ChainW 榜单|6月9日全球区块链资讯Top10


Xinhua reported that Professor Song Hua, the vice president of the School of Business of Renmin University of China, pointed out the problems in the development of supply chain finance. "Many things in the current supply chain finance are too speculative. Supply chain finance is not a matter of issuing any currency or votes." It is also not a new P2P, he believes, to supervise digital information governance in the industrial ecosystem, not to flood various "currencies" and "votes," and to use blockchains to monitor the flow of business receivables and payables.".This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."

近日,湖南省发布《湖南省打击和处置非法集资工作领导小组关于做好涉嫌非法集资风险排查有关工作的通知》,《通知》指出,湖南将在6月初至7月底,用2个月时间在全省范围内部署集中开展涉嫌非法集资风险专项排查活动。 其中,重点排查财富管理公司、网贷平台、虚拟货币交易平台与代币发行融资(ICO)与私募股权、电子商务等领域。

Recently, Hunan Province issued the "Leading Group of Hunan Province to Combat and Dispose of Illegal Fundraising Tasks on Doing Well the Related Work on Suspected Illegal Fund Raising and Risk Checking." The "Notice" pointed out that Hunan will use two months from the beginning of June to the end of July. Deployed within the province to focus on launching special investigations on suspected illegal fund-raising risks. Among them, we focus on the investigation of wealth management companies, online loan platforms, virtual currency trading platforms, and token issuing financing (ICO), private equity, and e-commerce..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."

近日,在2018“中信云 科技范儿”系列沙龙活动上,中信集团互联网+转型工作小组高级经理傅聪表示,在技术架构上,中信现在应用三个主要的技术:区块链、大数据、云平台。利用区块链技术,把各种标签集中在中信联盟平台上,生成跨机构、多维度、专业化的中信联盟标签体系,这也就是精准的用户画像。

In recent days, at the 2018 “CITIC Cloud Technology Fan” series of salon events, Fu Cong, a senior manager of the CITIC Group Internet + Transformation Working Group, stated that in terms of technology architecture, CITIC now applies three major technologies: blockchain, big data, cloud platform. Using blockchain technology, various tags are placed on the CITIC Alliance platform to create an inter-institutional, multi-dimensional, and professional CITIC Union labeling system, which is precisely a portrait of a user..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."


Recently, the Polish financial regulator issued an official statement on its website saying that the country’s financial regulator recently confirmed that cryptocurrency transactions are completely legal in the country. In recent actions, the KNF tried to clarify the status of cryptocurrency and encrypted transactions. The Polish financial authorities pointed out that the government's focus is to establish a regulatory framework for the market in order to prevent the market from sometimes cryptographic-related risks such as money laundering, tax evasion and terrorist financing. The committee mentioned that it is planning to introduce a regulatory system for Bitcoin (BTC) and other tokens, which will be officially launched on July 13, 2018..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."


According to cryptodaily, American Express is currently using Ripple's xCurrent to process some payments, and now hopes to expand this business and develop new fraud prevention services on the Ripple blockchain as part of its cross-border payment solution. This may mean that Ripple (XRP) will be added to the portfolio of fraud prevention solution AMEX..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."

据SECBIT实验室研究发现,至少2603份 ERC20 Token 合约没有遵守 EIP20 规范,涉及17种市值排名前100币种。以太坊智能合约编译器Solidity升级后,编译产生的合约代码将会无法兼容一些非标准的智能合约。这些非标准合约将会对 DAPP 的生态造成严重影响,这个问题可能造成如去中心化交易所无法正常交易或转账等严重问题。目前,该问题的解决方案已发布到以太坊社区。

According to an SECBIT laboratory study, at least 2603 ERC20 Token contracts did not comply with the EIP20 specification, involving the top 100 currencies with 17 market capitalizations. After the Ethereum smart contract compiler Solidity is upgraded, the compiled contract code will not be compatible with some non-standard smart contracts. These non-standard contracts will have a serious impact on the ecology of DAPP. This problem may cause serious problems such as decentralized exchanges that cannot be traded or transferred. Currently, the solution to this problem has been posted to the Ethereum community.

