
At Midnight We Race


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. 9:00pm: Sunset
  • 3. Cutting Room Floor
  • 1.简介
  • 2.晚上9点:日落
  • 3.裁剪房地板

What are you doing when the clock strikes 12 in the dead of night?

Tired eyes at your computer screen? Finishing another Netflixseries? Snoring loudly in bed? Yeah, me too.

In Kuala Lumpur your options are expanded somewhat. There’s the city’s famous 24-hour nasi lemak restaurants if you’re feeling hungry, or for those with a need for speed perhaps you’d like to drive down to nearby Sepang International Circuit and join in at BOMTAC, Kuala Lumpur’s newest time attack event.



在吉隆坡,您的选择有所扩大。如果你感到饥饿,那就是这个城市着名的24小时nasi lemak餐厅,或者对于那些需要速度的人来说,或许你想开车到附近的雪邦国际赛车场并参加吉隆坡最新的时间攻击活动BOMTAC 。


BOMTAC is the catchy acronym for Battle Of Machines Time Attack Challenge, and is the brainchild of Ifwat Razak, a keen Super Taikyu driver and all-round motorsport diehard. Ifwat and his team wanted to give local enthusiasts an extra chance to attack Sepang, and with the track recently making the lighting system available to smaller events, a Saturday evening was booked for the inaugural event.

BOMTAC是Battle Of Machines时间攻击挑战赛的首字母缩写,也是Ifwat Razak的创意,他是一位敏锐的Super Taikyu车手和全能赛车运动员。Ifwat和他的团队希望给当地的爱好者一个额外的机会来攻击雪邦,并且最近的轨道使得照明系统可用于小型活动,周六晚上被预定参加了首次活动。




9:00pm: Sunset

I’ve known Ifwat ever since he took me for a blast up the Genting Highlands in his Mugen RR Civic after the Retro Havoc event back in 2016. Malaysia’s car culture is on fire at the moment and I’d been itching to get back while reading through Ron’s recent coverage. Ifwat’s invite seemed like the perfect opportunity to jump back in.

In hindsight, flying eight hours for one event seems a bit crazy, but I’ll never miss a chance to experience a new circuit.

自从2016年复古浩劫事件之后,他带领我在他的Mugen RR Civic的云顶高原爆炸了之后,我就认识了Ifwat。马来西亚的汽车文化此刻火热,我一直渴望回归阅读罗恩最近的报道。Ifwat的邀请似乎是跳回来的绝佳机会。


Sepang is Malaysia’s only international-grade circuit, and up until 2017 hosted the Formula 1 circus. Unfortunately, the track was removed from the F1 calendar for 2018, but MotoGP still comes through and packs the grandstands every November – the latter not at all surprising given that Malaysia is a motorbike-loving country. This is a wide, sweeping circuit with plenty of room for overtaking and run-off.

雪邦是马来西亚唯一的国际级赛道,直到2017年举办了一级方程式马戏团。不幸的是,这条赛道已经从2018年的F1日历中删除了,但是MotoGP每年11月仍然会出现并包装看台 - 后者并不奇怪,因为马来西亚是一个爱摩托车的国家。这是一条宽阔,宽阔的赛道,有足够的超车和跑垒空间。

Before the track day began there was a parade lap for a local Honda Odyssey owners group, so I jumped in the back of a truck with some of the camera crew to grab a few shots and familiarise myself with the snaking 5.5km-long circuit.


I spent most of my time snapping this NSX-R GT replica running at the front of the pack (sorry, not sorry) with Leona Chin at the wheel.

我花了大部分时间把这辆NSX-R GT复制品运到了前面,对不起,对不起,对不起,Leona Chin正在驾驶。

Leona is a seriously talented drifter and racer who you might recognise from a hilarious driver training prank video that went viral (now at over 50 million views) a few years back. She’d brought along her Evo for the time attack session too.

I’ve got a pretty good job, but Leona is making me envious with hers.



The first year for an event is always tough to predict; even with the most diligent preparation it’s impossible to know what the turnout will be until the big day.

