


“在云上”国际现场艺术节至今已成功举办了了六届,邀请过德国、奥地利、瑞士、意⼤利、葡萄牙、⽇本、尼泊尔、孟加拉国、韩国、英国、泰国、中国香港、北京、上海、 西安、长沙、成都、重庆、南宁、深圳、昆明、大理、丽江等地100多位艺术家参加,形成独特的文化价值和广泛的影响⼒。

现场艺术 Live Art

是当代表演艺术的一个新兴范畴,其表现形式常常介于传统剧场表演和“行为艺术”之间。以特定的环境和含义为依托 ⽽进⾏艺术创造活动的艺术形态。现场艺术相较于架上绘画、传统雕塑等艺术注重艺术⾏为的结果留存⽽言,它更是强调、注重艺术家的行为过程意义,是典型的具有表演性特征的过程艺术形态。


Daisuke Takeya(日本)

Daisuke Takeya是多伦多 - 东京的跨学科艺术家,曾经是策展人,收藏家,艺术教育家和社区倡导者。Takeya的实践包括对当代社会的自然和合理性的探索,并取决于各种双重含义。他曾参加过多次国际个人和团体展览,包括多伦多当代艺术博物馆的展览;多伦多日本基金会;Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche,多伦多;SVA画廊,纽约,美国;美国纽约瓦格纳学院画廊;和中国重庆长江当代艺术博物馆。

Daisuke Takeya is a Toronto-Tokyo based interdisciplinary artist, and ofttimes curator, collector, art educator and community advocator. Takeya’s praxis is comprised of the exploration of nature and plausibility in contemporary society, and hinges on all kinds of double meanings. He has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions internationally, including shows at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto; the Japan Foundation, Toronto; Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche, Toronto; SVA Gallery, New York, US; Wagner College Gallery, New York, US; and the Chongqing Changjiang Museum of Contemporary Art, China.





University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Film, MFA, USA

Korean national university of arts, Cinema studies, BFA, Korea

Focused on performance and video, I have dealt with installation, photography, text and interdisciplinary medium experimentally. Including participating in Bangkok Biennale 2018, VivaExcon Biennale (Philippines) 2018, Zero platform international performance art festival (Myanmar) 2018, Rotterdam International film festival (NL), Ankara international film festival (Turkey) etc, internationally and 6 solo exhibitions in Thailand, Taiwan and Korea, Recently I am working with the interests between the hierarchy and relation of physical and media languages. With the concerns about the action and resistance of art, I am trying to expand my border into the arts related with social and cultural issues.

潘家定(新加坡)Ben Puah


Ben Puah is an exciting figure in a new breed of contemporary Asian artists.Born in Singapore in 1976, Ben studied at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and LASALLE College of the Arts. He received his BFA with Distinction from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in 2000. He is also the recipient for President‘s Young Talents in 2001.Art is very important to Ben because it is a way of expressing oneself and an abstraction of how he feels about life. His works are like in the state of phantasmagoria where there is a mix of real and imagined elements.

Chomphunut Phuttha(泰国)

当我们受到周围环境的影响而具有一定的个性、表达或品味时,这些身份就会被社会或生活的每个时期的趋势以及我们所遇到的人有意识或无意识地改变。Chomphunut Phuttha的作品通常都有反映事物转瞬即逝的内容,尤其是人类内心的抽象,包括身份、情感、关系。所有这些都是人类所重视和重视的。当我们把自己与这些抽象联系在一起,却没有意识到它们的时间是有限的,我们可能会受到这样或那样的情感影响。所以,所有的作品都是为了让人们意识到不稳定和随时可能到来的结局。

When we are influenced by the surrounding to have certain personality, expression, or taste, these identities can be changed both consciously and unconsciously by society or trends in each period of life, and people we have met.Chomphunut Phuttha's works usually reflect the ephemeral content of things, especially the abstraction of human inner world, including identity, emotion, and relationship.All of these are what human attaches to and values. When we bind ourselves with these abstracts without realizing the limited time of them, we may be affected emotionally one way or another. So, all the works have the purpose to make the people aware of the instability and the end that can come anytime.

