

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:兰陵笑笑生 转载请注明出处


Chinese food is obxtively the best in the world



I''ve been hearing this over and over. I like Chinese food but find this claim ridiculous. Thoughts?



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:兰陵笑笑生 转载请注明出处



Claimed by who? Chinese folk? The only people ever to tell me this were Chinese people...and needless to say, they''re a little biased.

I mean, it is good, but all that comes down to personal preference anyway. So I''d take any such comments with a pretty big grain of salt.



93402European unx

Yeah like what product from china is made with dedication pride and honor..... none, same applies to food, if they can safe 0.2 cny by streching the sauce or using tainted meat, they will, a japanese cook would rather loose an eye than serving an inferior dish. Simple as that.



Claimed by my Chinese friends, never heard anyone else say this.



You guys are so negative...

You''re all mentioning things you get at shitty dodgy restaurants. Go to legit restaurants, quit basing your experience on 25rmb waimai

The truth is that there is huge variety of foods and it can suit almost any taste. Finding good places is not that easy.





I spent 8 years in China. Had many meals in China''s better restaurants. Chinese food can be very good, but overall it isn''t the best in the world.

You are kind of contradicting yourself. First you say don''t go to cheap restaurants, implying that expensive restaurants are better. Then you say that finding good places is not easy. That is what some are saying, not easy to find good food.

I spent about a year in Vietnam. Very easy to find good food there at all price points.




Difficult to obxtively rate food and what does best mean? How good it tastes (entirely subjective), how healthy it is, variety, uniqueness, etc

I like Chinese food, but don''t think you can say any particular cuisine is the best.




People from every country tend to have an overly positive view of their own cuisines. If you asked a Frenchman or an Italian which country has the best cuisine, I''d bet that a ton would say their own countries. Even lots of Brits unironically think that British food is among the best in the world (in my opinion, there are plenty of really nice dishes when they''re done well, but overall, native British cuisine is pretty shit, desserts excluded.

Chinese people probably are a bit more overly zealous when it comes to talking about their own food, but I think that''s partly due to most Chinese people having little to no experience of anything from outside China besides things like durian and nutella pizza (an Italian classic, as we all know), and also because Chinese people are extremely proud of, well, just about everything that comes from China.




China is the only country that I have visited where the people tell me over and over again that their food is the best.

Vietnamese food is better and healthier.




“Vietnamese food is better and healthier.”

Go tell this to some Chinese people and enjoy the ensuing "conversation".




Koreans will also say that a lot



It definitely has some potential, if they wouldn''t leave fucking shards of bone in absolutely everything.

Had a dish the other day, literally 50 RMB no less, which is criminal... it was basically some fish that seemed to have been put through a fucking wood chipper on some white rice. That''s it. Some shitty, awful tasting fish and tiny, sharp little inedible white bones throughout whatever fish pulp I was eating. I''m pretty stoic about these things,but even I couldn''t deal. Dropped another 50 RMB on a burger and fries.




I had to stop eating fish and other seafood in China. Most of it smells like sewage or diesel fuel.



I guessed the "secret sauce."

But I seriously don''t understand how the fuck it''s considered palatable to have to spit a bone out after every fucking bite. It''s meat... not a fucking sunflower seed.




Its different cultures. My Chinese parents can''t understand why people would eat huge chunks of meat like steak. So stfu.

Edit: why the fuck am I being down voted? Do you have to assimilate everyone into your culture and everyone has to agree with you?





The smaller the piece of meat while it is cooked the more likely it will be dry and tough.

Chinese cooking is good for vegetables, not so good for beef or chicken.



HotNaturedUnited States

Here''s, obxtively, the bottom line:

·Mainland Chinese food is diverse and enjoyable, but it doesn''t belong on this list.

·Cantonese food is actually in contention--it''s refined and sometimes even inspired.

·Italian food is rustic. Grandma''s food. Probably my favorite day-to-day cuisine, but not always deserving of the price point (doubly true where I am in Shanghai).

·The French culinary tradition is world class and, next to Cantonese, Japanese, and maybe one other, is actually worth arguing as best in the world.

·Japanese cuisine, as a reflection of Japanese culture , is buoyed by artisans. (For me, anyway, subpar Japanese food is way less appetizing than, say, subpar coq au vin.) Eating ramen/sushi/tonkatsu at a salaryman''s spot can be just as life-changing as michelin star kaiseki.

I don''t think a single other cuisine can really stand up to the aforementioned ones. Sure, Mexican mole, a handful of Indian, Thai, Viet, Korean, and Greek dishes make a good case for their inclusion, but it''s not enough. Spain might deserve a spot in the debate but otherwise I think it''s end of discussion.










You make some interesting points, but I wouldn''t say it''s obxtive.

Also, you forget all the Arabic countries or Persian food, which are quite amazing.




But but, what about British food? ...



This can''t really be obxtive. China''s cuisine is more "developed" I guess since it historically has had a culinary culture for far longer than the West, where what we might consider actually cuisine with distinct dishes didn''t start until after the French Revolution when Aristocratics would go to places to recreate the experience of being served and doted on, thus creating restaurants.

Personally I perfer Vietnamese, Indian, and Mexican food but Chinese chefs can do fucking amazing things with a plate of green beans and a few ingredients.




I don''t think Chinese cuisine is more developed because of their culinary culture. That''s like saying they are better printers because it was invented in China.


fucktheocean (United Kingdom)

I think it''s the worst food in Asia... (Of the countries I''ve been to)



Best means average Chinese person enjoy Chinese food more than people from any other countries enjoy their own food. I live in the most diverse city in the world, never cook and eat out every day. I can go to Chinese restaurants for a whole month without tasting anything similar twice. I like Japanese/Korean food as well but I will be bored within a couple days if I try to eat Japanese/Korean only. European food can be really luxurious but the diversity is laughable, have been to a French restaurant that cost us $200 per person but when I look at the menu there are only a handful of choices for each course.


exceptionalaverageEuropean unx

No it isn''t. Ever go to a restaurant in China? If you like bland shitty hotpot or ridiculously oily dishes with bony meat and questionable ingredients....the yeah, Chinese food is great.

In my opinion, Thai, Vietnamese, Malay, Singaporean food are all superior.




Depends where you go, go to a decent restaurant, you get decent food, go to a shit restaurant, you get shit food. Price doesn''t always correlate with quality in China (by which I mean some expensive restaurants still sell shit food). But I wouldn''t say all Chinese food is how you describe.



china has so many different regions and ethnic groups that even chinese people don''t really know what they mean when they say "chinese food" you could spend several lifetimes traveling around china trying all the different cuisines.



We''ve had this discussion around our house too. "Chinese food is one of the world''s great cuisines like French or Sushi etc. etc"

To which I reply, "Chinese food is famous because it''s cheap and the restaurants are open on religious holidays. When most westerners see what ACTUAL Chinese food looks like (intestines, fish heads, pickled weeds, and a staunch refusal to remove any bones from anything), they generally turn up their noses.



dandmcdUnited States

Of course it''s ridiculous. If it was truly the best in the world, people would be eating pig feet and Chinese hot pot all around the world. If we''re going by what is the best in the world, it should be what food has the most influence around the world, and Italians, French, Japanese and even the Americans would be highly favored to win that battle.


bigwangbowskiUnited States

So by that logic, Mickey D''s is the best food? Outta here with that horseshit