据扬子晚报消息,近日,在2018数字江苏峰会上,“数字经济之父”、《区块链革命》作者唐·塔普斯科特(Don Tapscott)接受采访时表示,区块链将成为未来十年最具影响力的黑科技。他认为,Uber和Airbnb不是真正的共享经济,区块链带来的才是共享经济。“假如房子存在于区块链的数据库里,租客可通过筛选找到合适的房间,区块链给双方签订一份智能合约完成交易。交易结束后入住者给房间打分,分数不可变更。这样房屋的拥有者和租房者都参加了一个区块链,拥有者分享房子给租房者,以此获利,而这种获利的取得没有所谓的公司在管理,这就叫共享经济。”

According to the Yangzi Evening News, recently in the 2018 Digital Jiangsu Summit, Don Tapscott, the father of the digital economy and the author of Blockchain Revolution, said in an interview that the blockchain will become the future. The most influential black technology in the decade. He believes that Uber and Airbnb are not truly sharing economies, and the blockchain brings about the sharing economy. “If the house exists in the blockchain database, the tenant can filter to find the right room and the blockchain can sign a smart contract for both parties to complete the transaction. After the transaction is completed, the occupant will score the room and the score cannot be changed. The owner and the renter all participate in a blockchain, and the owners share the house for the renter in order to make a profit. This kind of profit acquisition is not managed by the so-called company. This is called the sharing economy.".This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."


Chen Weixing publishes a circle of friends: “Usually, investors are required to be transparent, open, and accountable for the financial status and development and operation of the investee. In order to solve this problem, I hope to work with everyone to clarify the investment objectives of everyone: Opaque, irresponsible, excessively circling money, design distortions, but you are attacking me instead? Using the concept of false blockchain 'operating system', 'chain's dad', manipulated Dpos, centralized issues, fragile security, various self Why can't the media cry out to manipulate the market for questioning? Block.one has raised billions of dollars for the Chinese but has completely shed responsibility for the "protocol statement." Why can't we question? The first "Bitcoin's richest man" who called out for EOS. Still owes 30,000 Bitcoins to others Do you know that "pseudo-richest man" has sent dozens of projects and raised EOS into his own pockets, shouting up and cashing himself, have you managed it? Bitcoin scored in the Just-dice casino to launder or lose. Have you ever managed it? A cat who calls concept sales tokens on various social platforms knows BM's greed and shouts to the gods that you know Is it true that all public wealth should be supervised and used rationally? Shouldn’t that be everyone’s consensus!”.This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."


Yesterday, the WBF World Blockchain Conference officially opened at 3 o'clock in Singapore, and at the 3 o'clock community promoter Yu Hong attended the conference and delivered a speech. He said that there are tens of thousands of bifurcation groups from the beginning of the 500 crowd. It is the strength of the community. The community is the soul of the blockchain. Without the community, there is no blockchain. He further stated that the value of the blockchain is 100 times the value of the current PC Internet. The impact of this industry will be profound and long-lasting. The blockchain entrepreneurs must have the best early intentions and use the time of three to five years to do projects practically. Too concerned about the rise and fall of real-time currency prices, I believe that through five years of accumulation, we can get a lot of gains..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."


Baidu blockchain's original product "Cosmos" APP will be formally launched on June 13. "Decent Universe" is Baidu's first native product based entirely on the blockchain architecture. It will be targeted to invite some partners to do the planet's operation in the early stages. After the APP goes online, it will gradually open to the outside world. In terms of ecological layout, the "superlink" announced by the public recently is the underlying public chain of the Baidu blockchain. The positioning of "degree of the universe" is a killer Dapp built on top of the "superlink", adopting the Dpos consensus mechanism. , there will be exchanges of evidence for the use of internal transfer rights, the code will be open source soon for developers to access. In the future, Baidu will build more applications based on the “Super Chain” and through its respective certification rights and interests, complete the value transfer and interaction within the system and establish a truly digital society..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."