Emmanuel L. Villariba(菲律宾)


Mannet Villariba explores his medium with an enthusiasm for electronics as it relates to the realm of sound and visuals. After a fine arts education, corporate environment, and with a self-confessed anti-synth ideology in his garage-band days, Villariba's exposure to new media led to an advantageous and favorable understanding of these unforeseen forces underlying electronic sound with its mystical, ambient and chaotic appeal, eventually shifting his ideals, which in turn rejuvenates his expression in visual and performance art as well. Interactive visual interpretations of these forces are increasingly the main focus of his work.

莉娅(孟加拉国)Efat Razowana Reya

莉娅, 孟加拉国艺术家,⽬前在中国云南艺术学院新媒体专业读研究⽣。曾获得第⼆⼗⼀届由Shilpakala学术机构颁发的“Bhasha Soinik Gajiul Haque award”奖项。曾在孟加拉国以及国外举办多个⾏为⼯作坊,并且在孟加拉国、中国、⽇本等国家举办展览,2017年参加孟加拉国举办的“第十七届亚洲艺术双年展”。

Artists in Bangladesh,She studied in the new media specialty at Yunnan Arts University in China.She has won the Bhasha Soinik Gajiul Haque award awarded by Shilpakala Academic Institution.She has held many workshops in Bangladesh and abroad.And exhibitions are held in Bangladesh,China, Japan and othercountries.In 2017, She participated in the "seventeenth Asian Art Biennale" held in Bangladesh.

和丽斌 总策划


He Libin, Naxi nationality, was born in Yunnan in 1973, graduated with a BA from the School of Fine Arts, Southwest University in 1996, completed the postgraduate course of Nanjing University of the Arts in 2003, and has taught in the School of Fine Arts of Yunnan Arts University since 1996. He serves as the Deputy Secretary-General of Yunnan Oil Painting Society, Director of Yunnan Oil Painting Art Committee, and contributor to the Contemporary Art. His personal works, which primarily focus on combining conceptual art and Oriental poetics, have won the Annual Experimental Award of the Fourth New Star Art Festival in 2013, and made him awarded as the Outstanding Artist at the Macau Documentaries of Performance Art in 2015. His personal works have been collected by art institutions and individual collectors from China, the United States, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands and other countries.

罗菲 学术观察


Luo Fei, curator and artist, was born in Chongqing in 1982 and currently lives and works in Kunming. Roffe pays attention to the daily situation and spirituality in contemporary art. The projects that Roffer planned and participated in were exhibited in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland of China.

林汉坚(香港) 学术观察

林汉坚,现Alternative Space MOST环境艺术馆策展人。生活于香港、跨界活跃于珠三角,在香港、伦敦及剑桥修读艺术及建筑理论及历史,资深文化评论人及理论家,也是博物馆规划馆长和独立策展人。现为法定机构香港艺术发展局审批员、香港文化艺术界庆祝中华人民共和国成立国庆筹备委员会主席团成员、筹委会委员、香港水墨回归筹委会主席、西安国家大剧院公共艺术顾问及珠海浸会大学、北京师范大学联合书院艺术史课程客席讲师。

Lin Hanjian, curator of Alternative Space MOST Environmental Art Museum. Living in Hong Kong, cross-border active in the Pearl River Delta, studying art and architecture theory and history in Hong Kong, London and Cambridge, senior cultural critics and theorists, as well as Museum Planning curator and independent curator. He is currently an examiner and approver of the Hong Kong Art Development Council, a member of the Bureau of the Preparatory Committee for the celebration of the founding of the National Day of the People's Republic of China, a member of the Preparatory Committee, a chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Return of Ink and Wash in Hong Kong, a public art Consultant of the Xi'an National Theatre, a Baptist University of Zhuhai and a joint Acade Visiting lecturer in history course.





Born in 1990 in Ganyu, Jiangsu Province, and now living in Nanjing

Graduate Student of Animation in Nanjing Art College

The works involve experimental animation images, behaviors, devices, paintings, etc.