活动的第一年总是难以预测; 即使是最勤奋的准备,也不可能知道在重要日子之前投票率会是多少。

Malaysia has a love affair with both two and four-wheeled Hondas, so it was no surprise that the pits were filling up with various generations of Civic. The FD2 sedan in particular seems to be a popular choice.


Of course, the locally-made Proton Satria is a popular and worthy competitor of the Civic; you might remember Ron took a look at one of the high performance Lotus-tuned variants a little while back.

当然,本土制造的Proton Satria是思域的一个受欢迎且有价值的竞争对手; 你可能还记得 罗恩在不久前看了一个高性能的莲花调校版本。

This example from Fatboy Racing might be the fastest Proton in the world – a full Mitsubishi Lancer Evo drivetrain swap certainly helps.

Fatboy Racing的这个例子可能是世界上最快的质子 - 完整的三菱Lancer Evo传动系统交换肯定有帮助。

Although the time attack event was the main attraction, behind the pits a little gathering was also underway.


Early CR-Xs aren’t at all common in Japan and now I think I know why – they’re all hiding in Malaysia! Check out the Cosworth-style wing riding high on the rear hatch of this example.

早期的CR-X在日本并不常见,现在我想我知道为什么 - 他们都藏在马来西亚!看看这个例子的后舱盖上高考斯沃斯风格的机翼。

Where there are Hondas, there are engine swaps…


… And another K-engine finds a new home in the engine bay of this EF CR-X. Can you really call yourself a Honda enthusiast if you haven’t K-swapped something?

......另一台K型发动机在这款EF CR-X的发动机舱中找到了一个新家。如果你还没有交换某些东西,你能真的称自己为本田爱好者吗?

On three, everybody say… VTEC!

三,每个人都说...... VTEC!

The Honda Jazz (Fit) is a backbone of transportation across Asia, and is probably also one of the most modified cars you’ll find as a result. Over the years, Honda has released some pretty wacky trim levels just for the Asian market, and occasionally I found myself confusing something completely factory with a custom creation.


I feel like the quality of cars here has really jumped even from my first visit to Malaysia just over two years ago. The builders have a real eye for design, piecing together creations that wouldn’t look out of place in Tokyo or on the West Coast of the United States.


Best of all, Malaysians don’t seem afraid to drive their classics and love nothing more than getting together for an event or cruise. One of the wildest turnouts to an impromptu meet I’ve seen was on the side of a highway with about two hours’ notice.


Right as the sun began to dip below the distant horizon, the first time attack sessions got underway. The first cars out were a mix of street-registered track toys, with the Honda marque strongly represented.


From a photographer’s selfish point of view, why can’t all track sessions start at dusk? Even a very average photograph starts to look special thanks to the Malaysian sunset.


Of course, the main benefit is that the muggy daytime temperatures drop, meaning the cars can push much harder. Even on sunset, walking around Sepang made for sweaty work, so the cooler night time temperatures were very welcome when they came through.


The setting sun made for a particularly stunning backdrop at Turn 1, so I got comfortable and tried to snap off some slow shutter speed (1/30th and below) pans as the more extreme track builds came out to warm their tyres.


Here’s one of Proton’s own factory racers diving down the inside while lifting the inside rear wheel. The team was using the event as a test for the following weekend’s 1,000km endurance race, which they actually went on to win.

I wish I’d had longer to experiment with integrating the unique design of the Sepang circuit into my photos, but with the track being so long just getting around it would be a challenge.



Thankfully for me, two local photographers introduced themselves as Speedhunters readers and offered to show me the best spots to capture the action from. Even better, they’d brought a Hilux to do it all in.

The Toyota made short work of the infield access roads, but even more invaluable was the local knowledge. It’s one thing to know the best spots to get great shots, but another altogether to know how to get in between them as efficiently as possible.



One of the best things about the low-light conditions was the ease of capturing the glowing brake rotors as the cars barrelled into the tight corners that terminate Sepang’s two long straights. It was interesting to see the front-wheel drive cars lighting up the front brakes, whereas a more balanced rear-wheel drive platform (like the S2000 above) would cause all four rotors to glow evenly.


