



马丁·雅克(Martin Jacques),英国剑桥大学政治与国际研究系高级研究员。1945年出生于英国,曾担任《泰晤士报》、《星期日泰晤士报》、《卫报》和《新政治家》的专栏作家,以及《独立报》副总编辑,为BBC撰写和主持过多次电视节目。


It was very difficult to pull China together. It was occupied, it was invaded, it was divided. And this was an extremely difficult and painful period for China from, you know, from 1911, 1912 until the end of the second world war. What is remarkable really is that, what emerges was really the answer to this very difficult problem that China faced. And the Chinese communist party found a way to do it.


In China, the society doesn't really operate very well without a strong state. It goes back so long this tradition, but the heart of China, which had the capacity to reconstruct and redefine China in a new and very different era.


This was the achievement of the Chinese communist party. This was something which outside China has never been given the credit that it should be given. But I think in China it's of course greatly acknowledged. So this was a great moment for China.


And it's found a way which is different from the western way, in all sorts of different ways to get to where it has. So that's one area I think has been very impressive.


There's no question that the Chinese approach, the Chinese system is successful. When you've got a country that makes that kind of transformation, then you know the question is how did you do it…Chinese society has a great leadership.


You have to say that overseeing this transformation, remarkable transformation, it doesn't just happen. It doesn't just sort of fall out of the sky. You know, you need a government, or a party that can provide leadership to society, give it a sense of direction, and work out in a very practical sequence way. How to do it? That's very difficult. That's a hugely difficult process.


And I think China's being is gifted, with a remarkable leadership. I would say also, this is a historical feature of China. I mean, you know, it goes back a long time. It's in the sort of tradition, the genes, if you like, of China, the statecraft is part of what China is very very good at. Hence its independent, Chinese society is dependent in a way, on having a strong capable state.


So I think that we shouldn't be surprised then that when China begins to feel confident and strong enough to provide suggestions about how the world might be better on the kind of contribution it could make. Actually, China is very interesting and it has come up with some very interesting proposals in relation to this.


I mean, the first was probably the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the AIIB, and then on a much grander scale, I mean the belt and road.


China has a capacity to be in all senses a very modern country, with a very large influence in the world. And I'm confident that China can reach this point.


The primary axis is the relation with the developing world, and it sees itself as playing the role of assisting the modernization of these countries. And that's what I think is that is the most distinctive feature, I think, of Chinese globalization. We should view China's rise as one of these great forces of nature that it is irresistible.
