【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-5-31)



Foreign Ministry SpokespersonZhao Lijian’s

Regular Press Conference on May 31, 2022

法新社记者:昨天国家主席习近平会见了香港新当选行政长官李家超。据报道,习主席说,相信新一届特区政府施政一定会展现新气象。请问“新气象”具体指什么?AFP: Yesterday, President Xi Jinping had a meeting with Chief Executive-elect John Lee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). According to reports, President Xi said that the new HKSAR government will “bring new changes”. What exactly do “new changes” refer to?赵立坚:关于习近平主席会见李家超特首的消息已经发布。你这个问题应该去向国务院港澳办询问,他们可能有更权威的解读。我可以告诉你的是,香港国安法实施以来,香港社会已经走上了正轨。我们都相信,“东方之珠”必将再次闪亮。Zhao Lijian: The readout has been released with regard to President Xi’s meeting with Chief Executive-elect John Lee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. You should raise this question to my colleagues of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, who I guess will give you more authoritative interpretation. But what I can say is that since the implementation of the national security law for Hong Kong, the city has embarked on the right track. We believe that the Pearl of the Orient will shine even brighter.


深圳卫视记者:美国国务卿布林肯近日在对华政策演讲中就涉疆、涉藏、涉港等问题抹黑中国。中方对此有何评论?Shenzhen TV: In his recent speech outlining the US’ policy toward China, US Secretary of State Blinken slandered China on issues related to Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:布林肯国务卿对华政策演讲中诬称新疆存在所谓“种族灭绝”“反人类罪”“拘留营”。这些说法是彻头彻尾的世纪谎言。中方已多次用事实说明真相。西藏和平解放70年来,经济繁荣、社会和谐、宗教文化事业蓬勃发展。香港国安法实施以来,美国个别政客所谓“美丽的风景线”成为历史。美方散布的这些谎言谣言一次次被事实真相粉碎。美国政客越是气急败坏重复“种族灭绝”之类的谎言,就越会暴露自己的霸凌虚伪,就越会降低美国的信誉和形象,就越会激起中国人民对美方行径的愤慨。Zhao Lijian: The denigrating accusations about “genocide”, “crimes against humanity” and “detention camps” in Xinjiang in Secretary Blinken’s speech are nothing but the biggest lies of the century. China has repeatedly clarified the truth by presenting facts on that. Since the peaceful liberation of Tibet over 70 years ago, Tibet has witnessed economic prosperity, social harmony and religious and cultural development. Since the implementation of the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR, the so-called “beautiful sight to behold” in the eyes of certain US politicians has vanished. All these lies mongered by the US have been shattered in front of facts and truth time and again. The more desperate the US politicians are in repeating such lies as “genocide”, the more will be exposed about their bullying and hypocritical nature, the more the US’ credibility and reputation be corrupted and the stronger indignation will be triggered among the Chinese against the US acts.
美国想甩“锅”给中国,这些“锅”恰恰都是美国自己洗不净的原罪和恶行。先说说这些原罪,美国印第安人经历了惨遭种族灭绝、反人类罪的历史,至今还生活在保留地中;非裔美国人过去在棉花种植园被“强迫劳动”,现在仍旧“无法呼吸”,马丁·路德·金的“我有一个梦想”,目前仍是一个遥不可及的梦。此外,关于美国的恶行,那就更多了。美国政府“躺平”抗疫,让百万生命为其不负责任和无能埋单;美国持续不断的枪击案平均每天夺取110多人的生命,这些枪击案击碎的不仅是所谓的“美国梦”,还有无数美国人民的心;美国动辄侵略和武装干涉别国,在伊拉克、叙利亚、利比亚、阿富汗等地造成80多万人丧生,2000多万人成为难民。美方官员从哪里来的底气、勇气和颜面对中国指手画脚?All these accusations the US is pinning on China mirror exactly its original sins and crimes that cannot be washed away. Let me start with the original sins. The American Indians are still living in scattered reservations after surviving the brutal past of genocide and crimes against humanity. African Americans were subject to forced labor in cotton plantations, and still cannot breathe today. The dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. remains out of reach. Now let's move onto the egregious crimes of the US. The list is even longer. To be specific, the resigned COVID policy of the US government has costed more than one million lives, a price for its irresponsibility and inability. The continuous shootings in the US, which claim more than 110 lives a day on average, have broken not only the so-called American dream, but also the hearts of millions of Americans. The US has wantonly invaded and interfered militarily in other countries, killing over 800,000 people and turning more than 20 million into refugees in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan. I wonder in what position the US officials are to criticize China in a patronizing and brazen manner?
美方应切实尊重中方主权、安全和发展利益,停止编造散播各类谎言谣言抹黑诋毁中国,停止利用所谓人权问题干涉中国内政。美方应该做的是切实正视自身人权劣迹,收起“教师爷”做派,把自己的国家治理好。The US should earnestly respect China’s sovereignty, security and development interests, and stop fabricating and spreading lies and rumors of all kinds to smear and denigrate China, and stop interfering in China’s internal affairs in the name of so-called human rights issues. The US should face squarely to its deplorable human rights track record, stop acting like a condescending lecturer and keep its own house in order.


