Z-triton 推出市场上可用的电动露营车,三轮车和游艇组合

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Z-triton 推出市场上可用的电动露营车,三轮车和游艇组合


在2020年完成了第一个原型后,拉脱维亚设计工作室 zeltini 介绍了 z-triton 2.0,一个市场准备的两栖 e-camper 迭代。这个新推出的模型成形为一个升级的移动单元,将房子,船,三轮车合二为一,并提供了在陆地和水上旅行的自由。Z-triton 的目标是改变人们与自然接触的方式,特别是在当前世界范围内流行的时代,以及以自给自足和自主的方式逃离的持续渴望。

after completing the first prototype in 2020, latvian design studio zeltini introduces Z-triton 2.0, a market-ready iteration of the amphibious e-camper. this newly unveiled model takes shape as an upgraded mobile unit combining house, boat, and tricycle all in one, and offering the freedom to travel both over land and water. Z-triton aims to shift the way people engage with nature, especially in the current times with the worldwide pandemic and continuous desire to escape in a self-contained and autonomous way.

Z-triton 推出市场上可用的电动露营车,三轮车和游艇组合

新型号稍微宽一些,提供了更多的空间,可以让两个人舒适地睡在里面。自行车部分经历了重大的重新设计,现在提供了更舒适的乘坐后悬挂,可调座椅,液压盘式刹车,七档内部齿轮毂,并有两倍的权力-1000w。该船模式也升级与一个更强大的1150w 马达,这是集成到身体,可以举起/下来从船舱。

the new model is slightly wider and provides more room in the cabin allowing two people to comfortably sleep in it. the bike part underwent a major redesign and now offers a lot more comfortable ride with rear suspension, adjustable seat, hydraulic disc brakes, seven gears internal gear hub, and has twice the power – 1000W. the boat mode is also upgraded with a stronger 1150W motor which is integrated into the body and can be lifted up/down from the cabin.

该产品是100% 电动船和三轮车电动机,一个锂离子电池组,和集成屋顶太阳能电池板。该机构是在有机玻璃纤维与聚酯制成的回收 pet 瓶和一些部分是大格式3d 打印与生物塑料。还有一个植物花盆,可以让使用者携带小树木,可以种植的方式重新森林我们亲爱的星球。因此 z-triton 2.0的二氧化碳排放量是正值,目标是成为市场上最可持续的房车。

the product is 100% electric with both boat and trike electric motors, a Li-ion battery pack, and integrated roof solar panels. the body is manufactured in organic fiberglass with polyester made from recycled PET bottles and a number of parts are large-format 3D printed with bioplastics. there is also a plant pot that enables users to carry small trees that can be planted along the way to reforest our dear planet. therefore, Z-triton 2.0 has a positive CO2 footprint and aims to be the most sustainable RV on the market.

除了现成的版本,该公司还在开发一个 diy 工具包,这将是一个简化的,模块化的,更负担得起的,易于运输的版本的同一概念。产品开发由挪威赠款支持,目标是社会影响、可持续性和利用制造商的运动。该公司的愿景是围绕 z-triton 创建一个全球社区,聚集那些努力以不同方式旅行并深切关心我们地球的人们。

apart from the ready-made version, the company is also developing a DIY kit which will be a simplified, modular, more affordable, easy-to-ship version of the same concept. the product development is supported by a norway grant and is aimed at social impact, sustainability and taps into the movement of makers. the vision of the company is to create a global community around Z-triton gathering people who strive to travel in alternative ways and deeply care about our planet.