
原标题:Oil prices surge over 10% amid early signs of U.S. fuel demand recovery

报道:Sonali Paul(墨尔本)及Koustav Samanta(新加坡)

编辑:Tom Hogue及Richard Pullin

MELBOURNE/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oil prices jumped on Thursday, extending steep gains in the previous session on signs the U.S. crude glut is not growing as quickly as expected and that gasoline demand battered by COVID-19 restrictions is starting to pick up.

墨尔本/新加坡(路透社)- 油价周四延续前一交易日的大幅上涨继续上扬,因有迹象表明美国原油过剩的增长速度不及预期,而受疫情影响的汽油需求开始回升。

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures CLc1 climbed to a high of $17.35 a barrel and were up 14.3%, or $2.15, at $17.21 at 0350 GMT. The U.S. benchmark surged 22% on Wednesday.


Brent crude LCOc1 rose 10.3%, or $2.33 to $24.87 a barrel in light trading, with the June contract expiring on Thursday. The contract hit a high of $24.91 earlier in the session, having posted a 10% gain on Wednesday.


The most active Brent crude contract for July LCOc2 was up $2.10 or 8.7%, at $26.33 a barrel.


U.S. oil plunged into minus territory last week as the May contract was expiring, but analysts said the market, while still volatile, appears to have found a floor.


“I think we’re closer to an equilibrium price for WTI between $15 and $20. That reflects all of the known knowns - the demand destruction that has led to storage filling up and pending supply cuts,” said Michael McCarthy, chief market strategist at CMC Markets and Stockbroking in Sydney.

“我认为我们已逐渐接近WTI的15至20美元的均衡价格。这反映了所有的已知信息-需求消减导致存储空间告急,以及供应即将减少,”悉尼CMC市场和股票经纪业务首席市场策略师Michael McCarthy说。

U.S. crude inventories grew by 9 million barrels last week to 527.6 million barrels, U.S. Energy Information Administration data showed on Wednesday. This was well below the 10.6 million-barrel rise analysts polled by Reuters had expected.


“In the current environment, the market appears desperate for any positive signs, no matter how mild they seem. The focus this week has been on inventory and demand numbers from the U.S.,” ING’s head of commodities strategy Warren Patterson said.

“在当前环境下,市场似乎渴望任何积极迹象,无论其看起来是多么温和。”ING商品策略负责人Warren Patterson表示,“本周(市场)的焦点一直放在美国的库存和需求量上。”

U.S. gasoline stockpiles dropped by 3.7 million barrels from record highs the previous week, with a slight rise in fuel demand offseting a rebound in refinery output.


“If we see a continuation of this trend in the coming weeks, it could suggest the worst might be behind the oil market,” Patterson said.


U.S. President Donald Trump said his administration will soon release a plan to help the country’s oil companies, which Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said could include adding millions of barrels of oil to already-teeming national reserves.

美国总统特朗普说,他的政府将很快发布一项计划以帮助国内的石油公司。美国财政部长史蒂芬·姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)表示,这可能包括向已经充裕的国家储备中增加数百万桶石油。

Private storage in U.S. is approaching full capacity and the government’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve hold only 78 million barrels of spare capacity.
