
















Winter Paralympic Games






Winter Paralympic Games









Winter Paralympic Games




English Version



Winter Paralympic Games

Good day. I am Prof. Kornberg. I am a Professor of Structural Biology at Stanford University in California. I'm pleased to join you for the China International School Competitiveness Ranking Conference.

I know many of you are high school students, perhaps near the end of your high school education. One important question in your mind is doubtless what to study to prepare yourselves for the future? What path to follow? How to succeed in the future? There, of course, many paths to follow. I can only speak about the path I chose when I was at a similar age.

At that time, I didn't particularly enjoy studying. It all changed when I left college and began a career in research. Although I hadn't greatly enjoyed learning, perhaps, being required to memorize what had been found by others, it was a different matter when I undertook to discover new knowledge myself.


Pursuit of Essence

Winter Paralympic Games

I would like to illustrate the thrill of discovery, of finding new knowledge with a couple of examples actually well known to you. One is the discovery of X-rays, as you are doubtless aware, important for diagnosis and for treatment of many medical conditions. The other was the discovery of antibiotics, which eliminated the scourge of bacterial disease, extending the human lifespan from approximately 35 to 70 years.

What these two discoveries have in common? They were made in the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, with no idea of an application. What emerges from the brief accounts? I will give you these discoveries. The way to solve a difficult problem is not to solve it directly, but rather to pursue a curiosity about nature, and the rest will fall. It illustrates the imperativeness which has driven my own career, and that of many others -- do basic research.

X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen, Roentgen was the son of a textile merchant in the Netherlands. He was expelled, permanently expelled, from school at the age of 18, when he refused to inform on a classmate who drew caricatures of his teachers. Nevertheless, he went on to a distinguished academic career, gained the chair in physics at the University of Vortsburg in Germany, where, in 1895, a little over a hundred years ago, he was studying, attempting to better understand the electrical discharge and a cathode ray tube. He happened to notice on a fluorescent screen in the back of his laboratory a faint glow upon the electrical discharge. When he placed his hand over the cathode ray tubes, to prevent the appearance of the glow on the fluorescent screen, he saw the skeleton of his hand. The application of what was then termed Roentgen rays, or most of us know as X-rays, was almost immediate. Immediate to medicine on heads, of course, remained of great significance ever since. For this discovery, Roentgen was awarded the 1st Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.

The discovery of penicillin is a more familiar story, and I'm sure that many of you have heard of the experience of Alexander Fleming, who was growing bacteria on Petri dishes in his laboratory. One day, he noticed a mold growing on the petri dish, and a circle of dead bacteria around the mold. He understood that something produced by the mold must be killing the bacteria. He was unable to isolate the active principle. It proved to be unstable, and he was not sufficiently experienced to solve the problem.

Ten years later, Howard Florry and Ernst Chain at Oxford were interested in the synthesis of bacterial cell walls. They wanted to understand how a bacterium surrounds itself with a protective wall, mostly consisting of sugar, carbohydrate, and also some protein. Florry was the son of a shoemaker in Australia. Ernst Chain was a refugee from Nazi oppression in Europe. Chain was also not a genius without a photographic memory and a musical genius as well. He remembered having read an obscure publication by Alexander Fleming describing the material killed bacteria, and he wondered if it could be useful in their investigation of bacterial cell wall synthesis. He was a skilled biochemist. He soon isolated the active principle. He discovered it was a small molecule. He and Florry appreciated the profound medical implications. Florry and Chain, along with Fleming, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1946.

As I have said, what these two discoveries illustrate is the power of basic research. These examples are not unique. Indeed, every discovery arises from serendipity, from chance. Because, of course, discoveries cannot be planned. They can only come about through chance observations. They will almost invariably occur in the course of basic research. what I have described as the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake.


Learn from Faults and Errors

Winter Paralympic Games

Now, you may ask, what does all of this mean for you? The answer is, as I said, the thrill of the discovery. I think there is nothing more rewarding. Certainly, something no satisfying in my own life than those rare events, when the dogged pursuit of a problem in science has given away to an important revelation. to new knowledge, to discoveries, which invariably have important applications. Indeed, as others have said, there is only one kind of research. Apply research and not yet apply research. Every discovery we make will eventually prove to have profound implications, or our quality of life for human progress.

Finally, you may ask, indeed, the adults who are present in the room, teachers,parents, may ask, how can we assist young people in achieving this important goal of discovery, in gaining the satisfaction that flows from. And the answer is to encourage independence on the part of young people, to let them discover their own paths, let them make mistakes and correct them on their own, and to encourage persistence in the pursuit of whatever half they may follow.

I recall one of my important teachers explaining the only thing to do, was going to the laboratory and failing every day. By which he meant, try knowing that most experiments would fail, but one day I would succeed. I can only say. But if each and every one of you pursues knowledge and persists in the pursuit, you will gain that ultimate satisfaction as well. Thank you for your attention.