"愤怒,愤慨" 英语怎么说?

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The Economist July 16th 2022 Asia


wrath n. 愤怒,愤慨

同义词:anger, passion, rage, temper


The people feared the wrath of God.



In the end the mighty ex-military man cut a pathetic figure. First Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled the official presidential residence before it was taken over (pictured) by tens of thousands of angry Sri Lankans who had come to Colombo on July 9th to chase him from office. Then he spent days in hiding to avoid their wrath. Finally, in the early hours of July 13th, the disgraced president was spirited out of the country on a military jet. Gota, as he is known, flew to Malé, the capital of the Maldives, though there were rumours that he wanted to travel on to another country. As The Economist went to press on July 14th, journalists in the Maldives were reporting that he was on his way to Singapore.

最终,这位强大的退役军人显得可怜兮兮。首先,7月9日,数万名愤怒的斯里兰卡人冲入科伦坡总统戈塔巴雅·拉贾帕克萨(Gotabaya Rajapaksa)官邸以将其赶下台(如图),而在此之前,总统已逃离了总统官邸。然后,他躲了几天以避免民众的愤怒。最后,在7月13日凌晨,这位名誉扫地的总统乘坐军用喷气式飞机偷偷离境。尽管有传言说戈塔想去另一个国家旅行,但人们都知道他飞往马尔代夫的首都马累。《经济学人》在7月14日付印时,马尔代夫的记者报道称,他正在前往新加坡的路上。
