


Duck King - A Legend during the epidemic


Lin Jie never expects that the family duck farm, his pride and joy, would collapse so easily amid the epidemic.


After graduating from college in 2010, Lin took over Evergreen Agriculture Co. - a large duck farm - from his father. Evolving from a small herd of ducks near river banks in Lin's father’s time, the farm had reached a scale of more than 10,000 ducks by the time Lin took the helm.


In only a few years, Lin's company had already covered every aspect of the industry chain: production, sales, logistics, and distribution. The duck farm has expanded to 50,000 ducks, with over 3,000,000 duck eggs yield per year. In 2018, he began to study the advanced foreign integration experience and established the first duck cultivation and processing standardized factory in Zhejiang province, with production assembly lines and waste disposal capacity. Meanwhile, the new plan of a modern farm with one million ducks capacity has also been in progress.


If the epidemic didn't occur, Lin’s company would continue to prosper. As the supplier of the industry, he holds the power over pricing and market share. As long as there is supply, there will always be demand. Although there is a fluctuation with the market price now and then, all he has to do is to survive the market and increase production.


However, when the epidemic comes, as a result of the market shut-down and the stop of logistics, all the purchasers disappear. Every day the ducks have to be fed,and they keep producing eggs, causing a surplus of eggs in storage. Meanwhile, the regular rotation of old and new ducks has stopped, and egg production has decreased. The only thing that is on the rise is the cost - fodder price and employees salaries.


During normal operation, the account of Lin’s company was very simple: the duck feed cost 40 cents per day per duck, and one duck normally produced one egg per day, which could be sold for 80 cents. Thus, there was 50% gross profit. When the egg production rate of certain batch of ducks became lower than 85%, that batch would be processed for duck meat and be replaced with a new batch. Including the income from organic duck feces as fertilizer, the daily gross profit in total could be over 20,000 yuan.


After the outbreak of the virus, the daily feed cost rises to 60 cents per duck, but the price of duck egg decreases to 60 cents, so basically there is almost no profit. On top of that, there are also the closing of certain markets and the slow sales. The company’s cash flow suddenly faces a challenge because the expense becomes greater than the income.

疫情后,鸭子的饲料涨到了6毛,鸭蛋却跌到了6毛钱,基本上已经无利可图。但即使不赚利润 ,因为市场不开放,销路大大减少的情况,公司现金流一下子面临着挑战,开始入不敷出了。

Amid the epidemic, another industry is also facing a similar disastrous strike.


Bao has been in the tourism industry for twenty years, working from a regular salesman to the sales director of a large travel agency. During the Chinese New Year holiday season of this year, Everything at work went as expected, Both the flights to Boracay Island package and the five-star hotel package received great feedback from the market, and the profit continuously increased. All the sales tasks were concluded one month sooner, and all the payments had been collected. Bao had already booked the flight tickets to Singapore for his family vacation.


The news of the virus from Wuhan was already out then, but no one treated it seriously. He even suggested the company to dispatch the year-end bonus earlier than usual. Over 2,000,000 yuan profit made in holiday season could be a great reward to all employees' hard work.


However, the epidemic situation deteriorated quickly, and a tremendous amount of reporting cases surfaced almost overnight. Clients started to call in to express concerns, but Bao still tried to reassure their worries and convince them to continue the trips. Cancellation of booked trips would cause a catastrophic result too heavy for the company to bear, with all the fees already sent to oversea cruise companies and hotels. It's also not the fate of one company anymore. Dozens of industry companies' survival depended on the decision of Bao's company.

可是疫情越来越紧张,无数的报道仿佛一夜之间冒了出来。客户开始打电话到旅游公司咨询了解情况,那时候,小包还坚持着让客户继续安心前往,不用担心。因为,取消行程对公司来说打击太大,所有的费用已经划到海外,邮轮公司 ,指定酒店。这时候,退团已不是一个公司的事情了,牵扯到上下游几十家公司的命运。而所有的矛头都指向了旅游公司。

The news of Wuhan undergoing full quarantine became the last straw to crush the travel industry. What followed are numerous government official announcements, travel ban on cruise ships, and cut-down on flights. The government tourism department ordered all travel agencies to issue full refunds for future trips, and many clients came directly to office for that. Meanwhile due to no obvious virus outbreaks overseas yet, none of the overseas hotels or transportation companies were willing to refund the payments.


Under the pressure from the government, Bao's company had to return all the money to clients first. And what made the matter worse is that the 2 million yuan profit had already been dispatched as bonus. The company turned into a situation of 2 million yuan deficit with no current cash flow.


