
2021年11月20日,由京领新国际主办、德胜教育承办的第十一届京领创新人才论坛暨德胜教育二十周年 · 德胜学校(国际)十周年教育峰会在德胜学校(国际)成功举办。


围绕“未来学校的创新人才培养”主题,第十一届京领创新人才论坛暨德胜教育二十周年 · 德胜学校(国际)十周年教育峰会内容覆盖世界名校创新人才培养实践、优秀国际学校创新人才与科研素养培养经验、未来创新人才培养路径等议题,旨在通过分享现实经验和研究成果,启发国际教育者们挖掘规律、探索路径,用研究指导实践,促进国际化创新性人才培养。




在论坛上,青苗国际双语学校海淀校区总校长Caleb Archer青苗国际双语学校海淀校区行政校长April Tang发表了“未来已来,将来已至”主题演讲。

Caleb Archer


April Tang





April Tang青青子衿,苗圃我心。家长朋友们大家好,站在我右边的是Caleb Archer校长,我叫四月,我们来自青苗学校海淀校区。

Caleb Archer:So we're here to talk a little bit about skills that students need for the future, but I always like to start with this poem. It reminds me of why we're in education business. The education is actually an investment in the future. It's a gift that we give. They help prepare students for an uncertain future。

April Tang教育本就是一项投资,教育也像是你在种植一棵小树苗,所以在校长的陈述当中,他认为中国教育是世界上最好的教育,中国的父母应该也是世界上最关心教育的父母。

Caleb Archer:I always stand with this because when you say education to people, everyone thinks of something different. Some people think back to their own education and maybe they had a good one. Maybe they had good teachers, and they love them. Maybe they didn't have a lot to love about their education or maybe they actually think more of life on learning or more recent education than done.

So everyone looks at something different. And I prepare a video here I want people to see so that we can draw to give what people actually think about education as it applies to the future. The way we should be looking at education when we talk about what we want to provide for our students.

April Tang近些年我们一直在提到未来教育、未来技能,21世纪教育,现在教育这两个词在所有的家长心目当中应该都有自己的一番定义,教育应该是变革的,教育应该是面向未来的,教育应该是融会变通的等等,而我们所看到的教育在整个教育行业当中又是什么样子的呢?我想和您分享这样的一段小视频。

Caleb Archer:When I was a kid, I was wondering what's the meaning of life. What really matters is trying to understand the right questions to ask. The more that we can increase the scope and scale of the human consciousness, the better we are able to ask these questions.

So I think there are certain things that are necessary to ensure that the future is good. Some of those things are in the long term, having long-term sustainable transport and sustainable energy generation, being in the space for externalization of humanity to be out of the stars and be a multi-planetary species. I think that being a multi-planetary species and being out there among the stars, it's important for the long-term survival of humanity. That's one reason kind of like life insurance for life collectively as we know it. But then the point that I find personally most motivating is that it creates a sense of adventure. It makes people excited about the future. And if you consider two futures, one where we are forever confined to it until eventually something terrible happens or another future where we are up there on many planets, maybe even going beyond the system.

I think that the second version is incredibly exciting and inspiring and they need three reasons to get up in the morning that can just be about solving problems I want to. There's going to be things that people find inspiring. And now having heard that there, it makes a question which is one of the next generation, the one that was gonna change the world. What if, what they really need, there's a sense of venture. They need to be inspired and hopeful for their futire. Then what would you teach them? What gives forgive?

April Tang教和育应该是教育相长的。在整个教育行业当中以及从业人员来看,我们单看教和育的时候一定不会把它只是看成一个词,而是两个方面的。我们会想我们在教一代人的时候如何去育下一代人,我们在教这一代的孩子的时候,如何为他们的未来去做准备,这样才是一个好学校,学校看重的是孩子的现在,并且为他们的未来在做准备。

Caleb Archer:If you're going to be part of changing the world or living in the future, that is a changed world, then the first thing we do is to educate. We always look to the past and the past provides a great guidance. The past is an excellent runner for a ship, not a good anchor, and it's a good guidepost which would never be a hitching post or, something that holds us back. As we look back in the past, we start to see that this change is not a new thing. It's actually we live in a world that's constantly influx。

