



纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper 2016

纸上丙烯 Acrylic on paper 2016

动的静物1号 Still Life in Motion No. 1

75x55cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2018

物演2号 Evolution No.2

45x60cm 布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 2016

物演4号 Evolution No.4

45x60cm 布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 2016

与神对话 Conversation with God

200x150cm 布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 2015

当下 The Present

150x120cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2015

救赎 Salvation

120x150cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2015

能量狂欢 Energy Carnival

120x150cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2015

今夕何年 Tonight is the Night

75x100cm 布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 2015

地久天长 To Eternity

200x280cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2015

西游记 Journey to the West

280x200cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2015

后海 Houhai Lake

150x120cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2015

天幕 Velarium

100x75cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2015

起飞 Take off

150x120cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2015

彼岸 Faramita

280x600cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2015

皇后的新装 The Empress' New Clothes

150x120cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2015

卢沟狮吼 Lion's Roar at the Lugou Bridge

80x80cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2015

春风得意 Bullish

100x75cm 布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 2015

金牛座 Taurus

100x75cm 布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 2015

轮回 Karma

150x120cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2015

归去来兮 The Soul Homecoming

195x300cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2017

纸牌屋 House of Card

150x120cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2016

中国梦 Chinese Dream

150x120cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2016

早安,新加坡!Good morning, Singapore! 180x130cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2018

然并卵 All in Vain

280x600cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2016

世界尽头 The End of the World

120x150cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2016

内向 Inner Strength

120x150cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2016

信念-80光年外的长征 Faith -80 light years away from the long march

100x75cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2016

天秤座 Libra

200x150cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2016

天蝎座 Scorpio

200x150cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2017

黑桥时代 The Era of Heiqiao

200x150cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2017

仿佛 Simulacra

120x150cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2016

铁观音 Guanyin Bodhisattva

97x130cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2018

和光同尘 The Light of This Mortal Life

150x120cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on canvas 2018

舍得 Give & Take

195x300cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2018

无常 Impermanence

300x195cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2018

枉凝眉 Melancholy in Vain

130x97cm+75x55cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2017

龙场悟道 Wang Yangming Long Chang Enlightenment

250x250cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2017

武当山 Wudang Mountain

195x300cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2017

三合图 Three Zodiacs in One

195x300cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2018

三合图—雍布拉康 Three Zodiacs in One:Yumbu Lhakhang

195x300cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2017

信息岛 Information island

200x430cm 布面油画、丙烯 Oil and acrylic on canvas 2017

万古开今The Past is the Cradle of the Present

97x130cm 布面油画 Oil on canvas 2018