彭博社记者:印度政府以涉嫌财务违规调查中国企业中兴和vivo手机在印的相关部门。这是继小米等企业后,印度政府对在印中国企业的又一轮调查。中方有何评论?Bloomberg: India is probing the local units of ZTE Corp and Vivo Mobile for alleged financial mistakes on behalf of the company. This is extending an investigation into the China-based firms in India, such as Xiaomi. My question is, do you have any comment on the Indian government’s investigation into these two additional Chinese companies, ZTE and Vivo in India?赵立坚:中国政府正在密切关注此事。中国政府一贯要求中国企业在海外合法合规经营,同时我们坚定支持中国企业维护自身合法权益。印方应该依法合规行事,为中国企业在印度投资经营提供公平、公正、非歧视的营商环境。Zhao Lijian: The Chinese government is closely following the situation. The Chinese government always asks Chinese companies to abide by laws and regulations when doing business overseas. In the meantime, we firmly support Chinese companies in safeguarding their legal rights and interests. The Indian side should act in accordance with laws and regulations and provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese companies investing and operating in India.

4日本共同社记者:美国参议员达克沃斯今天会见台湾“总统”蔡英文,她强调美国不止在军事上支持台湾,也会确保台湾不会“孤军奋战”,美国会跟台湾站在一起,中方对此有何回应?美方近期多次发出支持台湾的明确信号,中方是否认为美国已经放弃对台“战略模糊”政策?Kyodo News: In a meeting with Taiwanese “President” Tsai Ing-wen today, US Senator Tammy Duckworth said she wanted to emphasize support for Taiwan, not only about military, but also to ensure that Taiwan will not stand alone and the US will stand with Taiwan. Do you have any comment? Given the clear signal of supports to Taiwan sent by the US recently, does China believe that the US has given up its policy of strategic ambiguity?赵立坚:台湾是中国的一个省,哪来的什么“总统”。美国国会有关议员访问台湾,严重违反一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定。中方对此强烈不满、坚决反对,已向美方提出严正交涉。Zhao Lijian: Taiwan is a province of China, what president does it have to speak of? Relevant US congresswoman’s visit to Taiwan seriously violates the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US joint communiques. China deplores and rejects this and has lodged solemn representations with the US side.
我们敦促美方有关政客切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,立即停止与台湾开展任何形式的官方往来,不向“台独”分裂势力发出任何错误信号。中方将继续采取有力措施,坚决维护国家主权和领土完整。我们注意到美国政府近期在台湾问题上发出一系列错误信号。美国政府应该做的是,把拜登总统有关“四不一无意”的表态落到实处。We urge relevant US politicians to earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiques, and immediately stop official exchanges with Taiwan in any form and refrain from sending any wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. China will continue to take forceful measures to resolutely safeguard China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We noted that the US government has recently sent out a series of wrong signals on the Taiwan question. What the US government should do is to follow through on President Biden’s remarks that the US does not seek a new Cold War with China; it does not aim to change China’s system; the revitalization of its alliances is not targeted at China; the US does not support “Taiwan independence”; and it has no intention to seek a conflict with China.


法新社记者:据报道,王毅国务委员今天在汤加进行访问。外交部能否提供他的详细日程以及访问计划和目标?AFP: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi is reportedly visiting Tonga today. Can the foreign ministry provide a more detailed schedule of State Councilor Wang? What is the plan and the objective of this visit?


