
Critics Praise New, and Last, Avengers Series Film




1)Many movie critics are giving high praise to Avengers: Endgame, the final film in the superhero series from Walt Disney's Marvel Studios.


2)As of Tuesday, all but one of 56 Endgame critiques on the Rotten Tomatoes website were rated as positive.


critique: [krɪˈtiːk] a piece of written criticism of a set of ideas, a work of art, etc. 评论;评论文章




  • 是美国一个网站,以提供电影相关评论、资讯和新闻为主,
  • 其母公司为IGN Entertainment,由加州大学伯克利分校的三位在校学生Senh Duong、Patrick Lee、Stephen Wang创建,
  • 该网站已经成为电影消费者和影迷的首选目的地。
  • 网站的名称是因轻歌舞剧(vaudeville)时期观众在演出不佳时会往舞台上扔掷番茄和其他蔬果而来。好的评价用新鲜的红番茄表示,坏的评价用腐烂的绿番茄表示。 —————百度百科

3)USA Today's Brian Truitt called the three-hour film "glorious." He especially praised the time-travel part of the story. He said the movie includes returns to past happenings, which will please fans of superheroes like Iron Man and Thor.

美国彩色日报《今日美国》的Brian Truitt用“glorious”来称赞这部三个小时的电影,他尤其夸赞了电影里时空穿越的部分。他说电影里回到过去的部分,将会让钢铁侠和雷神等超级英雄的粉丝们倍感愉快

glorious: deserving or bringing great fame and success



  • 《今日美国》是美国唯一的彩色全国性英文对开日报,1982年9月创刊,属美国最大的甘尼特报团。
  • 以彩色版面、消息集中、多用图表、重视体育报道、便于读者迅速获得所需信息吸引读者。
  • 有国内版和国际版。国内版每天48版,其中16个彩色版,11个彩色广告版,1985年11月起增至56版。
  • 国内有30个印刷点,通过卫星传送版面。国际版每天16版,向51个国家发行。在纽约印刷,空运到欧洲。
  • 1985和1986年先后通过卫星传送版面在新加坡和瑞士苏黎世印刷。
  • 美国当地时间2018年4月16日,荣获2018年度普利策奖解释性报道奖。
  • 2016年,《今日美国》进入美国发行量前10名。 ——百度百科

4)But "it's also a singular" story, Truitt said.


singular: very great or obvious 非凡的;突出的;显著的

5)The final film begins where last year's Avengers: Infinity War ended, when several beloved heroes appeared to turn to dust.


6)CNN’s Brian Lowry said Endgame is a winning finish.

"The filmmakers have sought to reward movie-goers with a spectacle that's epic in every way," Lowry said.

美国有线电视新闻网CNN的Brian Lowry说:《复联4:终局之战》让复联系列完美地落下帷幕。“电影制作人想尽一切办法让观影者在每一处都能感受到宏大的场面、精彩的表演, 来答谢观众。”

filmmaker: A film-maker is someone involved in making films, in particular a director or producer.电影制作人(尤其是导演或制片人)

spectacle: a performance or an event that is very impressive and exciting to look at 精彩的表演;壮观的场面

epic: Something that is epic is very large and impressive. 壮丽的;宏大的

7)He also wrote that there are several real surprises in the movie, and a lot of humor and emotional moments, as well.


8)A.O. Scott of The New York Times said the movie provides a "sense of an ending," even though many characters are expected to return in future films.

《纽约时报》的A.O. Scott说:哪怕我们期待着好多角色能在以后的电影里回归,但是《复联4》还是给了我们“终结篇”的感觉。

9)”We've lived with these characters and the actors playing them" for more than 10 years. For the most part, it's nice to see them again, and a little sad to say goodbye.”


10)Esther Zuckerman of Thrillist agrees. "Endgame reinforces that there's still a beating heart beneath all the machinery," she wrote.

Thrillist的Esther Zuckerman深有同感。“《复联4》传递的是在所有的机械装置下依然有一颗跳动的心。”

11)Not everyone is pleased with the new film, however. Barry Hertz of Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper calls Avengers: Endgame "shockingly boring.”

然而,并非所有人都满意这部电影。加拿大最具影响力的报纸《环球邮报》的Barry Hertz说《复联4》“极度乏味”。


《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail)

  • 是加拿大最具影响力的报纸和主流媒体,也是加拿大唯一的全国性报刊。
  • 它一直致力于报道国际和国内事务,其社论和新闻报道经常被国外报刊引用或转载。
  • 它是由《环球报》、《邮报》和《帝国报》三大报刊从1844年起发展合并而成的,后于1936年正式更名为《环球邮报》 ——百度百科

12)Movie experts say the film may break records for opening weekend ticket sales in the United States and Canada. That record now stands at $257.7 million, set by Avengers: Infinity War.


