

按照交易各方新近签订的项目合作协议,华友钴业、亿纬锂能和其他三家投资者将成立一家合资项目公司,在印度尼西亚哈马黑拉岛Weda Bay工业园区,建设红土镍矿湿法冶炼项目。


香港注册的永瑞控股有限公司将是合资公司的第一大股东,持股比例达到31%,新加坡注册的Glaucous International Pte.持股30%,华友钴业的香港全资子公司持股20%,亿纬锂能的香港全资子公司持股17%,其余2%股份有新加坡注册的:LINDO INVESTMENT PTE.LTD.持有,公告表示,未来签约各方将大致按照各自在合资公司的持股比例,承包相应比例的产品销售。

项目建设资金的30%将来自合资公司的注册资本,其余通过银行贷款和股东借款解决,公告称,其中,亿纬锂能已经同意将向合资公司一次性提供期限7年,金额为21,420 万美元的借款。

合资公司第一大股东永瑞控股有限公司的关联公司PT. Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park是工厂所在地产业园的运营方,它的另一家关联公司PT.WEDA BAY NICKEL在当地拥有红土镍矿,公告介绍称,永瑞将协助合资公司获得项目建设所需的土地以及红土镍矿原料。



China's Huayou, Eve Energy Surge After Investing in USD2.1 Billion Nickel Plant in Indonesia

Huayou Cobalt and Eve Energy agreed to join a group of investors to build a USD2.1 billion nickel processing plant in Indonesia to secure their supply of battery raw materials.

The pair and three other investors, including Yongrui Holdings, will form a joint venture to process laterite nickel ores on the island of Halmahera, the two said in separate statements yesterday.

The cooperation should provide Huayou's new energy vehicle battery materials business with reliable resources, it said.

Eve Energy said that the project should mitigate the risks of commodity price fluctuations.

The plant should produce about 120,000 tons of nickel, and 15,000 tons of cobalt each year, raw materials of ternary lithium batteries.

Yongrui will be the JV's biggest shareholder with its 31 percent stake. Singapore-registered Glaucous International will be No. 2 with its 30-percent ownership. Huayou's unit will hold 20 percent of the equity and Eve Energy's subsidiary will have 17 percent. Moreover, Singapore-registered Lindo Investment will hold 2 percent. Sales will be divided correspondingly.

Yongrui will help the JV secure land and raw materials as its affiliates already have operations on the island.