Zhao Lijian: I can tell you are closely following the trip. The delegation led by State Councilor Wang Yi is indeed visiting Tonga today. I checked before coming here and so far I haven’t seen any information released by the delegation. Please continue to pay attention to our release as it will come out on a timely basis.

彭博社记者:国务委员兼国防部长魏凤和将于6月8日至12日访问新加坡,你可否提供更多细节?比如他将与哪些外国官员会见会谈?Bloomberg: Do you have any more details on the visit to Singapore of the Defense Minister Wei Fenghe between June 8 and 12? For example, Mr. Wei Fenghe is expected to meet with foreign officials. Can you give us an idea of which foreign officials he will meet with during that trip and any other details?赵立坚:谢谢你对魏凤和国务委员出访活动的关注。国防部今天刚刚发布了相关消息。如果你对他的具体的日程感兴趣,建议你向国防部询问。Zhao Lijian: Thank you for your interest in State Councilor Wei Fenghe’s visit. The Ministry of National Defense released relevant information today. If you want to know more about the schedule, you may raise the question to my colleagues at the Ministry of National Defense.



PTI: The latest data released by Indian Commerce Ministry says that the US has surpassed China to become India’s top trading partner last year. This is perhaps what is considered to be a very transformative change because China happened to be the largest trading partner for a long time. And there’s also a sharp fall in India’s exports to China, widening the trade deficit because of various reasons. There is a lack of flight, lack of communication and transport facilities between the two countries in many ways. Is this decline in any way due to declining relations between the two countries post Ladakh border conflict two years ago? Can we expect an improvement of relations that may again lead to the improvement of trade between the two countries?

赵立坚:根据中方主管部门数据,2021年中印双边贸易额为1256.6亿美元。按这个数据,中国仍是印度的第一大贸易伙伴,且首次突破1000亿美元。中印双方统计口径不同,导致各自公布的贸易数字有所差异。中国对印方同美国发展正常贸易关系不持异议,对贸易额的排名起伏变化也没太多兴趣。我们应该以平常心看待。我们关心的,是印方是否有意愿和作为,为两国经贸投资合作营造公平、透明、可持续的良好环境,进一步扩大双边互利合作,为两国和两国人民带来实实在在的好处。Zhao Lijian: According to the statistics of Chinese competent authorities, bilateral trade volume between China and India stood at $125.66 billion in 2021. On that basis, China remains India’s largest trading partner, and the total trade volume topped $100 billion for the first time. The disparity in trade figures published by China and India is a result of different statistical measurement scales. China does not object to the development of normal trade relations between India and the US, and is not that interested in the changes of the ranking in trade volume. The difference in the figures should be seen as it is. What we care about is whether the Indian side has the will and takes real actions to create a fair, transparent, sustainable and sound environment for bilateral trade and investment, further expand mutually-beneficial cooperation between the two sides and deliver tangible benefits to the two countries and two peoples.
刚才你提到了中印边界问题。当前,中印边境局势整体趋稳,双方一直通过外交和军事渠道保持密切沟通。中方一贯认为边界问题不是中印关系的全部,我们应该把边界问题置于双边关系适当位置,并加以有效管控。希望印方同中方一道,坚持增进互信,加强务实合作,确保两国关系沿着正确轨道前行,为两国人民带来更大福祉,为地区和世界作出更大贡献。You mentioned the China-India boundary question. At present, the border situation is stable in general. The two sides have been maintaining close communication through diplomatic and military channels. China always believes that the boundary question doesn’t represent the whole of China-India relations and we should put it in an appropriate position in bilateral relations and under effective control and management. We hope India will work with China to continuously enhance mutual trust, strengthen practical cooperation, and ensure that the bilateral relations will move forward along the right track, deliver more benefits to the two peoples and make greater contributions to the region and beyond.



Prasar Bharati: This is a follow-up of what my colleague just asked regarding the India-China bilateral trade. The same media reports have mentioned that the bilateral trade deficit has increased to a large extent in China’s favor. The same reports have also mentioned quoting Indian officials that China has been imposing some non-tariff barriers on Indian exports and Indian officials are in talk with Chinese officials to tackle this issue. I would like to know what steps China is taking to remove the non-tariff barriers and reduce the trade deficit between the two countries, which India has been demanding for a very long time?

