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新加坡国立大学刘斌课题组在前期设计光声光热材料中的分子工程理念的基础上(ACS Nano2017, 11, 10124-10134;Mater. Horiz. 2017,4, 1151-1156;Adv. Mater.2018, 30, 1800766;Adv. Mater.2018, 30, 1802591;Adv. Mater. 2019, 31,1902504;Adv. Mater.2019, 31, 1808355;ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 2019, 11, 11167–11176),与浙江工业大学胡青莲副教授及傅正伟教授课题组合作,合成了有机小分子(TA1),使其同时具有旋转分子车轮、电子给体-受体以及共平面等结构特征。本文作者使用微流控技术制备了尺寸均一(44 nm)的TA1纳米颗粒。该颗粒表现出高的吸光系数((22.4 L g−1 cm−1)、84.8%的光热转化效率、很强的光热稳定性和生物相容性,能够荧光显影肿瘤病灶,并成功抑制恶性乳腺癌的增长和转移。该工作以标题“Organic Small Molecule Based Photothermal Agents with Molecular Rotors for Malignant Breast Cancer Therapy”发表在国际著名期刊Advanced Functional Materials 上,第一作者是新加坡国立大学的郭兵博士和浙江工业大学的黄泽民,通讯作者是新加坡国立大学的刘斌教授,浙江工业大学的胡青莲副教授和傅正伟教授。



作者通过改变聚集诱导发光(AIE)分子TA0中与中间电子受体单元链接的苯环结构为噻吩结构,合成新的小分子TA1 (图1)。TA1继承了AIE的选择分子车轮结构,同时噻吩的引入是中间电子受体部分变成共平面结构,增强近红外吸收,提高光热性能。


图 1. (a) Chemical structures of TA0 and TA1; (b) Change in photoluminescence (PL) intensity for TA0 and TA1 in tetrahydrofuran (THF)/Water mixture with different water volume fractions (fw) according to Figure S11; (c) Schematic diagram for the synthesis of monodisperse TA1 NPs through microfluidics; (d) Variation in the size and PDI of NPs by varying Re from 16.6 to 663 through microfluidic glass capillary; (e) Dynamic laser scattering (DLS) size of TA1 NPs synthesized by microfluidic glass capillary (Re 663) and the inset transmission electron microscope (TEM) image; (f) The reproducibility of TA1 loaded DSPE-PEG NPs synthesized by microfluidic glass capillary (Re 663) in 5 different runs; (g) UV/vis and PL spectra of TA0 and TA1 NPs in water (concentration = 0.01 mg/mL).


图 2. Optimized structures with the torsion angles along the molecular backbones, from top-view and side-view, respectively, for (a) TA0 and (b) TA1. HOMO and LUMO orbitals in the optimized structures (B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)) for TA0 (c) and TA1 (d); (e) Optimized molecular structures of TA0 and TA1 in MD simulations, respectively. The key dihedral angels (TA0_1 and TA1_1) between aromatic rings P1 and P2 are marked with an arrow for both TA0 and TA1 in Figure 1f and S15. (f) Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT)-calculated oscillator strength of TA0 and TA1. Simulation snapshots of amorphous aggregates for TA0(g) and TA1(h), respectively. (i) Representative dihedral angle (between aromatic rings labelled with arrows in Figure 2e) distributions of single molecule and the aggregate state.


图3. Scratch-wound healing assay: 4T1 cell migration at different concentrations of TA1 NPs.


图4.In vivo anticancer therapeutic effects. (a) Thermal images of TA1 NPs treated tumor-bearing mice at different times after PTT treatment (808 nm, 1.5 W cm-2); (b) The statistic temperature changes in tumors during continuous laser irradiation; (c) Tumor growth profiles of mice in each group. ***P < 0.001; (d) Body weight of mice. No obvious side effect was observed in terms of drop of body weights.


图5.Anti-metastasis and tumor load-related response efficacy. (a)Representative photograph of liver pathological sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E). The mRNA expressions of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) (b) and interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) (c) in liver tissues quantitatively tested by real-time PCR analysis, for mice in different groups including control group (with tumor), “TA1 NPs” group, “TA1 NPs + Laser” group and normal control (NC) group (healthy mice).