April Tang以史为鉴,基于历史的经验,这个是我们在教育中最宝贵的经验,我们一定是回顾过去,吸取过去给我们的经验和教训,然后着眼于现在,并将其付诸于实践,为孩子们未来的每一天去做准备。

Caleb Archer:We look back 3 generations. We say what are the characteristics of successful people? What made you a good employee or a good employee? What means that you were successful? And you see this list here. Punctuality, self-discipline. These are things that very much we associate with our grandparents in industrial Europe age. Now if you come forward and you say from current workforce, but the people that were employing today and entering workforce, what do they need? We're actually talking about flexibility, initiating action. We talk about leadership, drive, and innovation. These are the things today that make it successful. So you can start seeing the shift in the world through these characteristics.

April Tang教育其实是一条历史长河上面的演变,作为教育的工作者,我们把教和育做成一份礼物,这份礼物可以给孩子们,可以给家人们。


Caleb Archer:Now as we do this, we start to categorize and we say these are the characteristics were looking for. What are the skills we need to teach to equip people? And we say there are two areas, the first one is technology. Because two generations ago there were no smart watchers, smart phones or laptops and 3 more generations later the things we could be using may be tiny new. And so did technologies. But the one thing that we look at is the human skills and the human attributes that people need to develop these characteristics to be successful in the future.

April Tang我们分析一下,如果我们教和育的目的内核是没有变化的,我们依然希望孩子拥有准时、忠诚、自律等等这样的品格,这并没有随着时间的推移而发生变化。是什么在历史的长河当中变化了,是科技,是我们的环境,三代之前我们可能没有电子手表、微信、电脑,在历史的过程中演变的实际上是周遭的环境还有技能的发展。

Caleb Archer:If we were to go back as far as we can, this was the oldest list I could find in 1820. It was a the top future skills published by an English university preparing young men for leadership. And if you look down that list there,you'll see that there's nothing that is bad, but it's just not enough now. Because if you look over the top skills for the 21st century written by the OECD, it's been a lot of time focusing on the future. You'll see that the skills are a lot more complex and this represents a complexity of the world we live in and what it takes to be successful now.

April Tang我们希望每个孩子都可以走向成功,如校长所说,每一个学期我们都会对比今年和去年的教育目标有何不同,他甚至觉得自己的论据不够充足,所以他把1820年的清单拿出来看,是1820年的人错了吗?并不是,而是在现在孩子们所处的环境以及我们提供给孩子的环境和以前是不一样的,现在孩子们的世界和以前是不一样的。

Caleb Archer:There's a lot of people that look at education today through the lens of the past and they say students don't do what they're told anymore. When we were educated we look at that and we say hang on, the reason is that because they're only negotiation skills, is that because they're learning critical thinking, is that because they're learning judgment decision-making. It is very hard to learn good judgment without actually making some bad judgment and learning as you go. And so blind opinions that would have skilled before 18th century, maybe 300 years ago that was more relevant. But these days those skills are what you see education. They start to shape education. That's important. Now because as we shape education and start providing these skills for the future, we also have to remember the present.

April Tang在每年的变更当中,我们见过数以百计的家长会说现在的孩子真的是不听话了,像我们那个时候说什么都听,但是孩子们错了吗?并没有。全球化还有世界化的急剧演变,让我们的孩子可以有辩证性的思维,他们变得能言善辩,他们就连跟你犟嘴其实都是有逻辑性的,但是孩子没有错。在现在世界化的、全球化竞争的过程当中,他们一定要学会这样的技能,而我们的现在就是您们之前所看到的未来。

Caleb Archer:So what happened? The problem we have in the prison is that our reality is changed. There is no longer about clicking the past of the future, then we actually got changed and present. What we're seeing now is that there's a huge increase in students who are suffering depression, who are living with anxiety, who lost the youth and worry about the world in ways that weren't imaginable when I was young.

April Tang所以我们一直在秉持着那样一句话,我把它作为自己信奉的名言,对未来最大的承诺实际上就是把所有的精力放在当下。量力而行,关注当下,让我们的孩子可以在此刻学习他们将来能够用得到的技能和知识,为未来负责,也为未来赋能。

Caleb Archer:So there's a new challenge. It's not just 21st century skills, it's actually things we need from now. Because existing is nothing if you're not happy.