Every employee was required to quarantine at home as more and more cases appeared. While the accountant was busy with doling out refunds, Bao did not receive any income or refunds from either airline companies or the hotels. The company was in chaos and near bankruptcy.


Amid the turmoil, one thing attracts Bao’s attention. One colleague is asking help online for selling overstocked bamboo shoot of over 2,000 jin (1,000 kg) for the price of 100 yuan per 10 jin. All the colleagues are very quick to response, helping him to sell them as a tourism product via tourism business channel for 118 yuan per 10 jin, which means anyone who helps selling them could gain a 18 yuan profits per 10 jin. The tourism business circle at Ningbo becomes motivated quickly. The closure of supermarkets further helped this online selling model, which uses shipping instead of traditional shopping experience.


When Bao is conducting some market research, he finds out that his colleague not only has already sold all of the bamboo shoots but also has started helping others in the same village to sell their bamboo shoot. Buying in for 8 yuan per jin and selling out for 10 yuan per jin, the local tourist company has made 2 yuan profits per jin and sold more than 20,000 jin in one week, with profit totaling over 40,000 yuan. Such a high profit motivates every local tourism company. All the slow moving items due to the pandemic, such as Ninghai Chicken and Xiangsan Fish, follow this new-found sales channel and market, and make some impressive sales records.


Bao decides to participate as well, but at this time there are already more than ten new competing business platforms selling similar products. A new price war is on the rise. Bao faces the business choice between platform development and supply chain. The platform business is already under fierce competition, while the supply chain is a brand new business for a tourism salesman. But either way, he must make a choice instead of waiting for the travel agency resurrection. The question is how.


A phone call from Lin provides an answer to Bao's hard question. Bao and Lin have been classmates, but haven’t been in touch for several years. The request from Lin is very simple: he sees that Bao is selling chicken and fruit online, and is wondering if Bao can help him sell ducks. Till this point, Bao does not know that his old classmate owns the largest duck farm in Yuyao, and 50,000 ducks is a completely new concept to Bao. Nonetheless, years of sales experience tells him that this is a business opportunity, so they decide to meet immediately.


At the first meeting, they decide to found a new supply chain company, not just as a compromising response to the epidemic, but as a reconstruction of business-oriented and consumer-oriented channels. One can supply with core products, and the other has many years of marketing experience. They decide to construct a new enterprise of selling ducks.

这一次的见面,让小包决定和林杰成立供应链公司,不是简单的面对疫情的无奈之举,而是对To B 和To C渠道的重新构建。一个有着核心的产品供应端,一个有着多年的市场营销经验,他们决定把销售鸭子当成一个事业版图来做。

The first testing product is two-year-old ducks -- the egg production rate of these ducks is getting lower and lower, but they consume the same amount of feeds every day. Meanwhile, to the consumer, two-year-old ducks are the most nutritious and rarest ones on the market.


In the old times, Lin would sell those two-year-old ducks as normal ducks for 50 yuan per duck, disregarding the year or the size. But when they are treated as a special product, their quality need to be improved to justify the new price of 128 yuan per duck, which includes 28 yuan profit for the distributors and shipping cost. Compared to the old price, this new price could provide a 40% gross profit increase after deducting shipping cost, a margin that could guarantee the production quality and age.


Lin starts to process the ducks for production, and Bao starts to contact potential clients with samples. The first group of clients is from Bao's most familiar tourism industry. With his old business relations, all the tourism industrial giants at Ningbo, such as CITS, YHA, and IFlying, immediately put the products of Bao and Lin on their platforms. During the first week, 600 ducks are sold. This number totally exceed their expectation, a fact that gives them more motivation. The duck farm is prosperous again, with a great start of transition from a traditional wholesaler to a consumer-oriented manufacturer.


But very soon, Bao discovers that the daily sales number begins to decrease due to the limited market size of Ningbo. They now face the problem of expanding sales once again. Since the start of the two-year-old duck market, they have been collecting all sorts of business information. Friends from the food service industry mentions that Shanghainese and people from Hangzhou love eating old duck. Usually, a two-year-old duck dish is 200 yuan, and a three-year-old duck dish is 300 yuan, while all require reservations. This piece of information pushes them to get into the market at Hangzhou and Shanghai. At this time, it's not fast enough to open a new online shop on TianMao website. Therefore, they immediately choose Lian Lian Travel Around as the platform to engage the food service market.


Since Lian Lian Travel Around has branches in many major cities, with the fast delivery service of Shunfeng, the same product enters the market of Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, and Wenzhou. On the first day, the sales number reaches 1000 -- a number that took Ningbo tourism platforms one week to reach.


