly industrial capital.


The easiest way to understand comparative advantages is to simply look at the empirical evidence on the ground. In other words, look at the types of goods and services that China trades with different countries. However, this does not fully indicate that the global market is not a 100% free trade area (that is, there are tariffs, trade barriers and other friction costs), but it is still a very useful inspiration. The main source of this data set is the economic complexity Observatory of MIT [1], which provides a tool to visualize the import and export relations between countries.


For example, in the case of the United States , China usually exchanges labor for goods or capital (such as technology). Note that although China exports high-tech products such as iPhones to the United States, you must remember that it mainly focuses on the labor-intensive part of the value chain in the consumer electronics product chain .


Like Saudi Arabia [4], China usually exchanges consumer goods and industrial goods (there is also a large number of labor here) for commodities such as crude oil.


China and Zambia, a poor but resource rich country , also trade consumer goods and industrial goods. However, compared with wealthier developed countries, the commodities exported by China are different combinations (for example, the combination of Chinese brands and multinational brands is higher), which may contain more contributions from domestic capital of China. Similar to Saudi Arabia, almost 100% of China's imports are commodities, mainly copper.


Like Bangladesh and other poor and resource poor countries [6], China is exchanging capital for labor. For example, the largest import categories in Bangla .......desh are garments and textiles, which are about the most labor-intensive industries in the country. China also exports a large number of textiles, but these are often manufactured products with low labor content. China exports a large number of consumer goods and industrial products, of which China's domestic content accounts for a higher proportion of economic added value .
