

Radhanath Swami的一次演讲


Do we really have choices in our lives? As far as I read your book, you got a dream, come to India, you missed your train in Vrindavana, So do we actually have choices? We think we have choices but do we really have?


That's a beautiful question, thank you. Simultaneously we have no choice and we have choice. Just like an example. The way the laws of karma work, is when we do something we do it by choice, but then the result of that is not our choice.


If you hurt somebody, it's your choice, to hurt them or not to hurt them. You choose to hurt them, then the karma of being hurt, you have no choice. But isn't the thought to hurt also predetermined? It may... Yes and no. The inclination is because we have hurt people in the past, but still we have the choice.


An example, somebody chooses to smoke a cigarette. Then they choose to smoke a second cigarette, they choose a fifth and a sixth, and soon they're addicted to cigarettes. And it's almost like they don't have any choice.


People aren't born addicted to cigarettes, they are addicted to cigarettes because... Usually when you first smoke a cigarette it's horrible, you are coughing. But because you think it's cool and everyone else is doing it and you look like you're very special when you're smoking cigarettes and people will look up to you, you smoke them, out of choice, and then you become addicted. And that addiction came; that habit came because of choices you made. But even if you're terribly addicted you still have a choice to give it up, it's more difficult.


So I'll give another analogy. There's an airplane, Can you hear it? There's people on that airplane. Well let's say that airplane is going to Singapore. Whoever got on that airplane it was their choice. People's choice may be influenced, some may be going because they make a lot of money there, some may be going because they want to go on a vacation and see the fountains there, some may be going to Singapore because they have loving relatives there. There may be different reasons, but they've all chosen to get on that plane.


Now once you're on the plane, do you have a choice where you're going to go? Absolutely not. You are going to Singapore, but you have a choice what you're going to do on the plane while you're going. You have a choice to go to sleep, you have choice to argue with your husband or wife, you have a choice to eat meat or vegetarian food. You have so many choices.


You don't have a choice where you're going but you have a choice what you're gonna do on your way. And then when you get to Singapore, you're in Singapore, but you have so many choices where you're gonna go what you're gonna do how you're gonna be.


So there are certain things that are predestined because of our choice of the past, but at every moment we have a choice to respond to the situation we're in. Choice is never taken away from us and our destiny is based on the choices we make, what happening now is due to choices of the past and what happens in the future is according to our choices now.