April Tang情绪力、自控力以及如何在失败的过程当中重拾自己,重建自信,快速恢复状态,反而成为现在我们经常探讨的如何让孩子成功的话题。因为在充满变化的世界中,让孩子能够保持稳定的情绪,这是我们成人有时都会感觉到有挑战性的事。没有快乐的话,其实成功也就没有那么的有意义了。

Caleb Archer:We have a situation where we're having to not just do the 20th century skills, but we're now having to build inclusion student agency. We need to give students voice and choice to take back control and encourage in this uncertain world, giving students control. What matters is the engagement that you need in order to start preparing the game for the future.

April Tang所以在变化纷繁的当下时代,学校的角色就变得非常重要。举例来讲,现在的学校和以前的学堂不一样,最重要的一个变化是是给孩子塑造了充分平等、非常包容的环境,让他们在课堂当中、校园中都可以发出自己的声音,表达自己的情绪,他们可以被听到、被看到。

Caleb Archer:So I'll come back to the first question and say what if this next generation is one that's gonna change the world or we have to live in a changing world? What they really need is a sense of adventure. What if they need to inspire to have a great hopeful future for the future? Then what would you teach them and what would you give them?

April Tang作为老师,作为校长,无论是在青苗,还是在所有的学校行业当中,每个人可能都会在想,我眼前的这一批孩子们将来有可能是要改变世界的。这一批要改变世界的孩子,我们应该教给他什么?作为学校我们有多大的能力可以赋予他们知识, 给予他们能量,让他们可以去改变世界,而这个世界将来又会在他们的带领下发生怎样的变化?

Caleb Archer:Now it's obvious we care about this because it's part of a mission statement. We want to give students what they need to be successful now and in the future, to function in the changing global environment.

April Tang在青苗,在我们每一个青苗人的心中,都铭记着的一个使命,就是青苗教育是有备而来的,我们要让孩子可以在双语和双文化的环境当中成为全球公民。

Caleb Archer:The first thing that we've learned is that you need to create a place where people can laugh together. You need to create a community that is enough to share celebrations together because only then you have the strength and comparison to work out.

April Tang那将会是一个什么样的地方?首先它应该是一个充满包容和快乐的地方,孩子们可以肆无忌惮的去欢笑,去寻找快乐。

Caleb Archer:There's also a place where you learn together because knowledge now is only as important as the skills and because the skills will last beyond the knowledge. So we use teacher inquiry basis with students to ask questions they're engaged in learning and it's a cooperative process. It's not only done individual.

April Tang当我们每天早上在青苗门口看着欢欢喜喜来到学校的孩子们,我们不会担心他们在学校会厌学,当他们在课堂上以探究式的学习方式去学习的时候,他们可以勇于发言、勇于辩解、勇于争辩,他们的逻辑是通顺的,他们的感觉是舒服的,是安全的。就是这样一个地方让他们可以快乐、健康的成长。

Caleb Archer:But finally replacement will grow together, because growing as individuals is what we're all about. It's where people discover their passions, the things that bring into life, the things that they can't wait to think and share with the community, the things that they're proud of themselves and their community, their parents and friends can also be proud of as well, and the things that give you the confidence and courage to learn those skills and to face the uncertain future.

April Tang谚语说:“一个孩子的成长需要依赖于一个群体的力量,有的时候是甚至三代人的付出才能赋予一个子女的成功。”而在青苗这样的一个社区化的学校,在任何一个校区中,我们都是用这样的价值观去保护我们的孩子们,让他们在这样的一个社区当中,可以非常快乐的去分享自己在成长过程中的每一份收获,可以分享自己引以为傲的成就。

Caleb Archer:Ultimately community or a group of educators, parents, and students, we care about each other, we care about learning, we care about ourselves, we care about the environment. That's what it means to be a community.

April Tang而青苗就是这样一个让孩子安心学习的地方,一个社区化的、有价值观的地方,让孩子可以被看到,让他们可以自由的成长,为自己而骄傲。

Caleb Archer:So we say what if the current generation is the one that is going to change the world, then what gifts and education would you give them?

April Tang所以我们依然会把这个问题再一次总结,如果我们现在在教的孩子,将来会成为改变世界的人,那么我们能够赋予孩子什么呢?能教给他们什么呢?谢谢大家。


