
近日,美国和中国的媒体竞相报道由Beyond Meat与 KFC合作的由植物提取制作的素鸡块和无骨鸡翅 – “Beyond Fried Chicken”的新闻消息,持续登陆热搜榜单并引起了各类社会和行业讨论,由于相关报道实在很多,小队长在此就不再陈述了哈,欢迎大家自行百度搜索 ~

Recently, there has been an overwhelming amount of media coverage regarding the new Beyond Meat x KFC "Beyond Fried Chicken” plant-based chicken product. Due to the high number of such reports, we will not be posting any related articles here. Please feel free to search on Baidu News! ~

今年5月份前来参加 VeggieWorld Hangzhou 的伙伴们,对于曾获得过比尔盖茨、小李子兄(不知道是谁的请自行百度

)、Tyson Foods、高盛集团、摩根大通青睐和投资的Beyond Meat已经不陌生了,并且现场品尝到了传说中植物肉汉堡的美味,相信大家一定回味无穷吧!!

In May 2019, our friends who visited VeggieWorld Hangzhou were no strangers to Beyond Meat, the plant-based company favored (and invested in) by Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tyson Foods, Goldman Sachs Group and J.P. Morgan. During VeggieWorld Hangzhou, we had the opportunity to taste all sorts of plant-based meats and burgers – and everyone remembers how delicious they were, right?!


But ! The problem remains: where we can find these delicious products in China?

莫着急! Fear not!

今天,小队长隆重宣布,VeggieWorld 好朋友Green Monday,继续带领 Beyond Meat、以及更多新产品,如Califia Farms、Green Common旗下的OmniPork等产品亮相Future Food Forum 2019 & VeggieWorld Beijing ,北方的朋友们,你们的福利来啦!

Today, Captain VW is excited to announce that Green Monday, a good friend of VeggieWorld, will once again bring Beyond Meat, new plant-based pork OmniPork新猪肉, plant-based milk Califia Farms, and many more new brands & products to Future Food Forum 2019 & VeggieWorld Beijing. Hey friends in the North, the plant-based movement has arrived!

关于VeggieWorld好朋友Green Monday,可能有伙伴们不太了解,小队长在此向大家简单介绍下咯:

In case you’re not familiar with VeggieWorld’s good friend, Green Monday, here is a brief introduction:

Green Monday (绿色星期一) 是一个因应气候变迁和全球粮食危机而生的多管齐下的社会企业,以多元化创新的社会企业模式来推动环保和素食,目的是为了延缓地球暖化和粮食危机。

Green Monday is a multi-faceted social enterprise that aims to address climate change and the global food crisis. Using a diverse and innovative social enterprise model, Green Monday promotes a healthier, more sustainable plant-based lifestyle to tackle the issues of climate change, food insecurity, public health, and animal welfare.

旗下的 Green Common 是世界首家一站式集合超市、餐厅、厨艺教室的绿色素食生活馆,并将「食物2.0」概念带到香港、澳门、新加坡和台湾。同时,Green Common是该领域内许多全球领先品牌(Beyond Meat,Daiya等)的合作伙伴和分销商,引入以物为本的食材,并积极与横跨亚洲、美洲和欧洲的餐厅、企业和学校合作,推广以及实践低碳和蔬食(plant-based diet)为主的饮食和绿色生活方式。

Green Common is the world's first one-stop green lifestyle brand that combines supermarkets, restaurants and cooking classes, bringing the concept of “Food 2.0” to Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand. At the same time, Green Common is a partner and distributor of many of the world's leading brands in the field (Beyond Meat, Daiya, Califia Farms, etc.) and actively works with restaurants, corporations and schools across Asia, the Americas and Europe to promote a greener, more sustainable plant-based lifestyle.

Green Monday 创办人杨大伟先生多次应邀为多家世界五百强企业和一级学府作心灵和环保演讲,获国际青年商会选为2015年度香港十大杰出青年、《Fast Company》的「中国商业最具创意人物100」等。

Mr. David Yeung, founder of Green Monday, has been invited to give lectures on spirituality and sustainability to many Fortune 500 enterprises and top-tier universities. David was selected by Junior Chamber International as one of the Top 10 Outstanding Young People in Hong Kong in 2015 and Fast Company named him one of the “100 Most Creative Business People in China."


加入 Future Food Forum & VeggieWorld Beijing -- 植物基产品及行业的年终盛典吧!

Well, friends – want see and try some of the world’s most famous plant-based meats for yourself? Want to learn more about plant-based products? Want to take part in the Future Food Forum?Want to make more friends with common interests?

Join us at Future Food Forum & VeggieWorld Beijing -- The Plant-Based Festival of the Year!


为答谢一直关注和支持VeggieWorld的伙伴们,9月2日,VeggieWorld Beijing 早早鸟票即将上线,


Advance Notice !!!

Thanks to our firends who have been following and supporting VeggieWorld China since the beginning,

the early early bird tickets of VeggieWorld Beijing will go live on on September 2nd.

Don't miss this incredible deal !!


11月8-10日 (周五至周六)


VeggieWorld China 合作媒体






