
Struggling students are paying writers for essays they can pass off as their own. But what can be done to tackle this cheating epidemic and the ‘essay mills’ who profit from it?

The first time Chris wrote an essay for someone else, he was paid in food. A friend said his student girlfriend needed help, so Chris agreed to proofread her essay. But it needed more than an edit – “the logic was too messy” – so he rewrote the whole thing. It did the job: the essay was good and the student got a high grade. Chris’s friend was pleased too. “He treated me to hotpot in Singapore – that was the first time I’d been to a hotpot restaurant,” he recalls.

Then the student asked him to help her with another assignment. “I said: ‘I can’t eat hotpot every day, I should charge a price.’ Then she introduced me to her classmates and that’s how everything began,” says Chris. Today, he runs what’s known as an ‘essay mill’ – a highly lucrative business writing assignments for students struggling to complete them on their own.

Student cheating has been in the spotlight recently, after the US college admissions scandalmade global headlines. It’s not the first such scandal: India, for example, is still dealing with the fall-out of apparently large-scale medical school admission examination fraud. But it’s not just admissions: there’s also the problem of what some students do once they get into university - and the role played by people like Chris.

It grew after that first student moved to Australia to do her master’s degree and passed his name on to other people. He writes at least one essay a week but, as a global studies major, farms assignments on subjects like business and finance out to his specialists. He charges about 1 RMB per word, so a 1,000-word piece would come in around 1,000 RMB (£115, $150).







  1. mill 工厂、磨坊epidemic 传染病、流行病、风尚proofread 校对、校勘hotspot 热点、热区lucrative 有利可图的、赚钱的assignment 任务、作业admission 许可、录用scandal 丑闻finance 金融、融资farm out to sb. 给……人分配任务


1.But (1)it needed more than an edit – (2)“the logic was too messy” – (3)so he rewrote the whole thing.




2.Today, (1)he runs what’s known as an ‘essay mill’ – (2)a highly lucrative business writing assignments for students (3)struggling to complete them on their own.



(3)struggling……own:等同于“who struggle to”,动词现在分词形式修饰学生,表明他们“论文产出困难”的问题;