Shooting flames is another great way to get a photographer’s attention.


Every time I’d swing past pit lane to rehydrate there was something else to see. Of course, an NSX will always grab my attention.

I was observing that this car was sporting some very rare Type S wheels and additional brake ducting at the front – then I realised it actually was a Type S.

每次我越过维修区再水化时,还有其他东西要看。当然,NSX 总会引起我的注意。

我观察到这辆车装有一些非常罕见的S型车轮,前面还有额外的制动管 - 然后我意识到它实际上一辆S型。

It takes a lot to tear me away from a rare Honda, but this Ford Escort RS Cosworth did just that.

把我从一辆罕见的本田车上拉下来需要很多,但是这款福特Escort RS考斯沃斯就是这么做的。

This brute was spawned from Group A rally homologation requirements, taking the fight to the original WRX and Celica GT-4. I have to say out of that trio, the ‘Cossie’ is the one for me.

这个野蛮人是从A组的集会认证要求中产生的,将战斗转移到原来的WRX和Celica GT-4上。我必须说出三重奏,'Cossie'对我而言。

The bulbous Compomotive wheels really date the design – in a good way.

球形的Compomotive轮子确实与设计相关 - 以一种很好的方式。

Although I didn’t see the RS out on the track, the owner assures me that it sees a thrashing. Work under the hood obviously boosts power to more modern levels, too.


I snapped this while jumping out of the way of the previously smiling and sedate Leona Chin – now in full race mode.

我跳了一下,同时跳出了先前微笑和镇静的Leona Chin的方式 - 现在处于完全比赛模式。

Although the general vibe of the event was very laid back, I’d started to realise that there were a few serious competitors here who were not prepared to return home with anything less than a trophy and their name in the record books.


In particular, this red Voltex-kitted Evo was absolutely flying, so I made a mental note to check it out in the pits later.

特别是,这个红色的Voltex-kitted Evo绝对是飞行的,所以我做了一个心理记录,以便稍后在坑中检查它。

I found it cooling off with help from a large external fan.


It was instantly clear from the extreme aero that the Evo was in a league of its own at BOMTAC, probably being more at home in Open Class at the World Time Attack Challenge in Sydney, Australia.


As is always the case with Evos, space was at a premium under the hood. Certainly a case of function over form, although the titanium strut brace mounting suspension remote reservoirs and plenty of pie-cut piping provided some bling.


The venting in the carbon Voltex bonnet was being used to the fullest extent, allowing the equal-length Full-Race manifold to cool off and sending wastegate exhaust gasses straight to the moon.


The team had actually driven up and across the Malaysian peninsula from Singapore to be at BOMTAC. When your home country has no permanent race tracks, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.


Along with the car being well built, the team was clearly very professional, leading me to wonder what a car like this is doing in Singapore. The opportunity to test and evaluate the modifications would be rare indeed.


The preparation was worth it, with the Evo claiming the top spot on the 175-car-long entry list.


The ideal track conditions also allowed the team at Fatboy Racing to push their Proton to a record time, good enough for second place outright.

理想的赛道状况也让Fatboy Racing的车队能够将他们的质子推向创纪录的时间,足以让他们彻底获得第二名。

I thoroughly enjoyed my time exploring a new circuit from the other side of the fence, and making the most of the artificial light.


I can’t help but wish that I was out on track instead, mixing it with the locals in one of the best amateur time attack events I’ve attended.


The first time running an event like this is a massive risk for the organisers (what if nobody turns up?), but judging by the energy pulsing through the pit lane well into the morning hours, we’ll see BOMTAC Part II coming soon.


I imagine Ifwat and his fellow racers slept very well through the next day, after getting their fill of late night motorsport and nasi lemak.

Me? I had a flight home to catch…

我想,在获得深夜赛车运动和nasi lemak之后,第二天Ifwat和他的同伴们睡得很好




Cutting Room Floor
