104 E57 hit-and-run肇事逃逸和Judge League正义联盟成员

正 义 联 盟Justice League

Judge Bishan Khosla's son is involved in a hit-and-run case. Bishan has to make a choice between family and honor. If you were in his place, what would you choose?


Collective Future is working to recruit,train, and fund Black judicial,prosecutorial, and attorney general candidates to ensure more representative leaders for the criminal justice system.


❀ hit-and-run case ❀

肇事逃逸的; 突袭后迅速撤离的; 肇事逃逸。

❀ Judge ❀

  1. a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes decisions on legal matters法官;审判员
  2. a British high一court judge英国高等法院法官
  3. a US Supreme Court judge美国最高法院法官
  4. the person who officially decides who is the winner of a competition(比赛的) 裁判员,评判员;
  5. a person who has the knowledge to give an opinion about something or is able to decide if someone or something is good or bad 鉴定人;

❀ attorney 美国的律师们 ❀

美国执业律师名片上:attorney at law

advocate , attorney, attorney at law;bar, barrister,counsel, counselor, esquire, gentleman of the robe, gentleman of the long robe, lawyer, solicitor......这都是律师,到底我需要记住谁啊!

  1. Bar是律师的全称概念,与法官对应。律师协会一般用bar association表达。
  2. 在美国Lawyer = 法官+ 检察官+法学教师,是律师的统称,对取得律师资格的执业律师普遍适用
  3. Public defender = 公设辩护律师(美),在领取政府工资,在刑事案件中提供法律援助的律师
  4. Practicing lawyer在中国叫“执业律师”,在美国叫“开业律师’或挂牌律师’。
  5. Legal practitioner 开业律师。
  6. Prosecuting attorney公诉律师 = 刑事检察官(美)

❀ barrister 英联邦律师 ❀

英联邦国家律师名片:barrister 或solicitor

  1. Barrister指有资格出席高等法院法庭的律师。 源自英格兰法律,多用于英国、新加坡等国和香港地区,又称大律师、辩护律师,类似称呼还有barrister, counsel和barrister-at-law。
  2. Solicitor有资格出席初级法庭包括刑事案件的庭审。适用地区同上,又称初级律师、诉讼律师,在香港称为事务律师,多从事诉讼、咨询等事务性工作。

❀ prosecutorial ❀

  1. 与公诉有关的 = prosecutorial = adj = relating to the process of prosecuting someone for (=officially accusing them of) a crime 。
  2. 检察官的,公诉人的 = relating to a prosecutor检察官的;公诉人的;
  3. 检察官 = prosecutor。

❀ judicial ❀

judicial = adj = involving a law court 司法的;审判(上)的;