
Qatar LNG expansion 'full-steam ahead' for 2024 start: Al-Kaabi


Singapore — Qatar is strongly committed to the expansion of LNG capacity to 110 million mt by 2024, with construction and tendering plans confirmed for the project and the associated shipping fleet, according to Saad Al-Kaabi, the country's minister of state for energy affairs.

新加坡-卡塔尔能源事务部部长Saad al-Kaabi表示,卡塔尔承诺到2024年将液化天然气产能扩大至1.1亿公吨,并确认了该项目及其相关船队的建设和招标计划。

The construction, engineering and design contracts for the facility have been awarded to companies including McDermott, Consolidated Contractors Company and Chiyoda Corporation, Al-Kaabi, who is also the chief executive officer of Qatar Petroleum, said at the LNG2019 conference in Shanghai on Tuesday.

卡塔尔石油公司(Qatar Petroleum)首席执行官卡比(Al Kaabi)周二在上海举行的LNG2019会议上表示,该设施的施工、工程和设计合同已授予包括McDermott、AI-KAABI和千代田公司组成的联合体。

"The project is going full-steam ahead for a planned start-up in 2024," Al-Kaabi said.


A tender will also be issued to shipbuilders for the construction of new ships for the expansion of the fleet, he added.


Qatar's energy minister said in February that the country is studying the addition of 60 new LNG tankers to meet the requirements of the Qatar's LNG expansion, and Qatar Petroleum's Golden Pass LNG plant in Texas.


But Al-Kaabi did not mention any firm date to the project's Final Investment Decision or inclusion of new partners for the expansion.


Al-Kaabi was also bullish on global demand growth, driven largely by emerging economies China and India. Japan and South Korea will continue to grow moderately, while Europe could experience a rise of demand after years of stagnation, he said.


Qatar LNG's plans to reach 110 million mt/year of production, from 78 million mt/year, follow the lifting of a 12-year moratorium on the development of its offshore North Field in 2017.

