
Morethan three years ago, the newly married Farinon and his wife, HuangTing, left Singapore to settle in Chongqing, Huang's hometown, afterFarinon became a captain for West Air, an airline in China whoseheadquarters, coincidentally, are in the samecity.
Beforehe joined West Air, Farinon had worked for airlines in Italy andSingapore, but with China's development over the years, the civilaviation sector has expanded.


"Workingand living here is a good option for me," he said, adding thatboth the flying environment and living conditions are safe inChina.

Althoughhe has rich flying experience, Farinon said he needs to traincontinually and accumulate as much experience as possible. Weatherconditions, for example, are a bit different from Singapore, which iscloser to the equator.

Farinonalso serves as an administrator for the airline and providestechnical communication for the crews.

"Fabiois rigorous, studious and warmhearted. He often helps foreign andChinese co-pilots tackle issues involving flight," said Wu Yao,a staff member in charge of foreign captains for West Air.
Onhis days off, Farinon spends most of his time with his wife and theirtwo daughters. He said he loves the city and enjoys local cuisine,especially hotpot.
"Chineseculture is just like hotpot, in which any food can be cooked. And theopen and diverse culture helps me better fit in the city," hesaid.