赵立坚:你的问题太具体了。我建议你向商务部去提问。作为原则,我可以告诉你的是,中方从不追求贸易顺差。我们愿意采取措施,推进中印两国之间的正常贸易关系。Zhao Lijian: I would like to refer you to my colleagues at the Ministry of Commerce as your question concerns very specific matters. In principle, I would like to say that China never seeks trade surplus. We stand ready to take measures to advance normal trade with India.


《人民日报》记者:据报道,30日,国际原子能机构发布报告,伊浓缩铀储量估计逾3809千克,是伊核全面协议上限的18倍多。同时,机构表示伊未就保障监督未决问题作出技术上可信的解释。中方对此有何评论?People’s Daily: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in its latest report on May 30 that it estimated that Iran’s total enriched uranium stockpile was more than 3,809 kilograms, more than 18 times the limit laid down in the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal. It added that Iran has not provided explanations that are technically credible in relation to outstanding safeguards issues. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:我们注意到国际原子能机构就伊核问题发布的最新报告。中方支持国际原子能机构继续秉持客观、中立和公正的原则,严格遵照授权对伊朗履行全面协议开展监督核查工作,支持机构与伊方通过对话协商解决保障监督未决问题。Zhao Lijian: We have noted the latest IAEA report on the Iranian nuclear issue. China supports the IAEA in continuing to follow the principle of objectivity, neutrality and impartiality, and in strictly complying with its mandate to carry out supervision and verification of Iran’s implementation of the JCPOA. China supports the IAEA and Iran in resolving outstanding issues of safeguards through dialogue and consultation.
当前,全面协议恢复履约谈判来到最后关头。有关各方应增强紧迫感,加大外交努力,尽快就剩余未决问题达成共识,为恢复全面协议完整、有效执行扫除障碍。一旦恢复履约,报告中所提及的所有问题都将迎刃而解。中方希望所有各方努力为此创造必要条件和良好氛围,避免采取任何可能破坏外交努力的行动。As negotiations on resuming compliance with the JCPOA come to the home stretch, relevant parties should enhance their sense of urgency, step up diplomatic efforts, reach consensus on the remaining outstanding issues as soon as possible and remove obstacles to resuming the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA. Once the implementation resumes, all the problems mentioned in the report will be resolved. China hopes that all parties will make efforts to create necessary conditions and sound atmosphere to such end and refrain from taking any action that may undermine the diplomatic efforts.


总台央视记者:据报道,针对日本向联合国大陆架界限委员会提交的冲之鸟礁以南大陆架延伸申请,近期中国国内相继出现多篇否定日方申请主张的论文。日本内阁官房长官松野博一在30日的记者会上称,日本政府已经了解到中国近期发表了多篇否定日方主张的科学论文,但日方不会对此进行逐一回应。请问中方对此有何评论?CCTV: According to reports, in response to Japan’s submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on the extension of its continental shelf to the south of the Okinodori Reef, there have been many dissertations in China refuting the claim recently. Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno Hirokazu said at a press conference on May 30 that the Japanese government noted those science papers but would not respond to each and every one of them. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:我们注意到有关报道。众所周知,冲之鸟礁是礁,不是岛。它在涨潮时露出水面的面积不足10平方米。但日方为一己之私,以弹丸之礁非法主张近70万平方公里的管辖海域,侵蚀公海和国际海底区域,损害国际社会的整体利益。根据《联合国海洋法公约》,冲之鸟是礁而不是岛,不能拥有专属经济区和大陆架。日本以其主张专属经济区和大陆架违反国际法。Zhao Lijian: We have noted relevant reports. As is well known, Okinodori is a reef, not an island. It is submerged underwater except for less than ten square meters above water at high tide. However, Japan, in pursuit of self-interest, has illegally staked claim to nearly 700,000 square kilometers of jurisdictional waters based on the tiny reef. This encroaches upon the high seas and international seabed areas and undermines the overall interests of the international community. According to UNCLOS, Okinodori is a reef, not an island. As such, it is not entitled to an EEZ or continental shelf. Japan’s claim of an EEZ and continental shelf based on it violates international law.


