


2020年6月25日,中国联合国采购促进会秘书长王栩男与俄罗斯联邦教科文组织远东委员会副主席Aleksadr Latkin先生、俄罗斯《调解杂志》媒体总编Svetlana Shurenkova女士举行ZOOM线上会议,讨论合作备忘录签署相关事项,未来将共同创建《欧亚国际争端解决》期刊,该期刊将在日内瓦和维也纳的联合国总部(贸易法委员会)和曼谷的亚太经社会总部,以及在马尼拉、北京、上海、莫斯科、首尔、东京、澳门、乌兰巴托的联合国和教科文组织办事处、新加坡的亚太经合组织总部、上海条约总部和金砖五国的办事处获得认证,并将利用其基于区块链的人工智能提供在线纠纷解决服务。来自俄罗斯外交部Andrey Brovarets主任先生、俄罗斯Vladivostok大学Tatiana Terentieva女士、俄罗斯海事大学Denis Burov先生、俄罗斯“克里姆林宫”基金会俄罗斯总统计划和特别项目基金主任Viktor Fersht先生等相关代表共同参加线上活动。




Dear Mr. Andrey Brovarets, Ms. Tatiana Terentieva, Mr. Denis Burov, Mr. Aleksadndr Latkin, Ms. Svetlana Shurenkova, Mr. Viktor Fersht,ladies and gentleman, Good afternoon. Thank you for having me here.

首先,请允许我介绍中国联合国采购促进会,中国联合国采购促进会成立于 2006 年,是中华人民共和国民政部登记注册的具有独立法人资格的全国性社团组织,我会受中华人民共和国商务部指导,秘书处设在北京。

First of all, I would like to introduce The China Association for Promoting UN Procurement (CAPUNP) to you. CAPUNP is a non-profit organization founded in 2006 for promoting UN Procurement in China. The organization registered in Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs and guided by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.


CAPUNP is the unique association approved by the State Council that can cooperate with the United Nations for its procurement affairs furthermore, it also undertakes overnment-assigned activities as well as conduct non-government business activities related to UN economic and technological cooperation.


With the assistance of CAPUNP, more and more Chinese companies are involved into Global public Procurement. The number of UNGM Chinese vendors has increased significantly, with more than 7,000 suppliers, ranking as #2 globally.

自从中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)后,中国加快了经济增长的步伐, 与多国之间的经济贸易往来每日俱增,但与此同时,也出现更多的国际贸易争端。这些争端对中国的进出口企业产生了巨大的压力,成为了他们目前面临的巨大问题之一。

Since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has accelerated the pace of economic growth, economic and trade exchanges with many countries have increased daily, but at the same time, more international trade disputes have emerged. These disputes have put a lot of pressure on Chinese export companies and become one of the huge problems they are currently facing.


The priority topics of the magazine are cases related to the resolution of disputes between companies and organizations - members of the UN procurement system and partners, associate members of UNESCO, APEC, BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The magazine will also provide online dispute resolution services using its block chain-based artificial intelligence.


I think the founding of this magazine is very meaningful. It can analyze the cases of various international trade disputes, so that trade parties in various countries, including China and Russia, can understand the main causes of trade disputes and the development direction of trade disputes. Finally limit the occurrence of trade disputes.



I hope more and more companies and organizations will benefit from this magazine, and I look forward to more cooperation and trade between China and Russia in the future.

Thank you.


微信号 : CAPUNP





中国联合国采购促进会(CAPUNP)成立于 2006 年,是在中国民政部登记注册的、商务部指导的、具有独立法人资格的全国性社团组织。现主管单位是中央和国家机关工作委员会。



The China Association for Promoting UN Procurement (CAPUNP) is a non-profit UN Procurement promoting organization, founded in 2006 in China, registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China. Under leadership of the China Ministry of Commerce.

CAPUNP is the unique association approved by the State Council that can cooperate with the United Nations for its procurement affairs furthermore, it also undertakes Government-assigned activities as well as conduct Non-Government business activities related to UN economic and technological cooperation.

Under the guidance of the CAPUNP, the number of UNGM Chinese vendors has increased significantly, with more than 7,000 suppliers. CAPUNP has more than 1,000 core own members. They are influential Chinese enterprises in the field of global procurement and service trade, such as: Sinopharm Group, COFCO, China Chengtong, Haier Electric,

JD Group, China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation, China National Corporation For Overseas Economic Cooperation Co., Ltd., China National Technical Import and Export Group Co., Ltd., etc....

