Hilton Golden Pebble Beach Resort, designed by HBA Singapore, is a beacon of French aristocracy nestled in the stunning landscape of a Chinese coastline.
大堂入口 | Lobby Entrance
Hilton Golden Pebble Beach Resort is a luxurious seaside resort located on the shores of Dalian’s beautiful coastline. French aristocratic architectural influences frame the backdrop of this large building. The architecture and landscape harmoniously blend with the natural environment. From this, infused with the interiors, comes a resort that reflects the living style of the noble manor.
前厅区 | Prefunction
The overall space is arranged according to the European classical design principles, retaining the golden ratio of classical design and presenting the traditional elements in a modern design style.
大堂休闲廊 | Lobby Lounge
What sets apart Dalian Hilton Hotel against its five-star counterparts in the region is its successful articulation and fusion of western luxury with high fashion.
泳池区 | Pool Area
水疗中心休闲廊 | Spa Lounge
The hotel guests are highlighted by the background of the castle building, with a bold, and dramatic stage element as accompaniment.
客房 | Guestroom
When the rich, aristocratic castle meets the charming seascape in Dalian, a romantic, energetic and unique resort is created.
客房卫生间 | Guestroom Bath
The soft color palate of the Hilton Dalian creates a sense of dream-like awakening, while the strong features of modern components breathe elegance and life into the designs.
走廊 | Corridor
HBA used classical design principles - elements such as the scale axis, European arcades, French gardens, traditional details, etc., to bring the holiday atmosphere embodied in the natural materials.
Hilton Golden Pebble Beach Resort is a crafted experience for guests ready to step into a castle, surround themselves with elegance like no other, and lavish in a peaceful escape.