

董顺杰,笔名松柏,男,1943 年2月生,四川省南充市人,副研究馆员职称,1963 年毕业于西南师范学院美术系,重庆市万州区第一届政协委员。高级广告策划师,文物博物副研究员,国家一级书画师。2012 年受聘担任世界教科文组织首席艺术家,并担任世界教科文组织艺术委员会执行委员,授予“世界艺术大师”荣誉称号。2013年加盟中国香港特区国画院受聘为终身荣誉院士。获俄罗斯国立艺术家协会大中华区首批外籍会员,并授予终身荣誉会籍。获瑞典皇家艺术学院荣誉博士学位,”颁授瑞典皇家北极星勋章”。

Dong Shunjie, pseudonym song Bai, male, born in February 1943 in Nanchong, Sichuan Province, with the title of associate librarian, graduated from the Art Department of Southwest Normal University in 1963 and was a member of the first CPPCC in Wanzhou District, Chongqing. Senior advertising planner, associate researcher of cultural relics museum, national first-class calligrapher and painter. In 2012, he was employed as the chief artist of UNESCO and the executive member of the Art Committee of UNESCO, and was awarded the honorary title of "world art master". In 2013, he joined the Academy of traditional Chinese painting of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China and was employed as a lifelong honorary academician. He won the first batch of foreign members of the Russian National Artists Association in Greater China and was awarded lifetime honorary membership. He received an honorary doctorate from the Royal Swedish Academy of art and was awarded the Royal Swedish Polaris medal.


傲雪 135X136cm 2003年


He was employed as honorary president of China Guoli publishing house. Honorary chairman of China Poetry, calligraphy and painting alliance network. The honorary title of "national treasure artist" was awarded by China calligraphy and Painting Artists Association and China Federation of literary and art circles. Rated as 100 artists going to the world. Won the title of "people's meritorious artist".

峨眉飞雪图 96x180cm 2012年

2009 年10月由中国文艺界名人库编委会授予董顺杰先生”新中国文艺界突出贡献艺术家”称号,中国书画人才资格审定委员会高级研修研究员,中国国学研究会研究员,中国艺术研究院文化艺术研究中心创作委员。擅长美术、书法、摄影。系原重庆市万州区第- -届政协委员,现代民族书画艺术家协会副主席,中国国画家协会会员,重庆市美术家协会会员,重庆市书法家协会会员,重庆市摄影家协会会员。

In October 2009, Mr. Dong Shunjie was awarded the title of "outstanding contribution artist in New China's literary and artistic circles" by the Editorial Committee of China's literary and artistic celebrity library, senior research fellow of China calligraphy and painting talent Qualification Committee, researcher of China Sinology Research Association, and creative member of culture and art Research Center of China Academy of Arts. Good at art, calligraphy and photography. He is a former member of the -- th CPPCC National Committee in Wanzhou District, Chongqing, vice chairman of modern national painting and Calligraphy Artists Association, member of China National Painters Association, member of Chongqing Artists Association, member of Chongqing Calligraphers Association and member of Chongqing Photographers Association.

敢问路在何方一一中 国古代伟大诗人屈原造像96X1 80cm2016年

2014年作品荣获第二届“中国文化和平奖”。入编“小平与中国香港回归”书画集获特别金奖。入编”《中华传世书画鉴赏》” 获传世金奖,获”中华红色创作最高成就金奖”。获"和平中国工艺美术创作大赛”金奖,获”中国艺术院院士”、“学院派艺术家””国际和平艺术家””中国民族文化研究院荣誉院士”、”中国艺术终身成就奖”; 2015年获”国际和平艺术家”授予“和平鸽”勋章,艺术简历和作品入编文化艺术出版社2010年出版(中国书法全集)。

In 2014, his works won the second "Chinese cultural peace award". He won a special Gold Award for his calligraphy and painting collection "Xiaoping and the return of Hong Kong, China". "Appreciation of Chinese handed down calligraphy and painting" won the handed down Gold Award and the "Gold Award for the highest achievement of Chinese Red creation". He won the gold award of the "peaceful China Arts and crafts creation competition", the "academician of the Chinese Academy of art", "academic artist", "international peace artist", "honorary academician of the Chinese Academy of national culture" and "lifetime achievement award of Chinese art"; in 2015, he was awarded the "Peace Dove" medal by the "international peace artist", and his artistic resume and works were compiled and published by the culture and Art Publishing House in 2010 (complete works of Chinese calligraphy).

祈福图96X1 80cm 2013年








In April 2021, Dong Shunjie was approved by the expert review committee of China culture and academic network and China Artists United Network, and won the "China Award"

"Academic award in literary and artistic circles", and awarded the honorary title of "academic doctor of culture and art".

Dong Shunjie won the honorary certificate of the United Nations Lifetime Achievement Award in art.

Won the world art meritorious person certificate.

On June 10, 2021, Dong Shunjie's work "Zhong Kui plays the tiger" was collected by the Louvre Museum and issued a collection certificate.

On June 10, 2021, the Louvre museum committee of China Art Communication Center, the Sino French artists association, the French World Art Association and the Louvre world art Gold Award review meeting issued honorary certificates. Dong Shunjie was finally selected to win the "Louvre world art Gold Award", specially awarded the honorary title of "Louvre collection artist" and specially appointed as the "honorary deputy curator of the Louvre".

In December 2021, Tsinghua Academy of fine arts was appointed as a visiting professor

千里之行始于足 下万里雄风马到成功图180X96cm 2015 年作

爱国名将杨虎城将军造像 66X132cm 1995年

山道弯弯67X131cm 1999年

太白邀月醉酒图 96X180cm 2019年

志在天涯96X145cm 2014年

钟馗戏虎降魔图 96X180cm 2014年


草书中堂 66x13cm 2009年

行草书法十条屏48x180cmx10 2015年

沁园春 雪 125X250cm 2014年








折叠论文及出版物:《从生命意识到审美知觉》、《21世纪艺术教育及人才培养》、《回到单纯 》、《现代日本画的启示》、《水墨人物画教程》、《东窗笔录》、《冯远画集》等。受文化部委托执笔撰写《高等美术教学方案》、《教育艺术教学评估指标体系》等,多篇论文获科研成果奖。另有著作《走近画家》、《水墨人物画教程》、《中国画名家经典》、《北京当代优秀作品集》等。