Bai,He was born in Dali ,yunnan province in 1992 and graduated from the fine arts college of yunnan art college in 2016.Now he lives in Kunming,and works in painting and behavior.


毕业于丹麦International Youth leader Education 、中国人民大学教育学硕士 、云南艺术学院学士 。昆明市青联委员 。天使宝贝美育教室创始人。艺术课程《肢体游戏》研发者 . 曾主演舞剧《云南映象》 、《香格里拉记忆》、《水舞源》、现代舞剧《戏床》 、 《Lost》等. 独立现代舞剧作品《梦里花落》《你藏了什么》.研习《运动损伤学》、《人体解剖学》、《心疗》等课程。参与国际NGO组织合作探讨及实践难民及人权方面的教育和艺术的相关问题。目前致力于发展个人作品及现代舞推广和儿童艺术启蒙。

Graduated from Danish International Youth Leader Education, Master of Education, Renmin University of China, Bachelor of Arts, Yunnan Academy of Arts. Member of Kunming Youth Federation. The founder of Angel Baby Aesthetic Education Classroom. Developer of Art Course "Body Game". He has starred in dance drama "Yunnan Image", "Shangri-La Memory", "Water Dance Source", "Modern Dance Play", "Lost". Independent modern dance drama works "Flowers in Dream", "What You Hide". Studying "Sports Injury", "Anatomy of Human Body" and "Heart Therapy". Participate in international NGO cooperation to explore and practice issues related to education and art of refugees and human rights. At present, we are committed to the development of personal works, promotion of modern dance and Enlightenment of children's art.



Han nationality, born in Yongzhou, Hunan Province in 1997, graduated from Changsha Normal University in 2018 with an undergraduate degree in fine arts. Now the graduate student majors in oil painting, Yunnan University. He is engaged in installation, concept, behavior and painting.

Pedro Magalhães(葡萄牙)


Covering news, fashion, sports, politics and social issues for a number of publications and agencies both in Portugal and internationally, including A Bola, Expresso, Visão, Paris Match, Figaro, New York Times, Time magazine, Holla, ABC and The Guardian. Stinger for Agence Gamma Press, France and Queen International, Spain. Achieving award winning performances as recognized by editors and peers in the Fujifilm Euro Press Photo Awards 2002, at the Action Images Category (Sports), FIFA Korea/Japan World Cup.



Wu Desheng, a native of Lingling, Yongzhou, Hunan Province, graduated from the Department of Oil Painting, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor's degree. He is engaged in easel painting and behavioral art. He is now working and living in Shenzhen.



Liu Xianglin,Independent artist.Born in Hunan, China, 1983,Now working and living in Shenzhen, China.Mainly engaged in performance art live creation, performance theatre, independent art projects and Exhibition planning, etc.Participated in many important art festivals and biennials at home and abroad.The works were published in Today Art Museum《2015 China Performance Art Yearbook》.He won the second Youth Award of Circle Art - Shenzhen Emerging Artists Award.



8月23日 14:00-22:00 SNARTE SPACE


8月24日 14:00 欧罗巴广场(开幕)

8月25日 14:00 风筝广场


10月27日—11月10日 791美术馆




执行单位:SNARTE SPACE諝空间、791美术馆



学术观察:林汉坚(香港)、 罗菲、 陈彦河


展览助理: 曾婕、陈霞、吴俊杰、刘可静

艺术家:许福辰、刘傲、杨辉、唐维晨 、刘香林、吴德生、杨铁男、胡毅、胡杰彬、吴观真、夏学兵、张明远、曹祥杰、钟声、陈伟长、金晖、胡伟、王俊、林文洁、林栋、吁彦群 、邹婉丽、潘星磊(香港)、瓦旦乌玛(台湾)、Ben Puah(新加坡)、Ei Khant Mon(缅甸)、Emmanuel L. Villariba(菲律宾)、Daisuke Takeya(日本)、Efat Razowana Reya(孟加拉国)、Chomphunut Phuttha(泰国)、Yeon Jeong(韩国)、Brandon collins-green(加拿大)、Pedro Magalhães (葡萄牙)
