







For people in Europe, the Second World War broke out in September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland, triggering a declaration of war from Britain and France. But for people in China, the war against Japan had already been going on for more than two years.


To get an idea of what China was up against, let us benchmark China’s performance against other Allied nations who fought against Japan.


French: Japan routed the French out of Indochina within ONE week. Just in case you think it's a freak result, the Nazis routed the French in France in a month.


British: Japan routed the British out of Malaysia and Singapore within 2 months, the Japanese totaling ~30,000 soldiers while the British had ~90,000 soldiers.



Combined British, Dutch, USA, Australian Forces: ~150,000 of them fought against 50,000 Japanese troops and were routed within 3 months.


USA: America fared the best against Japan in Asia. 150,000 American troops in Philippines managed to hold 130,000 Japanese troops for 5 months before capitulating and losing Philippines.


Let us look at China.China had such inadequate equipment, training, supplies, command system, technology that before war broke up, the Japanese military believed in the slogan “Shanghai in 3 days, China in 3 months” where they believed they could roll over China in 3 months. Instead, China fought Japan for 8 years, forcing Japan to commit 4m troops to the China theatre. After losing the coastal areas that were difficult to defend, China basically fought Japan to a standstill in the interior of China.


The Chinese made up for their vastly inferior equipment and supplies by their blood. China had the highest number of Generals who were killed in combat as they refused to retreat and chose a last stand to rally their troops against a vastly superior modern enemy. There were even Chinese battalions called “Saber battalions” because the soldiers were armed with sabers, as guns and ammo were too scarce to be issued to them.


One can argue that the French, British, Dutch, American forces in Asia were poorly trained and equipped compared to the ones in their home countries. There is an element of truth to this, but I can assure you that compared to the Chinese, they are considered very well equipped and trained. Not even the Soviets, admired by the Nazis for their bravery, go into battle armed with nothing but sabers.


So yes, on paper, in terms of capabilities, China is the weakest Allied member. But in terms of actual performance, China performed much better.



It was the weakest major state during the war. Its economy was completely wrecked with inflation and other issues, it was never able to industrialize even before the war, infrastructure was very poor, and the logistics situation was awful. They had to deal with an ongoing civil war while fighting with Japan, and the Kuomintang government itself was by no means unified.


It almost looked like they would lose at the opening blow, given how pretty much the best units were routed at Shanghai and Nanjing. Historically, whoever holds the eastern river deltas holds China. But the Chinese held on, and they held down dozens of Japanese divisions off of other fronts in doing so.


Consider how battles like Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, Peleliu, etc. stand in history. The US had a 2–1 numerical advantage at Guadalcanal and a 5-to-1 at the other two. Consider what those landings would have been like at closer to parity.


The Japanese likely wouldn’t have invaded Australia, as they said after the war that they had never even considered it, but they could have pushed successfully into India and set up a defensive sphere that would have been impossible to break through until we got nukes…and that’s assuming they surrendered after that.


The Chinese were also never really dealt with well. The Burma campaign was managed badly, and our relationships were always awkward. Stillwell should have been sent to Europe where his kick-ass-and-take-names demeanor would have worked well, and somebody who knew how to play politics and mend fences like Eisenhower should have been sent to China.


Alternatively, Roosevelt could have given up on the southern prong of the island hopping campaign and sent Macarthur to China, where he could have done all kinds of fancy maneuvering and generally enjoyed being a Kipling protagonist/Conrad villain. Chiang and his wife likely would have played him like a harp. He also would be able to get a closer look at the CCP and make some better decisions come 1951.


Churchill had some relevant thoughts on this. He didn’t want China on the UNSC after the war, based on the fact that their contribution to the war effort was “We didn’t get conquered!” However, he was willing to recognize the PRC and thought an offensive war from Korea into China would be “flies invading flypaper,” and that China’s communism wouldn’t last through the ages. He’s not a saint, but he was an impressive political realist.



Ok, I was going to move on, but after seeing some of these other answers - especially one that adopted such a condescending tone to the original poster of the question in the form of “Eyy congrats for falling for a logical fallacy” - I’m going to write that the original poster is most likely referring to the book “Forgotten Ally” by East Asian historian Rana Mitter.

好吧,我本打算继续,但在看到一些其他的答案后——尤其是一个采用了一种居高居高下的语气,以“恭喜你陷入了逻辑谬误”的形式来回应这个问题的原始海报——我打算写道,原始海报很可能是指东亚历史学家Rana Mitter的书《被遗忘的盟友》。

Rana Mitter is a professor of the history and politics of modern China at Oxford University and I happen to have been taught by one of the students who attended his lectures.

拉纳·米特(Rana Mitter)是牛津大学(Oxford University)研究近代中国历史和政治的教授,我的老师恰好是听过他讲课的一位学生。

And contrary to these other so-called answers which baselessly and outrageously claim that the low coverage of China’s war effort during WW2 was due to its insignificance, Rana Mitter painstakingly compiles evidence and provides an eye-opening and logical argument for why mainstream movies and documentaries today have seemingly suffered amnesia about China’s role in the years between the well-documented start of the Second-Sino Japanese War in 1937 and the Allied Victory in 1945 that saw the Republic of China being given a permanent security council seat in the newly formed United Nations.


Hmm, I don’t suppose the reason China was given so much political power had anything to do with the crucial role she played in defeating Japan?


