
来到新加坡转眼已过去3个多月了,我慢慢地熟悉了这里的环境和文化氛围。我被分配在新加坡中央医院工作。这是一所拥有1600 个床位,6000 多名职工,11座病栋的美丽而现代化的国际医院。环绕在中央病栋的周围是新加坡眼病中心,新加坡肿瘤中心,新加坡牙科中心和新加坡国家卫生部。





医院要求所有员工的工作服干净、整齐,护士的工作服必须经过熨烫, 医生必须穿衬衣打领带,穿长裤,这使得他们看起来非常精神和职业化。他们认为好的着装能给病人以良好的第一印象: 包括医院的环境和员工两方面,使得病人更加相信和尊重医护人员。他们着重强调了第一印象的重要性,就像他们一直所说的:把良好而自信的第一印象给我们的病人,不但有助于医患沟通而且让我们的下一步工作事半功倍。


Three months have passed since I came to Singapore. I have familiarized myself with the environment and the culture here gradually. The hospital in which I'm working is the Singapore General Hospital. It's a big hospital which has more than 1600 beds and 6000 staff members. It's also a beautiful and modern hospital with 11 blocks. Around it, there are the National Eye Center,the National Cancer Center, the National Dental Center and the Ministry of Health.

Today, I would like to share my new experience here with each other. Actually, when I entered the hospital, I thought it was not a hospital but a garden at the first sight. The floor is so clean and shiny that it can even reflect the images of people who walk on it. Many kinds of trees and flowers embrace the hospital, which make the hospital very colourful and lively. Moreover there isn't any unpleasant smell in it. The excellent environment lets the patients feel comfortable and calm. In addition,the hospital provides many resting facilities for the patients and visitors.outside each clinic ,there are many chairs for the patients while waiting.And there is always an electrical screen as well,which keep rotating the queue number being served now.In almost every block there is a cafeteria and an information counter for the patients and visitors.The signs here are quite clear and recognizable.So it is not necessary for the patient to worry about losing their way in the hospital .

The doctors and other staff are required to wear tidy and neat uniforms,for example,The nurses’uniform must be wear in iron and doctor should be in suit with tie so as to make them look professional and energetic. They regard that good impression on the patients,additionally,it would bring more trust and respect to the medical workers.They pay much more attention to creat the first good impression,including the environment and staff,high-lighting the importance of the first impression.As they always say, making good and confident impression on our patients not only improves the communication but also facilitates our work.(translater Yueping)



设想:假如您每一次当班与每一位病人的接触时都是以饱满的精神,整齐而职业化的着装去面对, 也许病人或家属当时或表面不会说什么,但他的心里,必将油然而生一种对您的尊重!所以说:人的容貌是天生的,可人的素养是后天可以无限修炼的。请关注您的工作形象,为了病人,为了这份职业,更为了您自己!(谭江红)

From editor

We are in for meeting due to thedestiny. It is fated, however, scarcelyshould most people meet under thesun. We should cherish each opportunity to make the first impression onothers, to respect someone as you do.Being supposed, you are in good spiritto greet to your each patient, wearingthe neat uniform on each shift. Eventhough the patients or the relativesmay not say anything under that circumstance, appreciation in their heartswould rise naturally. So one's appearanceresults from instinct, and one's qualitymay develop in his daily life. For thesake of the patient, the occupation andyourself, kindly attention to your professional image.(translater Yueping)