Judging from a week's sales data, they find the sign of customer retention in Shanghai market, which means that clients start to recognize the product. Because Lian Lian Travel Around limits the time of each product on the platform to half a month, their last day sales record stops at 1,632 ducks.


This wave of sales basically solves the issue of overstock, but the problem of lacking distribution channels re-emerges. Although there are still new orders coming in everyday, the number is far less than the peak number they used to have.

这一波销售后,基本上解决了存栏鸭子问题 ,但渠道的分发又陷入了新的缺乏。虽然陆续还有定单,已经和高峰相差太远了。

Meanwhile, more duck companies appear, and due to competition the market price has decreased to 98 yuan per two duck, which is less than the cost. Clients find it hard to distinguish one-year-old ducks from two-year-old ducks, or teal duck from meat duck, but the education cost of the market is a too heavy burden for a newly founded company to bear.


During this time, the sesame oil duck, a famous product for years, suddenly become popular again on the platform built by IFlying due to the convenient delivery method.. This gives Bao and Lin another new idea. The sales of old ducks is slow, but it does not mean that the sales of extended products will be the same. They could go through the same sales channels and generate new revenues. Bao finds an over-ten-year-old sesame oil duck store, Jiangbei Baisha, to be the processing plant, and Lin will supply the two-year-old ducks. With the promotion slogan of “freshly-processed 100 duck per day, two-year-old sesame oil duck,” this new line of product attracts numerous fans from multiple platforms. It becomes a new star product via the same sales channels. After one week of selling, it reaches more than 1000 ducks sales per day.




Inspired by this opportunity, Bao realizes that more extended products of duck can be created, and he starts to gather information along with research and development of various products. Very soon, traditional salted duck egg, Hangzhou smoked duck, and Cantonese roast duck are put into the market, and these products receive great success via social media and other channels. Meanwhile, diverse products and consistent advertising bring more and more clients. Canteens, community groups, and hotels - all sorts of distribution channels put the production and sales into a positive circle, generating a stable 100 per day sales number.



Naturally, with the end of quarantine in China, citizens lives go back to normal. Restaurants and supermarkets are opening again. Since most of the sales partially results from the environment and epidemic, the increase in selling has stopped. Certain long term problems, such as the lack of brand recognition, now gradually emerge. How long can it last, even with the sales number of 100 per day? Whether to return to the role of traditional market wholesaler or to keep developing the consumer-oriented market has once again become a decision Lin and Bao face.


A piece of seemingly random information brings them more inspiration.


Guoping Wu, the owner of the chain restaurant Grandma’s Home, is famous in the food service industry and a leader of the trend. Since the success of Grandma’s Home, he has continued to open restaurants like LuYu and Banquet West Lake.

Lately, an article about him and his new restaurant, Old Duck Ji, becomes a trending topic on the Internet almost overnight. This new restaurant only focuses on old duck, and provides fast citywide direct home delivery. One restaurant can sell more than 6,000 servings in one month. Hearing this piece of news, Lin and Bao immediately go to Hangzhou for an on-the-spot investigation.


This research opportunity leads them to a new direction. Using old duck pot as the core product, along with other extended products, they start to focus on fast delivery for family consumption. They consult with five-star restaurants chefs product quality, hire designing companies for packaging, ask distributors to have a tasting. Meanwhile, they register trademark and establish an operating company.


Many companies failed during the epidemic, but many more begin transforming and transition. Without their business module transition, Lin would be still doing his duck wholesaling, and Bao his tourism job. But now, they establish a successful strategic agricultural supply chain company that also takes over some other local businesses, such as selling razor clam in Ningbo, orange in Xiangshan. They use their experience from the duck sales to help many more suppliers become consumer-oriented businesses.


Surly there is still a long way ahead of them, but in lieu of going bankruptcy amid this epidemic, Lin’s company discovers new revenues to prosper, develops various extended products, and focuses more on brand recognition and consumer clients. The company has gone through no downsizing but more hiring, and no deducting in profit but increasing.


This is only the story of one farm business in epidemic. From this story, we could see the tenacity of Chinese enterprises and the flexibility and resourcefulness of Chinese entrepreneurs. In China, M to C (manufacturer to consumer) is gradually becoming the trend, and this epidemic is bringing up the pace of this trend without a doubt.

这就是疫情下一个养殖企业的故事,在这个故事里,我们看到了中国企业的韧劲,和企业家灵活转向、调动资源的能力。在中国,M to C(manufacturer to consumer)正在逐步成为潮流,而这场疫情,正在加速这个潮流的步伐。
