NTU 校长室邮件强调学校政策,回国国际生或面临休学

6月9日,新加坡进入解封第一阶段已经一周时间,NTU 校长办公室发送邮件强调学校具体政策,内容如下:



政府规定,所有长期通行证(LTP)持有人,包括学生通行证(STP)和家属通行证(DP)持有人,在进入新加坡之前须事先获得批准。LTP持有者抵达新加坡后若无移民局与关卡局及人力局的批准,则不可入关, 且必须在48小时内自费飞离新加坡。如不遵守,ICA将取消他们的通行证或取消他们的获批资格。

一、南洋理工大学学生及教职工: 必须遵守政府建议,若无极特殊情况,不要出国旅行。所有特殊申请必须得到所属学院院长/研究中心主任或行政主管的支持,并经教务长、SVP(研究)或SVP(行政)和CHRO批准。













Dear Students and Colleagues,

It’s been a week since Singapore moved into Phase 1 of the post-circuit breaker period. As communicated previously, we have also started our phased approach for the resumption of campus activities, with safety measures in place to protect and ensure the well-being of our community.

As the safe re-opening of economic activities is currently planned in 3 phases, the gradual resumption of activities is dependent on the pace at which precautionary measures are eased. At this juncture, the Government’s advisory not to travel abroad still stands. In line with this advisory, the University is still not granting approval for any official or personal travel, except on compassionate grounds.

You may have read about the recent “fast lane” arrangement between Singapore and China which is to facilitate essential travel for business and official purposes between the two countries, starting 8 June 2020. Please note that this “fast lane” arrangement is only for essential business and official government travel, and does not apply to NTU.

The Government still requires all Long-Term Pass (LTP) holders, including Student’s Pass (STP) and Dependant’s Pass (DP) holders, to obtain prior approval before entering Singapore. LTP holders who arrive in Singapore without the approval letter of entry from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) or Ministry of Manpower (MOM), and STP holders who do likewise without the entry approval from Ministry of Education (MOE), will not be allowed to clear immigration, and must fly out of Singapore at their own cost within 48 hours. If they fail to comply, ICA will cancel their pass or rescind their in-principle approval.

All NTU employees and students are reminded of the following:

1. All employees and students must adhere to the Government's advisory not to travel abroad. The University only grants approval for travel on compassionate grounds. All such applications must be supported by the employees’ respective College Dean/Research Centre Director (for pan-university Research Centres) or Head of Admin Department, and approved by the Provost, SVP (Research) or SVP (Administration) and CHRO. As the Ministry of Health announced previously, Singapore residents and Long-Term Pass holders who leave Singapore must serve their 14-day Stay-Home Notice at designated facilities, such as hotels, instead of their homes, and they will have to bear the financial cost for the entire stay. They will also be charged non-subsidised rates if they are admitted to hospital for suspected COVID-19 or have onset of symptoms within 14 days of returning to Singapore.

2. All Long-Term Pass holders, including Student’s Pass holders, must likewise not travel overseas, either for official or personal purposes. Due to the current travel restrictions and infection controls, approval to return to Singapore is likely to be delayed until border controls are lifted.

3. International students who choose to return home must be prepared to be served 1 or possibly 2 Semesters’ Leave of Absence (LOA), or until approval is granted for their return by MOE. Any student who insists on travelling must sign a Letter of Acknowledgement and Undertaking (LAU), stating the reason for travel. Should any student need to travel on compassionate grounds, he/she may approach the university for assistance to appeal to MOE for special consideration for re-entry at the time of return. Students’ requests and LAU must be forwarded to their respective Dean or Chair for concurrence before they can embark on their journey.

4. All new and existing Work Pass holders, including dependants who are currently overseas, must obtain MOM’s approval before beginning their journey to Singapore. The entry approval applies to existing Work Pass holders who are currently out of Singapore as well as those who have been granted in-principle approval for a Work Pass and have yet to enter the country. Those who do not comply and fly to Singapore without prior approval will have their Work Pass revoked and barred from future employment in Singapore.

5. All students and employees who travel must submit their travel declaration before their departure from Singapore, and indicate their planned return date. Please note that this is compulsory, and failure to comply with Government requirements will result in severe sanctions against either the student/employee and/or University.

Your well-being remains of paramount importance. If you are unwell, please seek medical assistance immediately. Let’s continue to work together as a community to keep our campus safe and healthy during these uncertain times.

For the latest information, please visit NTU’s Intranet page and the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education websites.


Ling San

Deputy President and Provost

Tan Aik Na

Senior Vice President (Administration)