Even a cursory search online can provide the numbers game that proves China was to Japan, what the Soviet Union was to the German Reich! Japanese militarists at the onset of war confidently predicted a capture of Shanghai in a week and capitulation of Chiang’s Government within a month. Instead the Blue Republic resisted in the Battle of Shanghai for 3 Months, fighting a brutal street battle that has been dubbed “The Stalingrad on the Yangtze”! Alas, that the sacrifice of Chinese soldiers for the lives of their American, British and Australian allies would be so easily dismissed today.



This answer was not intended to come out as an attack against you, dear reader, and I apologise. The truth is thanks in large part to the victory of the CCP in the Chinese civil war, it became politically inconvenient to remind the US public that Chinese soldiers held the line against the Japanese when it became clear that the Chinese were now their Communist rivals and propaganda cannot work with such grey areas.


Why take my word for it when Uncle Sam agrees with me?


And so that is why China has been “forgotten” in the perception of WW2 by the Anglosphere. The terrible part about this is that as more time elapses and more people come to believe that American island hopping was more crucial than China’s resistance, the greater the likelihood that Chinese nationalism will flare up.


As Rana Mitter noted in an interview with the New York Times, he felt that it was chilling to see events from 70 years ago that he studies as a historian return to life as newspaper headlines today such as when Japan continues to deny the Rape of Nanjing. According to Mitter, China and Japan do not share closure or even the same narrative of WW2 that France and Germany can and as a result a resurgence of war between China and Japan actually has a frighteningly realistic chance of occurring whereas this prospect is unthinkable in Europe.


And unless outsiders looking in at China, people like you and me, do our research and honor the fallen Chinese of WW2, modern Chinese will always feel that we can never understand their heritage of pain and loss.


Best of wishes, friend.


EDIT: Thomas Finnegan points out rightfully so that US involvement in the Pacific War deserves more credit in my answer as China had no realistic naval or air power to invade the Japanese Home Islands and so the US navy would have been necessary for a “killing blow” , while also pointing out that had China resisted less, substantially more Japanese troops would be stationed in the Home Islands which might have bolstered the Japanese will to fight possibly even after the use of atomic weapons. Something worth thinking about…



If you are a relatively comprehensive national strength. China was indeed the weakest at the time.


If you compare this effort and mental strength of the military under a limited resource condition. China is probably the strongest. Or one of the strongest.


Especially in such a backward era, China is in Germany. With the help of German people, there are the smartest strategies. Throughout the entire process of the war, China is strategically smarter than Japan. The tactical level is actually not much different. But the material level is too much, too much.


Don't be fooled by the vastness of China's land and its huge population. Modern warfare is not about population, but about the industrial base. And bring in the army's fire.


At that time, China's industrial base Steel production is only a few tenths. ,Steel production, Japan should be dozens of times that of China. With steel, you can build all kinds of weapons. China had nothing at the time.


China is a completely agricultural developed country. Japan is an industrialized country.


The Japanese army has undergone more scientific training. The Chinese army is to gather some farmers directly and send them directly to the battlefield after a few days of training. They didn't even fire a few shots before they went to war, Is to train the marksmanship without enough bullets.


Japan can make planes, tanks and artillery, and China has limited rifles.


China was a peasant country at that time, and the people generally did not have any education. The minimum technical work is not competent.


It is under such circumstances that China can drag Japan for eight years.


Can hold off Japan for eight years. In my opinion, the Chinese are very great. This is the result of the most brilliant strategy.


In the end, it was able to defeat Japan, and it did have a major relationship with the US Pacific War, but it is unthinkable that China has dragged Japan for eight years.


Let any country. Whether American, German, French, Soviet, Italian, or even Japanese themselves. So that they can only master the economic culture of the Chinese at that time. Social structure of the political system of the environment. And industrial and social conditions. They may not be able to perform better than the Chinese.


Look at the Russians and the French. They are an industrial country against Germany, an industrial country. It's all a piece of shit.


The French, in particular, are a joke. They have exactly the same industrial base as Germany, as well as the economic base, as well as civilization and this structure.


So if you look at the performance of China at that time, you should look at it in light of the specific situation and various resource conditions of the Chinese at that time. You know that the Chinese army is very great.


But if you only look at the general surface results, China's performance at that time was indeed very bad, which was caused by the fact that all aspects of the country were very backward.


As long as the Chinese have completely straightened out these aspects, Japan is not an opponent at all. Even the United States is not necessarily an opponent.


In the latter part of World War II, The Chinese expeditionary force to Myanmar can basically draw with Japan, because weapons and equipment have training, and they have already caught up.


Later, supporting Vietnam ’ s war against France, as well as the Korean War, showed that the Chinese army only had to give them sufficient political conditions, weapons and equipment, and adequate training. 。All western countries, whether France, Germany or the United States, are no match for the Chinese.


If Japan invades China in the last ten years After China has one of the most basic industrialization conditions, Japan will not be able to move at all. They chose one of China's most vulnerable times.


I believe in putting the Americans at that time in that position in China. I don't think the Americans or the Germans, the Soviets will perform better than the Chinese.


Western countries do not have any special talents in the military. The reason why they are strong is because the national strength of the whole country is strong.


To sum up, it is, A critically ill patient got into a fight with a enjoy good health athlete. The requirements and evaluation criteria for the two are different. China is the critically ill patient.
